Definitely The Business


This morning we went on a drive about the forest in order to try out the lens bag featured yesterday.

Does are normally so timid that they bound, bouncing, away before we have even seen them. The curiosity of this little harem among the trees got the better of them. Some turned their pretty rears, others presented a staring face. Others, with elegant flexibility, did both. When they all looked in the same direction they seemed to emulate meerkats.

The forest terrain is becoming decidedly waterlogged. Trees and sky are reflected in clear pools lying among last autumn’s fallen foliage. When the land is very wet the shallower-rooted trees tend to tip over and lie across land and water. We wonder how anyone can visit such a beautiful spot and lob a Lucosade bottle into it.

A herd of cattle have claimed the crossroads at East Boldre as their own. Wandering into the road at will, or, chewing the cud, resting their mud-caked legs, their knees are decorated with hay and grass.

The green frontage to this group of houses in East End has become a mirror to them and to ponies who still attempt to keep the grass down.

I am happy to be able to report that Jackie’s creation has made it possible for me to switch lenses and cameras with unaccustomed ease. It is definitely the business.

I spent several hours this afternoon completing a detailed timeline on the issue of my mother’s bathroom. This is the attachment that will go with the letter Elizabeth and I worked on yesterday. I then e-mailed it to my sister. I find it easier to write a blog.

After this I thoroughly enjoyed Jackie’s superb chicken jalfrezi, savoury rice, sag paneer, and paratha, with which I finished the bordeaux.


  1. The photos of the does does (Ha! English language!!) capture their brittle awareness. Oh to be able to present face and rear with equal agility! It all looks rather sodden Derrick – those poor cows are bedraggled and the mirror, while lovely must be somewhat alarming for the residents. Pleased to hear the bag is well designed and practical – made with love!

  2. I love your pictures and description of the does. I tried to take some from far away with my iPhone when I visited your neck of the woods: needless to say they are just blurs.

  3. Excellent depth-of-field usage. So, the community allows the cattle to roam free, do they? Hardly civilized, wouldn’t you say. (Only joking. It just popped into my head and sounded so, how do you say, English). I hope you had as much fun writing the blog as I did commenting…(Steve)

  4. i love the waterlogged pictures; one day i’ll have to send you on a visit to the Passford House Hotel, between Sway and the Lymington Road and get you to tell me what morning coffee is like there; a famous book is based on it after all…..

  5. Oh my gosh, I love all of these so much! These are some of my favorites! The does, the cows, and the reflections/water/trees!!!! I don’t know what jalfrezi is, but it sounds like something I would like!

  6. The deer are beautiful with their open eyes and perked up ears. This post had the most lovely trees, Derrick. My favorites are in the right second photo down and the bottom row of trees, the one with full reflection. The cows are special, too.

  7. That deer herd is something. They seem o have smaller ears than deer here. I love the way they stand together, gazing out. And the rain pools look lovely. I can almost smell the air.

  8. Deer are such beautiful creatures! (I’ve nothing against cows, of course. They’re perfectly charming in their way too.) Incidentally, I’m glad to hear that the bag worked so well. I’m glad to hear that all the work Jackie put into making it paid off.

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