A Wildlife Garden



It is two years since we were last assisting our friend Giles in opening his garden in Milford on Sea. Once more, today, we took the first stint in his rota.

Jackie on the door

Overnight rain had only recently desisted at 11 a.m., so Jackie, on the door, had plenty of opportunity to work on her puzzles,

Giles and visitors

while Giles and I chatted until the first visitors arrived.

Wildlife Gardening Award Certificate

Blu-tacked onto the entrance window is a well-deserved certificate.

Giles's sculpture 1

Beneath this is one of the gardener’s creative sculptures, made from found objects. The upright stone was once part of a window in Southwell Minster.

Giles's sculpture 2

Here is another from the bottom of the garden.

Giles's sculpture 3Giles's sculpture 4

This one contains examples of his stained glass work,

View through sitting room window

as does this view from the sitting room, showing the artefact on which stands his tree encircled by butterflies.

Giles's sculpture 5

A further creation on the decking is seen through the French windows.

Giles's garden 1


Pebbles and granite sets creating paths and other features were all collected over a number of years from on and around the nearby beaches.

Giles's garden 3Giles's garden 4Giles's garden 5Giles's garden 6Giles's garden 7

Seventeen years ago, this rambling haven was almost completely grassed over. It is now packed with trees, shrubs, and other features attractive to wildlife.

Raindrops on smoke tree

Raindrops still pilled on the fibres of smoke tree;

Raindrops on foxgloves


ClematisClematis, thistle, wildlife hotel


Raindrops and cricket on osteospermum

and osteospermum – even on the little cricket’s antennae.

Wild Life Hotel

A notice visible in the second clematis picture indicates and lists the uses of the wildlife hotel;

Viper's Bugloss

another extols the value of viper’s bugloss to bees.


I expect these latter enjoy delphiniums, too, although blue is Giles’s favourite flower colour.


Had the rain persisted, no doubt this hut, with its natural seat, would have filled up with visitors;


certainly the pond would have topped up with water.

This evening we dined on the rest of the Chinese Takeaway, and both drank Kingfisher.


      1. I must be going blind – I was looking everywhere but the centre of the flower! Postie just delivered three beautiful photographs. What a treat, thank you both so much. I have a frame ready for one, shall rustle up another 🙂 You’ve made my day xo

      1. Hadn’t – had – it’s all in the laps of the gods: As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport (How the heck did Shakespeare dream up lines like that?) !

  1. That was a most satisfying photo to zoom larger, not just for the cricket.

    Your friend has created a very inviting garden.

  2. Raindrop on antenna – what a great shot! A marvelous garden tour. Thanks so much – a needed retreat from all this going on here in the states.

  3. This is a wildly exotic wonderland😸😻😎👍🏽!!! I’m gonna post a grasshopper in a minute here–keep ur eyes open😳😎
    thanks so much for giving us this lovely tour!!!😍❤️The foxgloves are sublime😍😍😍

  4. Awww…thank u Derrick..😘but my comments aren’t nearly as entertaining as these pics…they r soooo whimsically loverly ❤️❤️❤️

  5. If Giles’ stones were collected round here (Hampshire), it’s pretty doubtful they’re granite. Granite is created by volcanic activity, and I think such geology doesn’t extend this far east. I guess it’s possible, if you know what you’re looking for, to gradually amass that much from the odd wash-up on the shore, but that’s an extremely long-term vision to indulge in to edge a path! (He has had 17 years: perhaps that’s his level of dedication!!)

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