Pictures For An Exhibition

Today we toted five more canvas bags of tree cuttings to Efford Recycling Centre.

Jackie tipping cuttings

The Head Gardener was prevailed upon to bear the strain of this one as we tipped the contents into the vast container, thus allowing The Photographer to carry out his primary role.

This time we returned with a stout wooden table suitable for the garden. I understand it was there yesterday, but it was asking too much for Jackie to pass it up two days running.

Samsung phoneAfter our last trip this afternoon, I attempted to make a phone call. My mobile seemed to be dead. Eventually I managed to get something onto the screen, but it was scribble. An urgent trip to Lymington’s Carphone Warehouse was in order. Two very helpful young men were staffing the shop. The immediate diagnosis was that the screen was cracked. This meant the phone could not relay information from the works. We decided upon a new instrument which would require a new contract. All went swimmingly until I was asked for my bank account number. I didn’t have it. Jackie, who had taken refuge in Costa’s for coffee and cake, had to down both in a hurry and get me home and back in the 25 minutes available before the shop closed. She made the twelve mile round trip in 20 minutes. I took out my new contract and received  replacement phone.

All my contacts are lost, and I must ring O2 tomorrow to have my number transferred to the new SIM card. As its seems likely that I cracked the phone in my pocket whilst humping the bags of cuttings, Jackie brightly asked me exactly how much her dump table had cost. I’m a little calmer now than I was then.

I received a rather good surprise from The First Gallery this morning. The April exhibition, for which I had submitted the albums on the making of the garden, thinking that they would be supplementary to the main performance, is now to be focussed on our garden with painters and sculptors providing additional material. Between trips to the dump and the later thrills, I trawled my collection to gather together more photographs for prints of varying sizes. Here are a few:

View from kitchen garden

View from the kitchen garden as it was on 26th July 2014;

virginia creeper, calibrachoa, and fuchsia 2 30.9.15

Virginia creeper, calibrachoa and fuchsia 30th September 2015;



Mum (Jackie and Elizabeth hidden) - Version 2

Mum negotiating Phantom Path 6th July 2014;

Butterfly Small White on verbena bonarensis 29.9.15

Small White butterfly on verbena bonarensis 29th September 2015;

Chair and bed head

and chair and bedhead on Weeping Birch Bed 12th March 2015.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s superb sausage casserole, mashed potato, and crisp cauliflower, carrots, and broccoli. Se drank sparkling water and I drank Via di Cavallo chianti 2014.


  1. A cautionary tale; I work in the garden with the phone in my pocket too. Besides being the camera, it also plays classical music 🙂 Can’t wait to see pictures of the exhibition; congratulations.

  2. It’s lovely to see your garden pictures again and well done re the exhibition. Can we have a post on Jackie’s reclaimed items please? I was chuffed this week when I spotted a wicker chair for a tenner which I promptly brought home. Hubs not impressed. I’ll make sure he never sits in it 😀

  3. The pictures of your garden should be in one of those fancy-dancy flower garden magazines. Have you ever submitted your photos to a magazine or won an award or anything like that?

  4. Quite a day you both had! But really pulled me in were those photos of the garden along with your excellent new of the exhibition. Wish I could trot over to see it when it opens. (A tangent: my brother and sister-in-law are semi-pro photographers–exhibit and sell their work. They travel constantly on photographic forays and also take workshops on tours with National Geographic photographers. Currently in S. America and beyond. I enjoy their travels vicariously when they share photos!)

  5. What a beautiful garden! congratulations on your exhibition! Expensive table indeed for Jackie- not to mention the loss of pleasure of enjoying coffee and cake at a leisurely pace! Just as well she has a nice garden to sit and relax in (when not working hard in it).

  6. The pictures are absolutely amazing. Congratulations on the exhibition. I am not surprised they liked your garden because I personally find it gorgeous!

  7. Wow, wow, and wow! How wonderful your pictures will be the center of the exhibition. Do keep us posted.

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