Prints For The Exhibition

Whilst Jackie has started on her antibiotics, the virus has come back and bitten me again. I was therefore not up to much today apart from watching the Six Nations rugby matches between Ireland and Italy, and between England and Wales. It was no reflection on the first game that I dozed through much of it.

I also printed up more photographs for the forthcoming exhibition.

Raindrops on rose peach

Some involved raindrops on roses and

Raindrops on leaves of rose Deep Secret

on their leaves,

Raindrops on sweet pea

or on sweet peas.

Bee on cosmos

This bee had a cosmos all to itself;

Bee and ?spider on Cosmos

this one had to share another with a baby spider.

Chair and bed head

This is an early shot of the Weeping Birch Bed.

ViburnumHere is a viburnum from 30th March 2015,

Dove and suet balls

and a dove enjoying suet balls the next day.

Robin in shrubbery

This robin appeared to be attempting camouflage.

Japanese anemone

These Japanese anemones were pictured on 9th August 2014,


and these alliums on 12th March 2015.

Hordle Chinese Take Away provided our evening meal with which we eschewed alcohol.


  1. Are you going to name your photos? If so, I’d like to suggest “Bumble” for the first bee shot, and “Bumble and Charlotte” for the baby spider. πŸ™‚

  2. You two just can’t seem to shake that bug, can you? Rest and take care so no more relapses will sneak up on you! All your friends will be here waiting for you, should you miss a day posting!

  3. Thanks for the flowers. I’m glad you have these images to keep you company while you are getting well. No more galavanting please.

  4. I scrolled all the way through looking for whiskers on kittens and almost forgot about them so distracted was I by the birds and the bees. I can’t wait until the exhibition. Will there be an opening with wine and cheese? I hope you and Jackie get over this virus so you can enjoy the accolades. Take care.

      1. Is this a song-reference? “My Favourite Things”, perhaps? I doubt it slipped past the Dark Knight unconsciously.

  5. I’m sorry to hear you’re not feel well, Derrick. At least you have some sports to keep you entertained.
    All of your photographs are so beautiful…the first one…WOW! Feel better!

  6. Some great images here, again, Derrick: we’re hardly going to need the exhibition πŸ™‚ Half the world will have seen it on here (though they’d surprise us, not least you, I guess) if they all turn up in person! Sounds like at least one might be tempted by the prospect of wine and cheese πŸ™‚

  7. That shot of the white cosmos and the bumble bee is incredible! Sorry you are sick again. Hope you and Jackie both feel better soon. Spring is to precious…

      1. I can feel her pain! I haven’t been able to get out there much either. Not because of illness, but because of too many other commitments. Finally caught up yesterday – from now on, I’ll be able to be out there more. Yeay!

  8. Derrick, you probably aren’t having a relapse, but an infection on top of the virus–you may need the antibiotics as well! That said, you know I love your endearing little bees. As Cynthia says, they look cuddly, when in fact they are busy. I hope you feel better soon!

  9. Drink! I have decided that you and Jackie will recover with… drink. If that doesn’t work, I shall … um… try it myself… Get REALLY well soon you two – we await your gardening exploits with pleasure!

  10. Good luck with the exhibition. I had to have an X-Ray as antibiotics although stopped the infection had no affect on the amount of saliva that got into my lungs – there are some new devastating viruses out there – Hope Jackie will be okay.

  11. I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well Derrick – hope you rebound quickly. Photographs are wonderful, best wishes on your exhibition.

  12. I’m very fond of the dove with suet. It looks much like the mourning doves in my back garden, although they will not stay if they catch even a casual watcher.

    I hope you and yours are soon healthy again.

  13. Sometimes after I see your fantastic photographs reconsider my choice to add photos, Derrick to my writing. I was most amazed at the bird. I have captured a bee, bumblebee, spider and beetle. I have some pretty flowers and interesting clouds. I love birds and cannot seem to get singular photos like what looks like a mourning dove. Your robin is so different from ours, but unlike yours much better, Derrick.

    1. Many thanks Robin – you are surely the best :). I, too, have great difficulty with birds. It is a family joke that they always fly away at the sight of my camera.

  14. So sorry derrick, was out and about this day and missed this post! First So sorry to here you were ill again! we have a virus around here that just goes and comes for weeks! I hope you are feeling better! What amazing pictures of those flowers! Wow

  15. This rose at the beginning of your gallery is my absolute favorite color and variety of rose. We had them in our garden and although they always remind me of my mother, my sister has informed me that it was my father who planted the flowers.

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