The Mist Did Not Desist



This morning, the temperature having dropped ten degrees, we lit the fire.

Smoke from chimney

Barry the sweep has said he will expect to see smoke from the chimney when he drives by. Set against a misty, overcast, sky, he will perhaps have difficulty seeing this today. Our mix of coal and logs produced a really powerful heat.

I bought the cast iron coal scuttle in a Newark antiques centre almost thirty years ago. I used it in my study to keep coal. I have been unable to verify the dealer’s implausible and certainly impractical claim that it was an antique Belgian commode. Jackie will now have to find something else in which to store her potatoes.

By mid-afternoon when we drove out to Mudeford, the mist had persisted.

We diverted to Highcliffe Castle en route, for some atmospheric shots.

Although visibility was greater in Mudeford harbour, boats and houses looked rather gloomy,

as did beach huts

and associated buildings.

Buoys rested on slate.

Highcliffe Sailing Club and the masts of its yachts were somewhat obscured.

Dripping gulls looked somewhat under the weather.

Fishing paraphernalia displayed muted colour,

Group on quay

as did a group of hardy visitors. The mist did not desist.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s excellent chicken jalfrezi and mushroom rice with onion bahjis. I drank Château Plessis grand vin de Bordeaux 2014.

We are now about to watch the Six Nations rugby match at Cardiff between Wales and Ireland to be televised by BBC.


  1. My kind of day Derrick – gives the place mood and great atmosphere, nice shots. Love the fire – looks so pretty in the refurbished fireplace.

  2. The fireplace photo looks so cosy. It got cold here, too–and we had snow today!
    I love your misty photos. I imagine a ghost stepping out of the castle.

  3. A misty day indeed! A perfect day for a cozy fire. The picture of the buoys (?) is especially nice.

  4. Thanks for the shot of your gorgeous fire. I too think the antique dealer may not have been feeding you a line. He might also have thought it just looked like a commode. I’ve no clue as a coal scuttle here has a particular shape and is basically a bucket. It seems as though it’s getting colder everywhere. We may have snow on Monday! March seems to be the new February.

  5. Always enjoy your rambles. The misty fog is, by all appearances, “thick as pea soup” as someone, somewhere once said…
    Mudeford and Highcliffe–a spooky enchantment courtesy of murky weather. Would love to gaze at them even more, with some sunlight exposing more.

    (It’s enough to make me nearly wish to drink: your wines always sounds so interesting. Are you a connoisseur?)

  6. Variety is the spice of life. I do love your atmospheric shots of Highcliffe Castle.

  7. The mist is a nice phenomenon for photos in my opinion.
    I love the first photo, with the fire in the fireplace. It looks so warm and romantic 🙂
    xo <3

  8. that fireplace looks so inviting on the grey gloomy days, stay warm, nice coal bin, perhaps a chamber pot but all clean now 🙂 peace and love, sending sunshine, K

  9. I used to have a unit in the Newark Antique Centre – I wouldn’t believe a word any of them said!

    The fire[lace looks fantastic npw and your photos are, as usual, excellent.

  10. The potato comment made me laugh – I am always looking for a better way to store my potatoes and onions – and recently heard that I shouldn’t store them near each other – so now more of a dilemma than ever.

  11. What a lovely and cosy place in the first photo, and the best place to be when the world is in mist, although mist and fog can be so magical. Love your photo, you give a great impression.

  12. I would much prefer your weather to ours right now. Although I love the sun, the bitter cold is starting to get to me and now the forecast is predicting 10 to 15 cm of snow in the next two days. I love the shots of the gulls and the fishing paraphernalia.

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