Somewhat encouraged by the lack of adverse effects on my knackered knees after the long, flat, walk round Keyhaven and Lymington Nature Reserve, I decided to take the somewhat shorter, yet undulating, route through Honeylake Wood. At about halfway I ventured into the undergrowth, after which I turned back.
A pedestrian gate breaking a hedge serves as an entrance to the field leading to the wood.
The hedge was reflected in the muddy verge beside Christchurch Road.
AΒ bent andΒ aged oak on one edge of the field bowed beneath the prevailing wind,

which even around mid-day bit into me as I crossed to the wood.
On my way in the leafy path offered welcoming shelter,
while a sight of Downton’s cottages as I left it gave notice that home was near, if not in sight.
Often springy underfoot, the forest floor,
over which squirrels scampered,
was, especially near the stream, occasionally waterlogged.

The wind roared overhead. There was much evidence of broken trees,
and, although some autumn leaves had not yet reached the ground,

others glowed in the sunlight

which played among the trees.

The bridge had been so severely damaged as to deter anyone from leaning on the rickety rail; a sapling had been converted to an entrance arch.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s classic sausage casserole, creamy mashed potatoes, and crisp carrots, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. I drank Basson Shiraz 2014. The others didn’t drink their Kronenbourg 1664 until afterwards so that didn’t count.

A minute particle of my casserole splashed up from my plate and onto my grandfather shirt. Jackie and Ian swooped on me to supplement the stains and Becky grabbed the camera. I was set up, I swear it.
Like the shirt. Will you be sporting a tucked-in napkin in future?
Apparently Becky has been looking for an Edwardian clip for the very purpose. Thanks very much, Rachael
You need a haircut π
True, Johnna. X
I think an artist of your caliber should have a long braid down your back. What would Jackie think?
Many thanks, Ginene. I don’t think she’d mind. After all, the beard is her idea.
I disagree. I like the shaggy look. Makes me think of a character in a Victorian novel. Tom Jones maybe?
As his barber, (amongst other things) He will get a haircut when I am fully recovered, that may mean he has to hang on to his hair for a while yet. I like his hair long but know that it needs to be shorter for comfort!
Stylist, please!
It looks like a set-up. Blessings, Micheline
Thanks very much, Micheline
You look good in everything you eat. [my mother used to say that all the time!]
Thanks to you and your mother, GP. π
LOL, Yes I do believe you were set up Derrick. π
Thanks a million, Terry
Food in the beard. Food on the shirt. You’ll never go hungry.
π Cheers, Bruce
From sublime to ridicule.
Great comment, John. Thanks
Great images. That oak is splendid.
Many thanks, Leslie
From minuscule splashes great works of art arise …..
Oh, Pollocks again. My ‘device’ added the apostrophe above. It should, of course, read ‘Pollocks!’ I did not intend to shock or offend anyone with that hideous use of punctuation.
Howling with larfter
Superb, Pauline. Thanks a lot
Love these photos derrick! Amazing. But, the last one–priceless!
Very many thanks, Lynn
Your photographs captured perfectly the places you visited; what’s left is the atmosphere of those moments.
Did you lick your shirt?
Thanks a lot, Mary. Very tasty it was, too. π
I can assure, one and all, that Derrick was not set up. He just likes to decorate his shirt in a different way!
So kaind, Ian. So kaind
Why should we believe you? ‘Tis proof positive you are entering dribbling dotage, that’s what! Had you been set up, you’d be wearing an expression of stark horror instead of that of complacence. π
Dammit. Sussed. Thank you so much, Leslie π
That forest looks even chillier than the one in which I wandered recently – well, copse, actually.
It most certainly was. About 2 degrees at mid-day. Thanks, Leslie
I’m scrolling through your photos, feeling relaxed and peaceful and then I get to the end and broke out in laughter. Your expression is priceless, Derrick! By the way, the oak photo is stunning!
Many thanks, Jill. Glad to have provoked laughter. π
Oh yes, for both me and my Derek! π
I believe you were set up, and I’m imagining the whole choreographed scene. π
In the pre-set up, I particularly like the top photo. I love images reflected in the water.
Many thanks, Merril. I’m glad someone believes me. π I. too like that first picture
For some reason, I find it difficult to believe you. <3
That’s the trouble with you lot – too perceptive by half X
Set up! Well, with such nice fare on the table, it’s only natural to have a few splashes. I, too, like that oak…
Thanks a lot, Lisa
I especially enjoy the photos with the sun dappling the path. I try to get those shots also. Very magical they are
Thanks a lot, Pleasant
The grandfather shirt…made to take any culinary abuse. π
Absolutely, Van. Many thanks π
Oh dear, food that good should be shown off, after all! Love the forest pathways. That old tree is a classic beauty.
Many thanks, Cynthia
A dastardly deed, indeed! π
For sure, Widders π
Brilliant photos all the way through to the end, its obvious that you were set up, I know this because the same thing always happens to me.
Thanks for being a kindred spirit, Rob π
Were you up set at being set up? A lovely walk, beautifully photographed, which I would not attempt for quids.
Thanks a lot, Brian. Nice comment. π
Great set up for fabulous photos!
Thanks a lot, Ann
I love that squirrel, Derrick. She’s so cute π
I would love to hike on those paths from your photos.
Mo-hugs and kisses <3
Many thanks, Mo. Where have you been?
I just took a break for some projects in the real life, Derrick π
xo <3
A minute particle!!! Huh! That shirt bore the stains of so much in the way of dinner I am seriously considering it as a source of my next stock pot. Actually things did escalate and we did all spend the rest of the evening wiping most things on poor old Dels shirt. Funny until I realised that I was going to have to wash it!
Ha ha ha ha! The rest of the story is even funnier. Sorry you got stuck with cleanup, Jackie. I do hope the stock turns out well. <3
So been there. I always have coffee or hot sauce stains on my tops. (And paint and grass stains on my T-shirts.)
Thank you, Broadborder
Something about the photo of the aged oak tree and what you wrote, haunts me: A bent and aged oak on one edge of the field bowed beneath the prevailing wind … How even the most resistant ones give in to change …
What a beautiful setup π
Very many thanks, Timi. There are many such trees around, but the position of that one makes it mesmerising
Great images. I like the framing very much.
Thanks very much Rabirius
You got a little poetic with your walk in the woods, Derrick. I enjoyed it very much. I felt chilly even with the shots of sunlight. Must have been the wind.
Very many thanks Crystal. Right on.
Great pictures, as a landscape artist I have many sketched scene’s such as these; I love the silence of the woods other than nature. Enjoy your weekend. Ann
Many thanks, Ann
Beautiful tree photos! the second one is my favorite. π
Thanks a lot, Amy
Point one – buy shirts with checks or swirls.
Point two – buy them in shades of brown (gravy), orange (baked beans), red (chilli/Italian) and yellow (curry). This solves most problems.
Point Three – just because you have hair you don’t need to keep mentioning it. Some of us would love hair on our heads instead of just our ears, nostrils and eyebrows.
Glad to see everyone is well enough to take the mickey out of you, it’s a good sign.
Thanks a lot Quercus π
I am always available in matters sartorial Derrick – you only need to ask. π