Country Girl


This morning I received a request from Judith Munns to post a daily wildlife picture on Facebook.

Donkey's eye 3 - Version 2

I spent some time making a few selections and began with this one from

Country girl 1

This afternoon Country Girl was delivered.

Country girl 2

At Fiveways she has replaced the chimney pot,

Chimney pot planter

removed by Jackie and Ian to a corner of the Dead End Path.

Country girl 3

Jackie found several versions on this young lady on the Internet, but none with such an pleasingly elegant face.

Country girl 4Country girl 5Country girl 6

On Fiveways she has several viewpoints.

Country girl 7

Jackie has filled her planter already.


Later, after Becky and Ian had returned home, our new garden chairs were delivered. Naturally they had to be introduced to Peroni and bordeaux. This magnificent, reasonably priced, furniture is made locally by Handmade From The Heart at

Country girl 8

Behind Jackie is the Dead End Path. From there I once more photographed our Country Girl. The camera picked up that the poor young lady was covered in flies.

Jackie and Becky have been experimenting, rather successfully, with making Cornish pasties. Fortunately this meant that there was enough surplus pastry and contents for Jackie to produce a beef and vegetable pie for our dinner this evening. Despite there being carrots in the pastie mix we had more, with cauliflower, green beans, and new potatoes, served with the pie. Orange trifle was to follow. We continued with the drinks we had consumed earlier.


  1. After completing all her hard work, Jackie looks quite comfortable – is it the good weather, hard work, wine or chairs that brought out that smile? Great statue, you two have good taste.

  2. Derrick, not only is your new addition to your garden lovely, but you and your wife must make a cute couple! It was great to see Jackie in a picture! 🙂 Welcome to country girl!

  3. The girl is lovely, and the chairs look fun and cozy. I’d like to sit right down with you both and try some of Jackie’s yummies.

  4. I love how you’ve arranged the statue and the photograph of the eye at the beginning is simply amazing. Lovely garden always. It is so relaxing to visit your posts after the day’s toil.

  5. I love your blog, Derrick. Lovely images. Please may I ask you to share the sunshine? You always seem to have bright sunny days, whilst mine is filled with rain… 🙂

    1. Thanks, Persia. I hope you get some of the sun. As you well know, we can have pouring rain and sunshine in any one day. Yesterday was terrible in the morning.

      1. Yes, the morning and early afternoon was very wet! I got soaked. It did get better towards the evening though.
        (Sorry for my poor grammar. I was meant to say “Mine are filled filled with rain”).

  6. The colour chosen for the new chairs is perfect and the new statue is just lovely. I was especially pleased to see she had already been given flowers to carry. I was surprised Derrick, to see you had not taken up position with a fly swat to protect the poor maiden!

  7. Country Girl looks quite at home–and I didn’t realize she carried a planter until you pointed out that Jackie had already filled it. The chairs are perfect for your garden, and Jackie looks quite content sitting in one.

  8. Country Girl seems to blend right into her new surroundings. As for Jackie, she will remain Queen of the Garden…looks so happy! The chairs are wonderful too!

  9. LOVE those chairs! And Country Girl lends a sweet, yet stately, air to her surroundings. May I ask who names your gardens areas? “Fiveways” “Dead End Path” – the names add so much to the experience! I want to name some of my garden areas, too.

    1. We take a share in the names, Jodie. ‘Fiveways’ is Jackie’s, because it is at the point where five paths meet. ‘Dead End Path’ doesn’t go anywhere. Thanks, Jodie

  10. She’s certainly a lot better looking than a chimney pot! Your first photograph rather startled me. I thought you’d bought a tarantula as a pet!

  11. I love your new blue chairs. My sweetheart says he’s going to learn to make Cornish pasties – except technically they’ll have to be Lancashire ones…

  12. Those chairs are beautiful and such a pretty color, Jackie and Derrick.
    The new sculpture is beautiful with lavender blooms flowing planter.
    Pasties, your meat pies, sound lovely, plus side “benefits” to test kitchen experiments!!
    The garden looks even better, each time I wander through. Take care and be careful during heated days.

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