Paths, Poppies; Bees, Blooms

On the morning of this cool, sunny, day to the tune of gentle birdsong and busy bees, I carried out dead heading and light weeding; Martin continued his sterling work for the whole day.

Among several other tasks, including mowing the lawn, our friend

completed the weeding of the Phantom and Brick Paths.

The three cordyline Australis trees disperse their heady scent throughout the garden where the eucalyptus and the yellow bottle brush plants are also in bloom.

Bright red poppies, attracting bees,

and gentle yellow Californian varieties are at their peak;

bottle brushes also draw the honey gatherers.

Day lilies are putting in regular appearances.

Roses are represented by two different pale pink New Dawns, the white Madame Alfred Carrière draped across the entrance to the Rose Garden, and Peach Abundance.

Here are views of the Gazebo Path, from the Cryptomeria Bed and of the Rose Garden.

This evening we dined at Rokali’s where my main course was duck Ceylon, and Jackie’s chicken sag; we shared puris and sag rice; I drank Kingfisher and Jackie drank Diet Coke. All was perfectly cooked, and well presented with excellent, friendly service.

Antipodean Blooms

On another very hot day Jackie drove me to the dentist this morning for a satisfactory routine check up. She waited in the car park. I knew it would be a short session. She said she would expect me in half an hour. In the event I was seen early. The session lasted ten minutes. I returned to the car at precisely my appointment time. The car was empty. Jackie had nipped off to Tesco in New Milton. I stood in the sunshine for ten more minutes, until she returned thinking she was early.

I then walked around the garden with my camera.

The Félicité Perpétue rose that I featured recently was on the Back Drive. This one stretches along the front eastern fence over a budding hydrangea and a cluster of geraniums.

In the front garden this pot of diascia has survived the winter.

Flowers are now appearing on the fuchsia Delta’s Sarah to blend with the blue campanula and white Erigeron beneath;

This peony, the alliums, and the geranium Rozanne, are all of complimentary hues.

This later flowering rhododendron dances along the Cryptomeria Bed.

Today’s representative roses are golden yellow Absolutely Fabulous, white Jacqueline du Pré; mauve/pink Gertrude Jekyll; white Madame Alfred Carrière, light yellow Summer Time; and pale pink New Dawn.

All in bloom concurrently in this aerial shot are

the spiky cordyline Australis, the white flowers of our eucalyptus, the yellow bottle brush plant, and the pendulous red lamps of the Chilean Lantern tree.

Ubiquitous day lilies proliferate.

Early this evening we all met Danni, Elizabeth, Ella and Jack to enjoy Mr Pink’s fish and chips on the beach at Milford on Sea, and a very good time was had by all.