This morning we drove to New Milton to register with the Birchfield Dental Practice, then do business at the bank and the post office. Afterwards we visited Streets Ironmongers in Brockenhurst where we exchanged our Swan’s Basket for a more suitable grate for the new fireplace, and a bag of coal. As we left the shop, the car thermometer registered 19 degrees. we’ll hardly need a fire. Someone up there is having a laugh.

The land around the Balmer Lawn section of Highland Water has dried out enough for the flooded area, bearing strong shadows from the overhead sun, to contain discrete pools reflecting the trees and the skies.
Some of the shadows criss-crossed the roots exposed by receding waters.

Clear water flowed over the glowing Highland Water bed.

The river itself sparkled in the sunlight.

As I wandered along the banks a pony seemed to move across the landscape. Actually it remained stationary. It was I who changed my position.

Cyclists were reflected beneath the bridge, over which a walker proceeded in the direction of Brockenhurst,
and under which the river streamed.

Other ponies had reclaimed their pasturage. This one set off past the car park towards the river, thought better of it, and, eyes open, went to sleep.

Perhaps it had decided to leave the watering hole to the donkeys,

who, thirst slaked, went off for a scratch

followed by a necking session.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s sublime chicken jalfrezi and mushroom rice, with onion bahji and samosa starters and a side dish of dal makhani and paneer. Jackie finished the Vernaccia di San Gimignano and I finished the carmenère.
The coal will keep.
19°C! Brrrr! That’s about the max we got over here all summer. A curse on global warming… Once again, lovely reflective (in both senses) photographs.
Many thanks, Bruce
Many thanks, Adrienne
Please keep buying coal. Pretty please…
Thanks a lot, Jessica
Love the lines on ” Stumps on bank and pony “. And I always love love. ” Donkeys necking”.
Many thanks, Jodie
Beautiful photos, Derrick. I really like the reflections in the water and the roots with shadows–though the necking donkeys are awfully cute.
Many thanks, Merril
Loved the shots with the pony and the cyclist crossing the bridge. Excellent!
Thanks very much, Jill
Thanks very much, Sofia
What glorious photos! And that reflection one top right!!!
Many thanks, Luanne
‘Donkeys necking’ – t’is the season.
Thanks, Widders. ’tis
Have to love a river-so pretty–and donkeys fascinate me. Are they smart? Loved the photo where the horse kept moving on you….
Thanks very much, Cynthia. I expect the donkeys are smarter than they look
That is what I have heard
Love the shots!!
Thanks very much, Untravelled
The shadows and the reflections are sublime …. such a wonderful representation of this moment just before Spring really bursts forth when the skeletons of the trees are still apparent.
A perfect comment, Osyth. Thank you.
At the moment we have had nice sunny days, but the evenings make you wish you’d lit a fire but it’s too late by then!
Just going to light one now – back to normal today
Thanks, John
The photo of the tree, roots and shadows is amazing
Thanks very much, Lynn.
It all looks very peaceful and pretty. I especially liked the shot of all the shadows among the tree roots. Anyway, it won’t be long now until spring really gets started and in among the roots are flowers and undergrowth.
Yes. Thanks very much, Bun
Sometimes our temperatures synchronise in our separate hemisphere. It’s just nudged up to 17ºC this morning, at 6am (or were you talking Fahrenheit ?)
Amazing, Mary. I was talking Cemtigrade. Thanks.
Great reflections in the waters.
Thank you very much, Kim
I thought that coal for domestic fires was no longer available, I used to love our coal fires when growing up; I must admit I much prefer them to a wood fire, the glowing coals throwing out comforting warmth, just loved it!
Thanks, Brian. I’m pleased. In my response to Cynthia on ‘The Fireplace’, I added this link:
You were tucking in then and boozing on just the same as you’re doing now. Must admit you do look a bit Pertweish.
The fogs I recall were horrendous, I can still remember going off to school getting to the front gate about 10-15 foot away from the front door, looking back and seeing nothing but fog.
I thought you’d remember that
How could I not?
Excellent photographs, showing your great talent for finding a shot in thongs that most of us would just pass by.
I don’t think many of us would pass up a shot in thongs.
Many thanks for the compliment.
My proof reading needs some work doesn’t it?