It is almost a truism that when I aim my camera at a bird, it flies away. I therefore focussed on this thrush through the window. This time it gave me a chance. Not until it turned and looked at me did it flee from its shrubbery hide.
This afternoon I printed the last set of Poppy pictures to be entered in the album that Jackie is keeping.
I then scanned the last few of the 1985 black and white negatives.

Here are twoย scenes of the countryside, in the form of fence and woodland;

two of Sam with the children’s adopted dog, and one Louisa showing all the signs of being ready for bed.

Back home we spent Christmas Day at my parents’ home in Rougemont Avenue, Morden. Here are Dad and my brother Joseph;
Auntie Gwen;

and Louisa and Sam with Jessica in the background.
The rest of that Christmas visit was filmed in colour.
This evening Jackie collected our usual delicious meal for two from Mister Chatty Man Chan at Hordle Chinese Take Away, and, as is the norm, we consumed half of it. I drank more of the cabernet sauvignon.
Beautiful black and white photos, Derrick!
Thanks a lot, Sofia
The thrush is worth the wait … plump and delightful!
Thank you, Osyth
Beautiful photos of nature and family.
I was thinking the other day that we hadn’t heard anything about Mr. Chatty Man Chan in a while. ๐
That always makes me laugh – Mr. Chatty Man
Thanks, Jodie
Me, too! There’s something about the sound of it. ๐
It’s superb, isn’t it? At home, as a reflection of his personality, Jackie called him Mr Chatty Man before they got to know each other’s names. Now Jackie Chan acts as an aide memoir. ๐
A beautiful shot of the thrush as if its saying this is my best side. and the candid black and whites of Sam with dog are tender and could have been shot in any of the last four decades. Wonderful.
Many thanks, Ellen
Love your B&W photographs Derrick! Amazed that you were able to get such a clear shot of the bird through the window, never happens for me – lucky you!
‘Cos I just cleaned them! J
That is so funny Jackie!! Love it ~ have a beautiful weekend.
Many thanks, Mary
Lovely hit of nostalgia. Thanks for sharing Derrick.
Thank you, Miriam
I love the black and whites, Derrick. My favorite…Sam with the sleeping dog…wonderful!
Thanks a lot, Jill
Really lovely ๐.. black and white.. pics..
You captured that bird ๐ฆ just right
Thanks very much, Nita
Thanks for sharing your memories.
Thank you, Kim
I want to reach into the film and tousle Sam’s hair, pet the pup and give Louisa a big, gentle hug! Your brother and father fit right in with your own appearance. There is a family resemblance, for sure!
I almost went our for Chinese tonight but instead ate vegetarian chili my youngest daughter made. ๐
Many thanks, Robin. You are right about the family likeness. It was lucky those two portraits fitted so well together. I trust you enjoyed your meal
I thought the same about a family resemblance.
Thank you both
Birds also seem to fly away when you use binoculars. I think it’s either the movement….birds seem to be really sensitive to movement, or perhaps the circle(s) made by the lenses look like the eye of a predator, again a very important feature in the natural world. Hence the patterns on many butterfly’s wings.
Thanks, John
The trick is to look at empty branches and get them when they land. You get someone else to do that, and then photograph the rest of the tree which will be full of birds. ๐
Great post. ๐
๐ Many thanks, Joseph.
You have such beautiful memories, Derrick ๐
Have a great weekend <3
Many thanks, Monica. You too.
Sweet memories ๐
Lovely to still be able to enjoy so many family pictiures of gatherings–thank you for sharing.
Many thanks, Cynthia, and good evening, I think
Brave thrush, great pictures.
Thank you very much, Inese
Wow a great picture of the Thrush! I love the old family photos, so special
Many thanks, Lynn
most welcome