How Ridiculous Is That?


On a dry, but much duller, day we spent the morning on largely abortive outings. First we drove to New Milton for a visit to the bank, to seek a lavatory seat, and to investigate wardrobes. The bank was satisfactory, but boring. We couldn’t find a throne (slang for a lavatory seat). We thought Bradbeers might stock wardrobes, but its outlet in Station Road didn’t have furniture.

OK, we thought we would put the wardrobes on the back burner, turned round, and drove in the opposite direction to Lymington where that wonderful hardware emporium, Knights, was bound to have a range of the required seating. Unfortunately Knights was closed. Permanently.

Back we travelled to Old Milton where there was a street I thought might have a suitable furniture shop. And blow me, there was Bradbeers furniture outlet with a wide range of wardrobes. We will be able to find something there once we have measured up.

Milford Supplies did have a limited range of toilet seats, none of which, we thought, suited our requirements.

By this time we needed to stock up on petrol, which, in the event, was all that we bought. How ridiculous is that?

Pansy and autumn leaf

Jackie has begun to transfer her hanging baskets to cold frames for the winter. In offering most minimal assistance, I noticed a self-seeded pansy pushing through the patio paving. It is a winter one of course, but there it sat beside an autumn leaf.


Outside the back door stands an orange poppy, normally long gone by autumn.

Hydrangea and geraniums

Still thriving geraniums merge with autumn-hued hydrangeas;

Clematis Star of India

clematis Star of India is one of several blooming again;


foxgloves refuse to die back;


and flowering nasturtiums trail tendrils everywhere.

Approaching the middle of November, how ridiculous is that?

This evening we dined on Jackie’s excellent lamb curry, onion rice, and cauliflower bahji. The Culinary Queen drank diet Pepsi, and I finished the malbec.


  1. Despite all the planning some days just don’t work out – it could easily send you round the bend. Hope you’ll be able to find somewhere convenient and end up flushed with success. Are you looking for something special, or just a bog-standard seat? Sorry, couldn’t help myself. πŸ™‚

  2. Two weeks ago, I tried to buy a new lavatory seat myself. The last one I purchased, a composition wooden one was 13.00. It was about three years ago, so I remember the price. The least expensive one I could find (plastic) was 23.00 and the composition wooden ones were 33.00. And, they say inflation in the USA is at 1.5%?

      1. Derrick, the cat jumped up on mine after she stepped in the rolling pan of oil paint. Didn’t seem worth the bother of buying turpentine at that moment. You are a gentleman, Derrick.

  3. I love the little pansy struggling to keep its head above the ground! Oh and you and I have both blogged about nasturtiums in November. Snap! πŸ™‚

  4. If you can wait – good toilet seats come around often at Lidl and Aldi. Otherwise it is a big trip to the nearest B&Q or Homebase. Everyone else seems to do their shopping online – but there’s a risk it won’t fit the basin. One day are department stores will become showrooms for companies instead of retailers, where we can go and see the product then order it via an app or online when we get home.
    Our nasturtiums were so lovely two days ago and I was about to take a photo. But frost then rain set in and they are now limp. I envy your beautiful flower photos.

  5. All those flowers still hanging about in November might be ridiculous. Perhaps it’s global warming. Then there’s the result in the US election. How ridiculous is that?

  6. Nice pictures, especially of the pansy and the leaf. Very fall, very stark. Matches my mood exactly.

  7. I always love the lessons hidden in your posts, interesting insights always. And as for how ridiculous is that, one would think not ridiculous at all. There is a french saying that speaking of ridicule says it does not kill. I take it in the sense that one should not be afraid of being ridiculous in the pursuit of what one wants “Le ridicule ne tue pas”.

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