A Virus

I am ailing. I am sneezing, I am coughing. I ache. I shiver.

This morning, I dozed over my laptop. Back in bed this afternoon, I vainly attempted to still the words wandering at will across the pages of Rumer Godden’s  (Mr WordPress, Ms Godden may be regarded as a goddess by some, but that is not what I wrote.) ‘China Court’.

Brick path paving

At noon I walked out to admire Aaron’s work on refurbishing the Brick Path. He has nearly completed the task.

Hoverfly on clematis Natacha

After this I photographed a hoverfly on a clematis Natacha in the New Bed,

rose Gloriana

a rose Gloriana, now in bloom,

rose Just Joey

and Just Joey, now fully opened.


Finally, I imagined I saw an owl in the dead maple. Perhaps I was hallucinating.

This evening Jackie produced delicious pork chops cooked with mustard and almonds; mashed potato; and crisp carrots, green beans and cabbage. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but could only eat a small portion. Cherry crumble and custard was to follow.


  1. Your auto-correct thought it could take advantage of you in your ailing condition and turn Godden into goddess….hah! it doesn’t know you: you may be down, but you’re not out! All best wishes for a speedy recovery, Derrick.

  2. So sorry you’re under the weather. sometimes it is best just to sleep it off, which most of us find hard to do. I hope your hallucination has not flown in the morning, as it is charming.

  3. Brick path, Hoverfly, Gloriana, Just Joey and a cowardly looking Owl. I think I’ve read this tale somewhere before.

    Hulucination indeed! Exactly what meds are you taking? Lots of rest and plenty of liquids. See you in the morn Dorothy, er I mean Derrick.

  4. Feeling rotten in decent weather is always more depressing than feeling rotten when the weather is beastly. Rest, stay warm, and get back to health quickly, my friend.

  5. I do hope you are feeling better soon. I always hate feeling under the weather during summer. The roses are looking wonderful (how do you keep them black spot free?) and the new path is really lovely!

  6. Hope you feel better soon! Not fair to be sick in the summer. And, yes, Rumer Godden is most definitely a goddess.

  7. Hope you feel better soon Derrick, amazing that you were able to wander the garden and still delight us with your famous rose/flower photographs.

  8. Hope you’re feeling better. I loved the pictures of your roses and clematis but it was cruel to mention my favourite cherry crumble and custard – you’ve got my mouth watering!

  9. In your blog post after this one, I read that you’re feeling better. Thank goodness. Stay well.
    The owl… beautiful hallucination! 🙂

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