Mulching And Composting

Front garden 1

The early sun setΒ the front garden glowing gold, as always, this morning. The autumn flowering cherry has been in bloom since last October. The telegraph pole, from which a cluster of cables fans out along Christchurch Road and all points of the compass, receives regular visits from BT engineers.

Front garden 2

What this area looked like a year ago can be seen in ‘Before And After: Through To The Front’.

Much maintenance was carried out today,

Rose garden mulching

my major contribution being mulching the three bags of Landscape Bark bought yesterday into the rose garden;

Jackie mulching palm bed 1

and Jackie’s, weeding and composting The Palm Bed.


This wide-eyed owl was decapitated by storm Katie. Surgeon Jackie performed the necessary operation.

We are still at least three bags of bark short for the rose garden, so this afternoon we drove back to

Mole yard

Mole Country Stores and bought them;

Ponies and Sway Tower 2

after which we took a roundabout route back through the farm lanes where we spotted a group of ponies, three of which masqueraded as sheep. Sway Tower can be seen in the background. Otherwise known as Peterson’s Folly, this landmark has featured in a number of these posts.

Finally, we topped up with compost in the form of ten 35 litre bags from Lidl.

We left those in the car and settled down for a beer (well, one each, actually) in the rose garden. It is quite a sun trap so we were certainly warm enough.

This evening we dined on tender fillet steak lost under lashings of fried onions. accompanied by mixed vegetables au gratin (left overs in cheese sauce), crisp carrots, Brussels sprouts, and new potatoes. Jackie drank sparkling water and I finished the Memoro.


  1. Your evening meal sounds heavenly. Hubby just put 15 bags of mulch on our front garden, in between doing the ceiling timbers. Always something to keep busy with when you have a house. πŸ™‚

    1. Two decades ago we came to the conclusion that we didn’t own the house, it owned us. My husband had a ceremonial burning of the lawnmower and we have lived in apartments ever since πŸ˜€

  2. I love beautiful gardens. I appreciate how much love and hard work you and Jackie put into yours πŸ™‚ Yummy dinner!

  3. I need a Jackie to put my head back on and cook my meals. The pony looks so cute with the sheep. I was amazed to see the sheep’s tails – ours don’t have them, or rather, theirs were lopped off (they say for hygienic reason; God was so sloppy when he gave tails to the animals) so that I’d never seen one.

    1. The “sheep” ARE ponies, they’ve either been permed πŸ™‚ or naturally/unnaturally have a curly coat. I’ve never seen such before.
      Sheep’s tails are not usually very long, but they DO get dirty, since sheep don’t seem to raise them when they [well, you know… but this is a family show]. They’re usually ‘docked’ early in their lives.

      1. Well Derrick’s never pretended to be a David Attenborough hahaha

        Sheep’s poo are not as messy as other animal scats so I guess that’s why they don’t need to raise their tails.

  4. I’m so charmed by the ponies. Are they Shetland ponies? We don’t have anything like that here!
    And that Jackie. She is the best Jill-of-all-trades!!!

  5. Love the owl and the ovine ponies. I’ve always wondered how I don’t have the leqal right to have my gutter overhang next door’s drive, yet BT can string unsightly wires over our front garden, (which go to other people’s houses, not mine).

  6. I am very happy to heat that you and Jackie took a break in the warm sun to drink a beer each.
    I liked the golden morning sun in the garden and your photo which included the photographer.
    The masquerading ponies as sheep made me laugh. You have such dry and witty comments, Derrick.

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