Then There Was One

I don’t always remember to take my painkillers. All they do anyway is reduce the acute pain in my knee. It doesn’t take long, however for me to realise my omission. So it was this afternoon when Jackie drove us to New Milton to catch up on some banking. On the way back we stopped off at Redcliffe Nurseries to buy a hoe and various other items. I very soon had to give up and return to the car, leaving the head gardener loose in the store. Afterwards she dropped me off at home to take my pills and continued alone to raid Otter Nurseries.

Garden 1Garden 2JPG

We are in for a spell of dull weather, which began today. It failed to dim the colours of the garden, especially as the red and yellow Japanese maples are now in leaf. Against a post on the far left of the broader picture the splash of orange is our first poppy. Very soon, in different sizes, and of varying hues, the plot will be peppered with them until late in the autumn. These pictures will repay maximum enlargement. Fennel, tulips, daffodils, and pansies are among the plants on display.

On 22nd February, an ailing baby bird we had thought to be a pigeon, perished after a frosty night. We then realised that a pair of young collared doves, seeming to be searching where the chick had succumbed, were probably its parents. They have seldom since been seen apart. FeathersOvernight a predator has struck, leaving the feathers of one of these birds beneath our largest bay tree. Now its mate waits its turn beneath the bird feeder alone. Nature can sometimes be so cruel.

Yesterday’s nicely matured chilli con carne and savoury rice with a side of haloumi, followed by syrup sponge pudding and custard provided our evening sustenance. Jackie drank sparkling water whilst I quaffed a little more of the chianti.


  1. Not remembering to take pills can be a pain 🙂

    That final photo is a cruel reminder that nature isn’t always beautiful and that wild creatures kill to survive. Humans kill for fun – or vengeance – though so I know which I’d prefer to see!

  2. Looks like you have a hawk. They don’t leave much except feathers. Sometimes I think garden colors are more intense in cloudy weather. In any event, remember your meds…

  3. Your garden looks so natural though I’m sure you’ve put a lot of thought in the design. That’s a heart wrenching end for the surviving mate to witness, especially after the recent loss of its young. We are all at the mercy of nature.

    1. Thank you Mary. Actually the design was all there when we arrived last year – just completely overgrown. Our time has been spent bringing it all to light.

  4. Sniff… You had to make me feel sad for the birds. Now my morning coffee has tears in it! I’m the woman who can’t watch ‘Bambi’ without a handkerchief.

    I would love to turn Jackie loose on my property. I am so envious of your beautiful garden!

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