A Commercial Break

Last night Don and I listened to a CD he had brought me.  This is a recording made in a Suffolk pub of what probably constitutes several folk/jazz jam sessions.  The Green Dragon in Bungay is also one of Suffolk’s 50 plus microbreweries, that is, they brew their own beer out the back.  The proprietors played host to the musicians and now market the product.  Knowing he was dying of cancer, the lead singer, Ken Millie, got together this very professional group to produce an excellent recording.  Those of you who are partial to Jammy Dodgers (an English biscuit), might appreciate the wordplay in the name of the ensemble.  The instrumentalists are all superb, and Ken’s voice is strong and intriguing.  New and familiar numbers include Daddy Rollin Stone, Born on The Bayou, Take Me to The River, and even Get Off My Cloud.  There is nothing amateur about this production, and the accoustics belie its setting.  Everyone involved gave their services free, the proceeds all being dedicated to the Big C Charity.  Ken, sadly, did not live to see the result.  So, if you fancy a pint of real ale and a CD of brilliant music, and wish to support cancer sufferers and their families, get yourself to The Green Dragon in Bungay.

Coincidentally, David has asked me to publicise Le Code Bar’s reggae night on 18th. August.  This is all part of his successful efforts to breathe further life into Sigoules.  Further details are to follow.

I have previously mentioned that my next door neighbours, Charles (Garry) and Brigitte Farge are selling their house.  This is, in fact, two properties which have been skillfully combined.  There is a huge open fireplace on which logs are burned.  All is tastefully renovated.  A garden and garages are rare in this village.  The unified gardens of Nos. 8 and 10 rue Saint Jacques are the largest of all.  House and garden are both well maintained.  My picture shows only No. 10.  For 400,000 euros it’s yours.  And you could be my next door neighbours.

Before Don’s departure we lunched at Le Code Bar.  The set menu (13 euros) consisted of very tasty gaspaccio soup; large steak and masses of chips; and roublechon cheese with yet more fresh, crispy, bread from the local bakers; accompanied by Adnam’s Ghost beer.  We have no idea what the dessert would have been, because neither of us had room for it.  Lydie arrived to drive Don to Bergerac airport, soon after which I went into my mad Englishman routine.  This involved walking out on the Cuneges road; turning left at Le Blazy; going uphill to the Thenac road; left, and left again back to Sigoules.  All in scorching heat.  Boy, was I relieved to fall into the cool of No. 6.

Speaking of relief, those of you who have followed the washing machine saga will experience that feeling to know that both the dish and the clothes washers are now functioning perfectly.  I also appear to have washed one of Kim’s socks (see the underpants in 31st. July post).


  1. Lovely week, enjoyed every minute, thanks Derrick. Daughter Sue loves your blogs – thinks you should be called ‘the raconteur’!

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