Spring According To Susan Hill

This morning I ambled gingerly down to the Shorefield post box and back. My right knee remains sharply painful. Perhaps I am stuck with it. Daffodil, snowdrops, cyclamen, hellebores, pulmonaria A few sturdy daffodils, such as this one alongside snowdrops, cyclamen, hellebores, and pulmonaria in the shady bed, swayed bravely in the strong breeze blowing through our garden.Camellias 1Camellias 2 Our several varieties of camellia shrubs are now quite full of blooms. PrimulasCelandineLichenGorse Primulas and celandines adorned the hedgerows on Downton Lane. Stick-insect-like Lichen clinging to budding branches, and golden gorse glowed above them. Susan Hill’s ‘yellow season’ is arriving.

At the other end of the day heavy rainclouds over the garden were given a peachy tinge by the setting sun. I was showered by peach juice whilst shooting the scene.

Sunset 1Sunset 2Sunset 3Sunset 4

I am becoming addicted to antiques programmes on daytime TV. Is this the thin end of the wedge?

This evening’s dinner was Jackie’s flavoursome cottage pie with crisp cabbage and carrots, followed by custard tart. She drank Hoegaarden and I imbibed Chateau Clos Renon Bordeaux superieur 2012.


  1. ‘showered with peach juice’ sounds quite racy and risque Derrick – better than getting rained on any day! Do hope the knee can improve – have you thought to try some gentle stretching exercises? 🙂

  2. Re “antiques”: sounds like the wedge has in fact separated! The thin end is just a memory. Or is it? Welcome to the Dark Side…:-)

  3. Lovely Spring flowers and beautiful sunset images with the light through the rain cloud. It really is the beginning of the ‘yellow season’ – I often think that in Spring. I hope your knee soon relents, Derrick.

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