Especially in the mud and rain, watching me struggle to change camera lenses, or switch devices from a commercial camera bag, set Jackie’s creative juices flowing. She decided to make me a lighter, more user friendly bag. Setting off to scour charity shops seeking a quilted jacket which she thought should be obtainable for about £5.00, she returned with one that had cost £4.99. She ran it through the washing machine , dried it off, and cut it up.

For the last few days she has been creating a gadget bag, every stitch applied by hand.
Whilst we watched the ITV coverage of the Wales v. Italy Six Nations rugby match, Jackie continued sewing the lens bag.
It has three divisions inside: one of each lens and one for the small SX700 HS camera. One lens was on the camera when I took this shot. But, you never know, I may one day buy another, macro, one. All the bag now needs are velcro strips to hold the cover in place.
This is what it looks like in situ. Just the business.
This evening, Elizabeth visited and she and I worked on a letter we are writing about the appallingly unsafe shower room that her Social Services department have left our mother with for the last twelve months. I will hold my powder on full details until the powers that be have or have not responded within the next working week.
Afterwards, the three of us dined on Jackie’s excellent chicken jalfrezi, her savoury rice, and her newly created superb sag paneer. Elizabeth and I drank Chateau Plessis grand vin de Bordeaux 2014; and Jackie drank sparkling water.
A most excellent bag! 😀
Thanks, Widders
The “newly created superb sag paneer” – that, AND the newly created superb bag panier.
Brilliant, Bruce. Thanks
Most excellent reply!
Boy, that Jackie is a gem, eh? The bag looks great…you wear it well, Derrick. Cheers!
Many thanks, Jill
Yes, I agree – That bag is perfect – you can’t be fumbling about changing lenses on the go without somewhere to put the things – quite a brilliant observation by the head gardener and a lovey job at fixing the problem.Bravo all around!
Many thanks, Jodie
The camera bag looks great. Hope your letter brings about the desired change.
Thanks a lot, Oglach
What a nice bag!
Many thanks, Lynn
Jackie, you are a smart as a whip! I love this idea.
I’m pleased, Ginene. I expect Jackie will reply herself
Above and beyond Jackie, above and beyond! It looks superb indeed – what a clever idea. You got yourself a good one there Derrick – and I don’t mean the bag 🙂
I’m sure you wouldn’t, Pauline. Many thanks
Adorable bag photo!
Thanks you Akuokuo
Yes, It’s always fun to see Derrick. But I’m sorry we didn’t see your socks – were they pink? (Somehow I know your socks were pink on that main photo of yours – don’t ask me how)
So funny! 🙂
Thank you Akuokuo
Not pink but Christmas themed with ‘Mistletoes’ !!!!!
Could well have been – but Jackie’s provided the answer. Thanks, Jodie
That’s even better, Jackie! Most excellent! Thank you.
Great creativity. Loved the pictures. … 🙂
Thanks a lot, Maniparna
The bag looks perfect and suitable for a professional photographer. Congratulations to Jackie for a fine creation. Nice photo, too. 🙂
The dinner is always mouthwatering and leaves me sad for facing my own mundane soup and sandwich! I have work tomorrow so must come back to comment and view other posts I missed, Derrick.
Thanks, Robin. I hope work goes well
Thank you, the day went fairly well. 🙂
I will be going back to help pack my Mom up over next weekend. She’ll be in skilled nursing area but we have been on a waiting list for her to go to Memory Care unit, which she will be going to sometime this month. Paying both rents is costly but we are sure she will be taken better care of there.
Give her my regards, if appropriate
Oh, she enjoys my saying someone from my blog says hello, Derrick. Thank you!
oooh I have a quilted jacket that’s torn in many places (a gardener’s special) and patched with duct tapes…I wish I don’t hate sewing so much.
Letter writing is so satisfying even when they don’t produce the desired effect…good luck.
That sag paneer looks mouth watering.
Many thanks, Mary
Jackie made an excellent job of that bag, Derrick! It looks perfect for quick access to your camera equipment. 🙂
Thanks a lot, Bun. We’ll give it a go today
Jackie has made an excellent job of that. Well done!
Thanks, John
Jackie did a great job, the bag looks terrific Derrick.
Thanks, Miriam. Just off to try it out
Have fun!
Yay, Jackie! That is some bag. And, good luck getting the shower safe for your mother. The potential for falling is no small thing.
She fell and cut herself, breaking 2 ribs. That was 6 months ago!! Thanks, Laurie
Oh, no! No wonder you are concerned. Again, good luck!
What a wonderful idea!
Thanks a lot, LL/PS. Just got back from trying it out 🙂
Wow–Jackie is clever. The bag is wonderful, and the sag paneer looks delicious.
Thanks a lot, Merril. Both are great
I couldn’t said it better myself 🙂
Thank you msw and again, Merril
Great minds. 🙂
Great bag Jackie! I love going to charity shops in the UK
Many thanks, Sylvie – from us both
Brilliant – the bag, the meal and Jackie!
: )
Thanks very much, Donna
Excellent bag. Great curry. Lucky man.
I hope the letter works.
Thanks, Quercus. Lucky indeed. You know better than most that the letter won’t make a blind bit of difference. But, hopefully, what we do afterwards will.
I have confidence that you are the man for the job. 🙂
I’m starting to wonder; is Jackie actually 2 or perhaps 3 people with the same name? Jackie is the Master Chef, Chauffeur,Navigator, Needleworker in Chief,(was going to say Sewer but it looks to much like sewer so thought I’d give that a miss, can’t go upsetting Jackie again) probably the chief bottle washer plus who knows what else.
I believe slavery has been abolished so there must be several people named Jackie.
And young Derick takes beautiful pictures for us all to enjoy; with a scintillating commentary to go with them.
Multi-talented indeed. She is also an excellent artist, but doesn’t do that at the moment. Ta everso, Brian.
I’m not surprised; just as a matter of interest; does she get time off for good behaviour ?
If only she’d take it 🙂
Oh you did not upset me! It just made me laugh. X Thanks for the accolade.
How on earth did you find time to acknowledge my ramble? He must have been outside feeding the ponies some carrots!
great bag for the lenses, awesome job, dinner looks scrumptious <3
Thanks a lot, Kim
hey look, you didn’t go to the spam can 🙂 YAY!
You look just fine, Derrick. Best.
Many thanks, Micheline 🙂
Love Jackie’s creation Derrick.. Its wonderful to be able to turn ones hand to anything.. Loved her resourcefulness and skill.. 🙂
Thanks very much, Sue
Excellent blog and lovely bag, might I add!
If you’re interested in Charity shopping, I’ve just written a review on Octavia Foundation, Tooting. Have a read and spread the word on the good work that they do:
Happy blogging x
Certainly will, Tooting H