This afternoon we drove to Lymington and to Molly’s Den in Old Milton for some successful Christmas shopping.
During my early motoring days many cars were still fitted with trafficators like this one (photo from Wikipedia). There was one on either side of the car. These would click up to indicate in which direction the driver was intending to turn. If it didn’t work you had to use hand signals and hope the driver behind understood what you were doing.
This car we followed along the road used one of these to indicate turning left.

When we emerged from the antiques emporium the late, lowering sun burnished bracken and ponies alike. The last of the creatures in this set of pictures yanked away at brambles and gorse as a variation on the customary diet of grass.

Later still the warm rays drew mist from the dampened terrain;
and finally, a passenger plane seemingly leaving Southampton airport, flew off into the sunset.
Back at home we dined on roast duck, boiled and mashed potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, and spinach, followed by steamed syrup pudding and Cornish ice cream. I finished the shiraz.
You know I love the horses and ponies by the side of your roads. Jealous is a better description.
🙂 Thanks, GP. Wish I could send you some
The last two photos are just lovely Derrick, you use the light to excellent effect!
Many thanks, Pauline
Yes, some beautiful photos especially the next to last one of the wood.
Many thanks, John
I agree with Pauline, Derrick. The last two photographs are stunning.
Gorgeous pics of the horses Derrick
Thank you very much, Miriam
GORGEOUS colors in those sunsets you talented photographer you!
Many thanks, MWG
The trafficator is pretty interesting. I’m not sure American cars used those.
We don’t now, Leslie. I imagine US used them too in the early days. Thanks
I’ve looked at antique cars here in the US in museums and at car shows and have never seen one. Maybe they were purely European.
That must be so
I’ve never heard of a trafficator.
The photos of ponies and landscape are glorious, Derrick.
Thanks, Merril. I’d forgotten the name until I searched for the picture; but I remember them well – they had a tendency to hang limp, then you had to get you arms going out of the window. 🙂
Lovely selection of pictures, I envy your talent;
The first car I ever bought was in December 1953, and was a1940 Morris 10; it had those turn indicators as shown on the photo; however, at that time that type of trafficator was illegal in Victoria and we HAD to use hand signals only.
The good old days when we were taught to drive properly, and courteously, not like the ratbags on our roads today. No road rage back in then.
I’ve been licenced since, and have never lost, or had it suspended; I do have one speeding conviction, and fine on my record.
Your photos always seem to bring back some old memory or other and I can’t resist boring you with some of the details.:D :bear:
Never boring, Brian. That’s what it’s all about 🙂
No Brian, NEVER boring!
Oh, you managed to use that late afternoon sun beautifully. Your images are lovely.
Thanks very much, Laurie
These photos make your surroundings appear positively idyllic.
Thanks, Lisa. They are. Positively. 🙂
Beautiful photos, the light is superb. Turn indicators… those were the days!
Many thanks, Louise
I love this as well as your whole blog – how you tell us things we didn’t know about the past – & at the same time there’s plenty of enjoyment of today, as well as tomorrow – thanks much 🙂
Many thanks to you, too, Daal
I remember my aunt had a morris with those trafficators. It always seemed overly complicated and just something else to go wrong! Lovely landscapes as ever 🙂
Many thanks, Geoff
What a lovely place. Your photos bring me a sense of timelessness and peace. As tho the past were still alive, just shifted over a bit.
It is, Brenda. Thank you so much
Lovely photos. Its always peaceful to chance upon animals munching away at the countryside (or the city, depending on where one lives). You’ve beautifullu managed to catch the fading light.
Many thanks, LL/PS
Beautiful images of the horses in the late afternoon golden sun.
The sun and the horses made these gorgeous photos derrick. Love these
Many thanks, Lynn
Those photos are so beautiful. Wonderful captures!
Absolutely gorgeous ponies and mist photos. What a talented eye you have!
Very many thanks, Rose
Such changing and even caramel colored light softens the fie views beautifully.
Many thanks, Cynthia. Caramel I like
Gorgeous photos and the ponies are beautiful. I love the shot of the sun filtering through the tree leaves. You live in such a wonderful area to take photos. Well done!
Many thanks, LT
Your epicurean habits sound absolutely delicious. Now, I’m hungry again. What time do you eat dinner, or do you refer to it as supper. My wife and I eat early, 4-4:30. We walk later than I sneak something. I just remembered that I have a chocolate rum ball in the cabinet. 😉
Many thanks, Steve. Any time from 6 on. A chocolate rum ball sounds good.
Oh yes, the old semaphore indicators – remember them well. Also remember using hand signals in the 70s due to a succession of cheap cars with dodgy electrics…
Those were the days!
They were, my friend 🙂
Do I detect a touch of Mary Hopkin? 🙂
Yep – I knew you’ wouldn’t miss it 🙂
I enjoyed this reminder of the past cars with signals. I used to have a straight arm for left and a right angle arm for right while bicycling.
The best and most fantastic parts were the way nature lit up the horse and weeds, such a gorgeous, radiating light! Thank goodness you captured these to share with us. Then, the warmth and cool, dampness giving off a mist was quite ethereal, Derrick.
Very many thanks for your eloquent comments, Robin
The post had much more than I could write in a short amount of time. It all seemed like a fun and festive time with friends, music, food and family, Derrick.
Sun has worked magically here, painting the ponies all gold… 🙂
Have never seen such indicators. Think they are still to be seen with old models of cars.
Many thanks, Maniparna. The car we were behind certainly used them
Love your horse photos, as always. Beautiful warm color.
Gorgeous sunset capture, Derrick!
Many thanks, Amy
What beautiful photography of the horses and I love the sunset too.
Many thanks, my friend, Geetha
Welcome and thank you for posting such lovely material