A Family Pic

Just as we joined the queue for the recycling centre, heavy rain which was to continue throughout the day set in. We therefore got a bit wet unloading two large container bags of  garden refuse.

This afternoon I printed some photographs for Frances and her family. They were taken on a Samsung phone and e-mailed to me.

Fiona, Frances, Peter, Paul & Michael

I began with the full image of Frances with Fiona, Peter, Paul, and Michael;

Fiona, Frances, Peter, Paul & Michael

then cropped it to take out a distracting light and glass of red wine.

There are sets of each for each of them.

This afternoon Jackie drove me to O2 at Christchurch to attempt to resolve ongoing signal problems. I really can’t be bothered to go into detail on this, save to say that on leaving the store I understood all to be well, and discovered afterwards that it wasn’t. I couldn’t face it again today.

Back at home I finished reading ‘Decider’ by Dick Francis. A former colleague once gave me a heap of books which I think must be this author’s complete works. I have therefore read many and found them all excellent. This was one of the best. As thoroughly researched as usual, one feels that the writer knows all about building, architecture, and explosives, as well as horse-racing. The prose flows easily; dialogue and characterisation are good; interest is held, and the pace of this mystery thriller builds slowly into a crescendo, with all appropriate ends tied up in the last couple of chapters.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s luscious lamb jalfrezi, egg fried rice, and parathas. I drank more of the syrah.



  1. The cropping really did enhance that photo! Tonight, chicken jalfrezi shall find its home in my tummy! Thank the Head Chef for inspiring me.

  2. The other phone (I shouldn’t mention) is that you were lucky the e-mailed photo (from a Samsung, note) didn’t explode or catch fire. They’re having a ‘good’ week, that company: via another e-mail, I was invited to sign a global petition to pressurize them into paying compensation to famiies of their workers killed by chemicals used in their factories: they
    “repeatedly refused to reveal the carcinogenic chemicals workers were exposed to in its factories, the exposure levels, or how it managed the chemicals. And the only reason it gave was protecting its bottom line: “our company’s competitiveness would be lowered,” it told the [South Korean] government, which then helped them keep it secret.” Ye-ow,

  3. What a great picture, Derrick. I like the way they’re all crowded into the one seat. I’m sorry for your rain, and having to unload in it. Still you were warmed by the chicken jalfrezi, yum! As for anything to do with the phone company (and it doesn’t seem to matter which one), you have to work yourself up to a near zen state (but not completely zen or you might believe them) to deal with them. Good luck in the future.

  4. Thanks for sharing the before and after photo. I also thought of the current Samsung problems with the phones catching on fire.

    I haven’t read a Dick Francis book in many years, but I remember enjoying that the reader learned something in each one about some subject (in addition to horse racing).

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