No Resolution


Aaron pruning cypress 2

This morning Aaron began taking dead branches out of the cypress tree. As can be seen, there is still much colour in the garden. I photographed him and made him an A4 print which I cannot upload, receiving the same message as yesterday. I tried several times and have come to the conclusion that the problem is a direct result of the loading of the new Sierra Mac operating system on Friday. I cannot phone Apple because the help line is not operating at the weekend.

My granddaughter, Emily has asked me for some of her baby pictures for a project at her workplace. I sent her a link to an earlier post, ‘Emily Goes Wandering’ which she had already seen, and is pleased with.

Sam and Emily 12.93

I then e-mailed several scans of earlier prints. First Sam holding his niece;

Louisa and Emily 12.93

then Louisa cradlng her;

Derrick and Emily 12.93

and finally me.

This afternoon Jackie drove us to the beach at the end of Tanners Lane. On a mild, sunny, day a number of families were enjoying wandering among the donkeys, or searching for crabs in the rock pools. Sunlight glinted on the water and provided the clouds with highlights.

The Spinnaker

Jackie played with sea shells as she sat on a wooden breakwater within reach of Portsmouth’s spinnaker.

Boats and buoys bobbed.

Child on swing

Just as I was about to photograph the shadows cast by a tyre swing suspended from a stunted, gnarled, tree, the facility became occupied by a young girl. I found her mother and asked if I could photograph the current scene. Once the mother had recovered from her initial thought that I might have wanted the child removed, she was more than happy to grant her permission.

A young man from East Boldre told me that, on just one day in the year, it is possible, at low tide, to walk across to a Spitfire normally under water. He had done it when he was twelve, ten years ago. That looks like a subject for tidal research.

Roast potatos and Yorkshire pudding

After passing a pheasant-filled field on our way home we stopped for a drink at the The White Hart in Pennington. We received a very friendly welcome. It is not unusual in English pubs to have free nuts or crisps available on the bar counter. Here we were given roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding with mint sauce.

Knife grinder.jpg

The walls were decorated with photographs of the area in bygone days. One of a knife grinder from 1900 reminded us that our streets had been visited by one during our childhood: mine in Stanton Road, Raynes Park, South West London in the 1940s; Jackie’s in Penge, South East London in the 1950s.

The sky, on our departure from the pub, was so enticing that we nipped over to Lymington to have a look at the sunset.

Anyone who feels deprived of photographs is advised to follow the link above. Otherwise, we must pray that the Apple help line can get to the core of my problem tomorrow, and I can insert the photos I took today. (It was not until 25th that I managed to complete this task)

This evening, we dined on superb chilli con carne and savoury rice. I drank more of the Madiran.


  1. Look, there’s a cutie! I love the rubber boots. I also enjoy a good chilli on occasion. Whenever red chilli peppers are in season, I take advantage. Glad you enjoyed the day. Have a lovely week.

  2. Very cool re the Spitfire! My dad flew for the RCAF and subsequently for the RAF in WW11, flying several models of this aircraft. He really admired his planes. Is any more info available on the history of the plane you mentioned?

  3. Your account of the day was a pleasure to read sans photos but I will visit the Emily link.
    I have also experienced cut offs while loading photographs and I have not updated Siri. I don’t use it and I don’t want it.

  4. Core of the problem 😂
    You painted a beautiful word picture of the sunlight, clouds and the girl on the tyre swing, but I do hope your photo issues are resolved soon so we get to see your captures too.

  5. I naturally assume you have checked you have spare space in your WordPress photo library, Derrick. I’ve run out of space about 4 times in a 5 1/2 year period and found images would not load. Hopefully the Apple Helpdesk can investigate for you.
    I would have thought they were available 24/7.
    My 3 year helpdesk support package I paid for in Oct 2012 when I bought the Mac Pro has now run out, but I do remember contacting the Apple Helpdesk and getting a New Zealand ‘technician’ who couldn’t help and put me on to his supervisor in Singapore. He couldn’t help either (when my computer last crashed) and since it was a software upgrade which had crashed my computer at the time, they certainly went to great lengths to help me out. The Singaporean rang the Melbourne Apple Reseller (helpdesk) which was my closest without a car, and asked them to fix my computer and Apple would pay the fees. Luckily I had backups, but I still lost a few Excel spreadsheets (which for some weird reason hadn’t been included in the scheduled daily auto backups). My new home location is a 10 minute walk to one of our largest shopping centres and actually has a proper Apple Store, so I envisage going there if I have probs in the future.
    I hope you get some results soon as i know how frustrating it can be.

  6. The reason you were able to send Emily a link to just what she needed is that you are organized! And I have no doubt that you will work things out and everything will be as it should be very soon!

  7. I loved the picture of the cute child running into the woods. I will go check out Emily’s link of childhood photos.
    I liked the descriptions of the day. To me, this is how I started my wordpress blog posts. I thought reading without pictures would show writing expertise. You demonstrated how your words are beautiful! 🙂

      1. Yes, much worth salvaging in words and enjoyed the photos on the link, Derrick. I left a message there, too. Emily really looks cute in her (what we call here in U.S.) overalls. 🙂

  8. I followed the link and enjoyed the photographs in the previous post, although I gasped when I saw what I thought was a child lying injured on the ground. It was a relief when I realized it was just a doll!

  9. What a great pity, Derrick. You’re not getting a very good deal in this if their Helpline doesn’t work at the weekends. I hope you will repeat this post with the relevant photographs. The Spitfire, by the way, has been on a TV programme I saw, and it is accessible on a certain day but they took a guide to show them where it was, so it cannot be that obvious.

    1. Many thanks, John. That will encourage me to persevere with the Spitfire. I have confirmed that the problem is with the Mac, by e-mailing a pic to myself and loading it from the Microsoft laptop. When I get round to it I will call Apple. If they don’t sort it I can at least send them from the laptop.

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