The Wedding Factory

The Brick Path

Although the temperature has, consequently, dropped a few degrees we are in the midst of a few days of cloudless blue skies, even at midday sending long shadows across the garden, for example the brick path, sporting a fresh set of weeds.






and pansies do not flinch at the lower temperature.

This afternoon Jackie and I drove to The Firs in West End to join Danni, Andy, and Elizabeth in making adornments for the young people’s wedding in May.

Danni 2Hessian strips

160 strips of hessian have to be cut, sealed, and prepared for tying.

Jackie 1

Hands and ribbonsCutlery pack makingCutlery packs

Jackie’s task was to cut ribbons and wrap them around serviettes containing cutlery.

ElizabethDanni and AndyDerrick and Jackie 1

The rest of us prepared the fabric strips.

Danni's hands

Danni had an aide-memoire of the room size on the back of her hand;

Elizabeth's hands

Elizabeth demonstrated a certain amount of gentility with her little finger;

Jackie's hands

Jackie’s digits gave out a somewhat different message.

Brushes etc

When we ran out of ribbon, Jackie and I went off to Hobbycraft to buy some more. As we disembarked back at The Firs, I asked my lady if she had the purchase. She replied that I had it……………….

We did an about turn and returned to the store where I recovered our little bag of goodies from the counter.

After this we all dined at Eastern Nights in Thornhill where we had a thoroughly enjoyable evening.


  1. So pretty; the flowers!! I don’t know why, but I find myself always reminiscing of my childhood whenever I gaze at your photos Derrick. The captions help too. Thank you for always redeeming them :)))

  2. I love weddings and have been blessed with being able to help my son over 7 years ago have a pretty outdoor wedding along a stream. His 2 stepchildren were only 2 1/2 and 4, the first Landen was the ring bearer, who ran down the hill past party goers laughing and hoping thread would keep ring held onto pillow. The flower girl, mature at 4, walked nicely towards the flowered arch dropping petals from flowers upon the leaves that had fallen early in September.
    Congratulations to the upcoming wedding couple and thank you for sharing your preparations, Derrick.

      1. Giant bows yes, for the chairs at the reception, each chair is to be covered with a white fabric cover and the bows will be tied to show at the back. They are having a ‘Rustic’ and ecology friendly themed wedding. Many of their friends have spent the summer drying rose petals to be used as confetti on the day, a lovely idea I think.

  3. So beautiful to have such love and spirit of sharing to gift to a couple at the onset of their official life together. I really love how you share with others these rare and privileged moments with such beautiful pictures. Even those of still life are so carefully taken, one enjoys them immensely as they speak volumes of finesse and art. You’re very generous with your life, thank you.

  4. For this Mainer, those flowers in winter are nothing short of amazing. And what a lovely post of the family working together toward the wedding. Made me smile.

  5. This is a really nice, post, Derrick. To see your family working together, and to see you! I’m so used to you being on the other side of the camera. It is exciting to imagine how all these decorations will come together.

  6. Your garden and flowers are beautiful. The wedding preparations assembly line is quite remarkable! I’m sure the wedding will be lovely.
    I love weddings, but thankfully did not have to prepare crafts for either of our daughters’ recent weddings. I did do some baking though. 🙂

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