Cherry Blossom

Cherry blossom

Today, perhaps thinking cherry blossom had no business blooming in our front garden just six weeks before Christmas, 54 m.p.h. winds strove unsuccessfully to rip the flowers from their ultra-flexible branches.

Perhaps it was therefore serendipitous that, among the unsorted negatives from 1983 that I identified and scanned this afternoon, I should have found more of those featured in ‘A Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On’.

Hannah, Ben and Sam 5.83 3Hannah, Ben and Sam 4

Hannah, Ben, and Sam frolic here in May 1983.

I also discovered more of the holiday, later in the year Jessica, Sam, Louisa, Matthew, Becky and I enjoyed in North Wales.

Matthew and Sam 1983 2

Matthew and Sam 1983

A couple more of Sam planted on a cow by Matthew, are now included.

Here are some portraits of Jessica:

Jessica 1983 2Jessica 1983 3Jessica 1983 4Jessica 1983 5Derrick 1983 1

and one of me taken by her.

Smugglers Inn meals

This evening we dined at The Smugglers Inn in Milford on Sea. Jackie chose chicken supreme and Peroni beer; I enjoyed Cajun pork and Doom Bar. We had eaten a good quantity of our meals before I thought to photograph them, but you get the picture.


  1. Of course we love photographs of food!
    Love the cherry blossom, now or then. Yes, the wind certainly hasten bloom.
    The last two photos of you and Jessica each looking into each other’s eyes –what can I say?

  2. What heavenly photos … Those shaken cherry blossoms … Those stunning portraits … And your younger self, looking quite dapper. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  3. Is it just me or can anyone else detect a touch of the Errol Flynns in the young Derrick pictured here? As fro the timing of food photography – that’s why I’m not a food blogger – only so many dirty plates you can get in a blog before people lose interest!

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