Possibly because there was no sunshine until late afternoon, yesterday’s progress against the virus slowed up a bit today. The sluggish, heady, start didn’t really improve as it had then. We settled for an amble round the garden looking at snowdrops, camellias, hellebores, and new shoots on numerous other plants such as clematises.
This afternoon, after a doze, I scanned another sixteen colour negatives of Agfa film from December 1982. A Christmas tree and the ages of the children helped to date these, which was quite useful.
Four generations of the family enjoyed one of my mother’s plentiful teas in my parents’ home in Morden. For as long as they stayed in London one of Mum’s Sunday lunches, with high tea to follow later could always be obtained at Rougemont Avenue. Maybe that’s why they retired to Horndean, and we had to be determined to turn up there on spec from our various London homes. By December 1982 we all had partners, although not all children, all of whom were equally welcome. I was there with Jessica, Sam, and Louisa; Elizabeth brought Rob and Adam; and Joe was accompanied by his current girlfriend.
Mum and Dad stand by their festive tree.
Here, my son Sam poses with my maternal Grandmother in the same spot.My nephew Adam surveys the assembled company from the comfort of his Dad Rob’s lap.
Sam does the same from the sofa.
Back home in Gracedale Road Louisa had turned her bib into cardboard in the usual toddler manner, by coating it liberally with the soggy contents of her breakfast bowl.
She changed into a lovely dress for the tea party where she had a great time introducing her biscuit to the carpet.
A couple of days ago, my five year old brother Joseph was featured playing Pick up Sticks with Jackie. Sixteen years on, he was a young adult. With his full beard he would not look out of place on a modern rugby field.
This evening Jackie and I dined on pizza and salad. Neither of us desired a liquid accompaniment.
Your virus seems pretty determined to hang in there Derrick. Hope you are back on form soon!
Thank you Pauline
You look like your dad. Oh and I love my afternoon naps.
Thanks a lot, Jim. I do
My bad. That comment was meant Christmas in Mortan.
Thanks, Jim. I had forgotten I’d posted that earlier Christmas.
I live on the east coast of USA forty miles south of DC. In case you were wondering.
I was. Thanks 🙂