The Magic Carpet


Having spent much of the night watching the BBC’s presentation of the unfolding of the EU referendum, I wasn’t up to much this morning.

I did, however, post my day 5 offering on the Facebook nature series.

Butterfly Small White on verbena bonarensis

This was it. It appeared on my WordPress post Earthworks, of 29th September 2015.

I then occupied myself with dead-heading, and, after lunch, cut off more of the hedge along the back drive. Although there was very little rain, the sun made only fleeting visits, enough to encourage this

Hoverfly on single poppy petal

determined hoverfly to hitch a ride on the tempest-tossed magic carpet that was a single, clinging, poppy petal. As the insect rode the turbulent waves, not a slither did it make.

As so often, the evening was bright and sunny. We took an amble around the garden.

Brick Path

The rose Wedding Day, a prolific climber, is just coming into bloom on the Agriframes arch.


Also flowering is the rodgersia

View from Phantom end of Cryptomeria Bed

that dominates the foreground of this view along the Cryptomeria Bed.

Head Gardener's Walk

The Dragon Bed and the Head Gardener’s Walk are now both well established.

This evening we dined at Lymington’s Royal China where we received the usual efficient, friendly, service and excellent food, accompanied by Tsingtao beer.

Sunset 1Sunset 2Sunset 3

We enjoyed some splendid sunsets overlooking Christchurch Bay on our return via Milford on Sea.


  1. You make everything feel like it has its story to tell. The image of the hoverfly on a magic carpet ride was excellent and the white butterfly on the purple lilac or lavender flower was exquisite, Derrick. The sunset ride home was stunning and I hope pleasant in temperature, also.

      1. I am happy we have interest in similar subject matter but impressed yours and Jackie’s gardens are all yours! I have to borrow or visit places to present nature. 😉

    1. It was a Verbena Bonarensis, Robin, about 6ft. high with a small head of flowers.

  2. 夕陽無限好,只是近黃昏 ’The setting sun has endless wonders; only it is close to dusk‘ ; just as the poppy is beautiful to its last petal.

  3. Isn’t it amazing that a creature so delicate should live just a short time and spend that time upon flower heads and floating through the air? Your photograph really captures the essence of this little being, Derrick.

  4. In books we see riders of a magic carpet perfectly supported and calm as they ride, but I’ll bet such an experience would be a lot more like the turbulent one of your hoverfly…..

      1. I hadn’t got that far down the philosophical track, Cynthia (though, perhaps, for such a wordsmith, I should have thought it through further).
        As you’ve set an intellectual challenge for me, here’s one for you: define “magic” (in the present context, not invoking conjuring)!

        1. In the present context, “magic” was initially whatever Derrick meant it to be, then whatever I assumed he meant it to be, and then whatever you meant it to be. My Dad used to perform onstage as a magician…I saw how he did some of his “tricks.” We had a pet rabbit he used to pull out of his top hat, and two specially trained pet doves who could roll themselves into tiny balls to be hidden up his sleeve and set free to soar above the crowd at the right moment. If he were here to consult, he might give me a most interesting definition of MAGIC but, alas, he died in 1996.

  5. I really love your garden and the sunset shots are fantastic but the first photograph is really breathtaking. You really have a gift for photography!

      1. You may have dealt with this WA-A-A-Y back in your blogs, but what does Hoegaarden mean in English (I can guess garden comes into it somewhere). Is the name the clinching factor in its being a favourite tipple?

  6. Hi Derek, How do I find you on Facebook? I’d love to follow you there, too. That sounds a tad stalkerish but I mean it in the nicest way.

    1. Thank you, Susanne. That would be good. I get a few stalkers that way. 🙂 I’ve had a look at FB with a view to a friend request, but there are a number of Susanne Fletchers, so I suggest you send me one. Derrick John Knight, age 73 (for another few days) live in Hampshire, educated at Wimbledon College.

  7. Like a lot of people, I have the 24 hour news on yesterday, hoping that the vote would be to remain in the EU. We haven’t begun to see/feel the full effects of the vote. The next one where many in the world will be holding their breath(s), is the USA election in November.

    So, thank you for yet another of your splendid photo-journal reports, which lifted our spirits once again.

  8. Your photos are so uplifting. Wishing you all well as the UK moves forward with this decision and its aftermath. Maybe that beautiful sunset is a good sign ? 💖

  9. Excellent sequence. 🙂

    Watching the wave of disruption and uncertainty spread across the globe reminds us all that we may live in separate communities, but we all live on the same planet. All our actions and choices have actions that spread far beyond our daily experience.

  10. The world is quite topsy-turvy these days. But the sun will always rise. And the sun will always set. Everyday. Without fail. Thanks for sharing your sunset with us, Sir Derrick. 🙂

  11. I agree that you have such a talent for photography. Outstanding photos of the flowers, butterflies and gorgeous sunsets. I would love to live near the coastline someday. Meanwhile, I’ve been busy deadheading some marigolds myself.

  12. I seek refuge from the world in my garden too. Your garden looks lovely – the Rodgersia is a looker, as is your butterfly photo. As for the vote, I think we’re all a bit stunned over here. It feels as if – more and more – the world are casting votes based on soundbites and falsely optimistic expectations, with no real grasp of the magnitude of reality. I honestly doubt the Leavers will get the “old” Britain back, or that life will in any way become easier by leaving the Union. But, as your last two shots so aptly and beautifully illustrated, the sun will keep rising and setting on the world, regardless of our shenanigans. I wish you and your fellow Brits an as smooth and painless transition as possible (even if I wish you hadn’t left).

  13. Way across the pond, I, too, was very unsettled by the news of Britain voting to leave the European Union. Your lovely photos have helped calm the jitters.

      1. It does. But we humans sure make life hard for ourselves and other creatures, too.

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