This morning we drove to Milford on Sea to search out a door handle in the architectural salvage outlet there. The establishment was closed, so we consoled ourselves with
brunch at The Needle’s Eye Cafe. I enjoyed the Maxed up Breakfast while Jackie chose her customary jacket potato with cheese and beans.
Whilst a speedboat laid a trail across The Solent;
gulls squealed into the car park;
and intrepid sea fishers set up their rods;

the sun fought a losing battle with the indigo clouds over the Isle of Wight. Jesus beams provided the brush strokes to the cloudscapes and a slash of light on the water.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s tender beef stew, sauteed potatoes, and crisp carrots, cauliflower, and green beans. I finished the Fleurie and Jackie drank Hoegaarden.
I’ve never heard the expression “Jesus beams” before!
That certainly does look like a ‘Maxed up Breakfast.’ It could feed two! Great photos, Derrick. I loved the Jesus beams.
It’s wonderful that day after day you are exploring your surroundings. But I keep thinking of your beautiful garden. I saw the frost-bitten photos the other day. Does everything just go into hibernation – or do you simply leave it and deal with winter carnage in Spring?
Normally we have done a lot of clearance by now, but so much has continued to grow that we haven’t this year. Even now, it has been warmer since the frost, and buds are sprouting again. So I guess it’s watch this space. Many thanks, Gwen
Perhaps the garden wishes to be abandoned to its fate. But wait! NO! Isn’t that what happened next door? Get ye to the shrubbery, right now!
Some beautifully atmospheric photographs there!
Thanks a lot, John
Nice sunbeams. Glad to see you eating such a healthy meal – mushrooms, beans tomatoes, orange marmalade – four of your five a day.
Dammit. I knew I should have added chips
Thanks, Quercus.
Could have been worse – Jackie seems to be eating salad!
That phrase ‘Jesus Beams’ always makes me smile – fabulous moody photographs Derrick!
Very many thanks, Pauline. It was an N.Z. friend of Jackie’s who first used it.
I’ve never heard that expression, Jesus beams, before, even a grumpy old atheist like me, thinks it’s a delight.
As for ogling your big/maxi/ disgusting breakfast/lunch I’m thinking that either you’re a sadist or I’m a masochist.
They are what I once enjoyed, now I have difficulty getting past one sausage and one egg plus half a slice of toast; Yet I look on!
Thanks a lot, Brian. I always think of you now when I post food. I’ve decided you don’t really mind a bit of nostalgia
Love the expression that goes with these stunning shots! Thank you so much for sharing them with the world!
Many thanks, Sofia
You have had a couple of really clear shots of “The Needles” this week. What a great location to enjoy your maxed out brekkie. Scrumptious food and scrumptious view.
Very many thanks, Susanne
I found this to be a very winning post.
Moody, atmospheric & lovely~
Lovely comment, Cindy. Thank you
Beautiful photos. I love the speedboat, the gulls, and the “Jesus beams.” I’ve never heard that expression before either.
Thanks a lot, Merril. The beams came from an N.Z. friend of Jackie’s
Heavenly skies. And I tucked into a proper English Breakfast in Wallingford today with my number 3 daughter and sister-in-law. There is nothing on earth quite like it!
Many thanks, Osyth. I’m pleased about the breakfast
Gorgeous scenery! Amazing skies
Many thanks, Lynn
Most welcome
Lovely day and meal! Your pictures are great. My favorite is the speedboat in The Solent.
Thanks very much, Cindy. I was pleased with the speedboat, too
You have just added “Jesus beams” to my vocabulary.
When I saw that breakfast of yours, I thought the “Losing Battle” was going to be your attempt to eat all of that. lol
Never, Jodie.
Thanks very much
I expected exactly that reply! : )
A beautiful picture you painted. Where are you located in this fantastic world? I’m in a suburb of Rochester, NY USA, by the way.
We are just on the edge of England’s New Forest in Hampshire. Thanks a lot
I absolutely love the photographs of the water and the skies. What a beautiful light despite the foreboding clouds.
Many thanks, Geetha.
Welcome Derrick