Before And After: The Dead End Path

Becky’s August Birthday meal was twice postponed through illness, as was Ian’s earlier in October. Everyone was fit for Ian’s daughter Heather’s recent one. That is why we drove to Emsworth last night. As far as Becky was concerned, she was just going to Nicolino’s Italian restaurant across the road from their flat with Heather and her husband, Chris. She was open-mouthed when the other four arrived in the restaurant to see Jackie and me sitting there. We enjoyed a very pleasant evening with excellent food and service. My choice was minestrone soup followed by spaghetti Al Pescatore. I had no room for dessert. Valpolicella was my beverage.


Quay Street 25.7.15Stump 4Jackie 7.67 002 - Version 2Today was a very wet one. I began by making my final selection of three prints for The First Gallery Christmas exhibition. We need to take them to Paul for framing, and will do that in the next day or two to meet the submissions deadline.


These images have all appeared in previous posts. I have chosen them for variety. The first is of Quay Street, Lymington, this July. The walkers are Danni and Andy. The next, a stump, was from our garden on 24th January this year. Finally, we have a portrait of Jackie in July 1967, heavily cropped and converted to black and white

I continued with the production of the next sequence for the garden progress album. This is The Dead End Path.

Garden 7.5.14


This shot of the garden on 7th May 2014, shows why the path has its name. Behind the blue painted Butler sink is a low wall separating the path from the patio. In the bottom left hand corner, incidentally can be seen the start of a collection of rubbish from inside the house. This was destined for the dump.

Sinks in path

The above-mentioned sink had two companions on the path leading from the brick path behind it. We moved them on 17th May. I had to empty them before being able to move them at all. A couple of thyme plants therein now thrive on the patio.

Path to sinks

I managed to shift them as far as the low wall, but definitely needed the assistance of Jackie and a lever to lift them onto the wall.

Boundary and sinks

What on earth do you do with two hefty lumps of white stoneware covered in peeling blue paint? Disguise seemed the only option.


By 16th June, all three of the sinks were suitably clad, at least on the patio side. It is the Gazebo Path that trails away on the left hand side of the photograph.

View along dead end path

The new planting was established by 18th September 2015, but the Dead End Path side still exposes its peeling paint. The Compassion rose to the left has benefited from clearing out the undergrowth which had choked it.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s superb sausage casserole, mashed potato and swede, piquant cauliflower cheese, and boiled carrots, cabbage, and mange touts. She drank sparkling water, and i quaffed Castilo San Lorenzo rioja reserva 2010.


  1. What are swede and mange touts? I eat tamely, pedestrian fare that is blander…Love the photo shot from higher up of the Gazebo Path and sinks. I’m not so sure peeling blue pain is a detriment; I like how it looks among the greenery and flowers.But it is your garden!

    1. Thanks, Cynthia. Swede is a root vegetable yellow/orange in colour. Mange touts (from French for eat everything) are young peas in the pod. You eat them pod and all.

  2. The first of your photos for the exhibition hints at a Monet street scene …. I really like it! [The others are good to – that one just takes my imagination] Before and afters are intriguing – i love the peeled blue paint on those butlers sinks!

  3. I (really) love the photos you selected … Especially the portrait, rendered into the most intriguing abstraction. Bravo.
    And also, that birthday dinner sounds just perfect. 🙂 I need a good night at a cozy little Italian place myself. 🙂

  4. Good luck with the exhibit. My admiration for you two continues to grow by leaps and very big bounds.

  5. Now that is what I call a garden, character around every turn, everything having a place and blending in haphazardly, you have got it great. That’s the sort of garden that really creates itself.
    One of the luxuries I miss, due to unfortunately, now having to rent with restraint.

      1. I understand, times change and now I have a rented property that is already landscaped for ease of maintenance, miss my old gardens and chooks and vegies.

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