In the garden this morning, envious of the attention given to the daffodils yesterday, many other plants clamoured to be photographed.

Readers may have noticed a hyacinth lurking among the daffodils. Here are a couple more, one seeking camouflage from the as yet uncleared autumn leaves.

Cowslips soar from the soil at the bottom of the back drive.

Along the beds there we have perennial wallflowers and primroses. That lady’s bedstraw will have to come out.
Alliums are beginning to proliferate,
and grape hyacinths are popping up.

Some bulbs, like these forcing their way through geraniums
or these from between patio stones, we cannot identify. The second, thanks to Rusty duck’s comment below, I can now say is Ipheion uniflorum. Geoff, has added this information: ‘The first one – the pinkish one, is Chionodoxa ‘Pink Giant’ and the next one is Ipheion uniflorum as you say – although it has just had its name changed to Tristagma. (not just a minute ago)’
Some aubretia seem almost fluorescent.

The tiny clematis Cirrhosa now festoons the gazebo.
Jackie spent the morning clearing the garden beds, while I transferred the residue to the compost heaps.
Anyone who has followed this blog for the last two and a half years will know how invaluable Aaron, of A.P. Maintenance has been. He gets through a phenomenal amount of work on his regular Sunday morning visits. Today, for example, not only did he finish weeding the back drive, but he also

fixed the House sign into position at the front of the house

and pruned the crab apple trees in order to promote fruit for next winter’s blackbirds.
Jackie’s sign has now been switched to the other side of the entrance.
Ponies in the New Forest are normally to be seen fending for themselves. They are naked but for their own hair which generally lengthens during the winter; and they have to find their own food. Late in the afternoon, we drove out into the forest where, close to Linford, I spotted an equine group who appeared to be enjoying hotel facilities. They were all chomping away at a large hay bin, and one wore a rug. Like young children at the trough, more of the fodder landed on the floor than reached their stomachs.

The five-barred gate on which I leant to photograph the diners bore the sign for Newlands Farm. On our return home I Googled the farm. It was indeed a horse hotel of sorts. This is what their website has to say:
“Newlands offers you over 75 acres of well-managed grassland. We offer two types of grass livery care packages,with amazing riding from the farm gate directly onto the open New Forest , with no roadwork at all.
The farm is superbly located being less than 3 minutes from the market town of Ringwood yet set right within the New Forest National Park. The farm is run and situated alongside New Forest Livery and Training. Newlands is a professionally-managed farm providing superb grazing and care packages for your horse combined with access to superb outriding.
Grass Livery – Horses at grass are either :
– Visited regularly by their owners, or
– Retired/resting, ‘Owner-Away Option’, where owners visit less often, so we maintain the care.”
This evening we dined on Mr Chatty Man Chan’s Hordle Chinese Take Away’s delicious fare. I finished the Fleurie while Jackie drank sparkling water.
The flowers are lovely. But the ponies are irresistible!
Thanks a lot, Leslie
Such beautiful horses, and your garden is looking fabulous, too.
Many thanks, Melanie
Garden is looking good, as is the gardener. Horses look happy too. In fact it looks like the place to be. 🙂
Many thanks, Quercus
Everything is looking so well tended.
Thanks a lot, Peggy. We’ve got some catching up to do.
Spring is afoot! Lovely post Derrick 💛
Many thanks, Val
Spring is in the photos – a beautiful start Derrick.
Thanks a lot, Terry
I’m so excited to see the pictures of the flowers! It reminds me that we’ll have flowers soon and that, to me, is hope! The ponies make me miss my farm. Our boys each had his own pony along with the 4-H and ARBA animals. Seeing the ponies here makes me feel all warm and nostalgic!
I’m pleased, Elizabeth. Thank ypu.
You’re quite welcome.
I can imagine the plants clamoring for your photographic attention, Derrick. Those ponies seem much better taken care of than the usual feral ones (not that they aren’t cute, too) about whom I occasionally worry.
I worry about the wild ponies too – I always love when he shows that people put out food for them. That’s what I would do.
I’m worried about their feet and general air of neglect. Kind of like range cattle that never get rounded up. But they must be okay–and I guess do get rounded up once a year.
They do, Lisa. Thank you.
They certainly are – but it seems on a temporary basis. Thanks a lot, Lisa.
Perhaps the unidentified patio stone flowers are the star-of-Bethlehem aka eleven-o’clock lady??
I call them Star-of -Bethlehem too.
Thanks a lot, Bruce. I’ll have a look at Google images in the morning
Amazing! The ponies look adorable… 🙂 Mr Aaron did a commendable job indeed…
Thanks very much, Maniparna. Aaron is a real treasure.
I’m excited to see the garden coming into its own this year – it just keeps getting better and better! The new sign is very professional looking and certainly couldn’t be missed, but I like Jackie’s quirky hand made sign too. I’m pleased it wasn’t relegated to the recycle bin!
I like Jackie’s signs too, but they need repainting quite frequently. Thanks a lot, Pauline
I’d hazard a guess the patio stones bulb is Ipheion uniflorum. Google it (images), you’ll see in some of its forms it has the two groups of three petals, as yours does.
Many thanks, Jessica. I hoped someone would put us right.
I’ve now amended the post, giving you credit, of course.
Spring has certainly sprung in your neck of the woods, Derrick. I loved the grape hyacinths. Jackie’s sign looks perfect in its new spot.
Many thanks, Jill
I think, when I die, I should like to come back as a New Forest pony; so if any of your readers know how to accomplish this, will they please hurry, and let me know. :bear: 🙄 🙂
🙂 Thanks Brian. Who would say neigh?
Your combination of Aaron for his particular kinds of tasks, Jackie who has a flair for presentation in her gardens and your useful ways of transfer and transport it all adds up to an amazing amount of work being accomplished, Derrick. Your photos and information about the ponies are beloved and appreciated.
So many thanks, Robin
It is nice to hear how many participate by teamwork, in different areas of your lives. This is a sign that you and Jackie are much loved.
Derrick, you don’t shoot photographs. You shoot poems.
And ponies, of course!
What a lovely comment, Uma. Thank you.
Aaron certainly seems to know what he’s doing … and to work hard doing it. Your flowers are lovely. The aubretia certainly does look fluorescent.
Many thanks, Nicki
Aaron’s hard at it, I see. I’m exhausted just looking at the photographs.
Thanks, Bun. He just doesn’t stop, except for a smoke and a cup of tea.
you always get me with the pretty ponies, nice pics Derrick <3 <3
Thanks a lot, Kim
Sweet spring has come to the Old Post House. Not so much to the little house in the big woods. As always, I so enjoy the pictures of the ponies.
Thanks a lot, Laurie. Not much sign of spring today 🙂
Be sure to take a look at my post today—I’ll be posting it soon. You’ll be doing a spring happy dance 😉
Beautiful garden. Nice signs. Love the ponies, and the analogy to kids spilling their food on the floor. Love the name of the Chinese take away.
Thanks very much, Brenda. Actually it’s our name for the proprietor – for months we didn’t know his name and Jackie called him Mr Chatty Man. When he told her his name was Chan that just got added 🙂
And it rhymes! LOL
Beautiful blooms! So wonderful to have Aaron around. I envy you… 🙂
Many thanks, Amy
The ponies are lucky to have friends that feed them. Cute shots, thanks for sharing, Derrick.
Thanks a lot, Cindy
Lovely photography of not only the flowers and the ponies but even Aron whose work was very artistically captured I must say. The horse farm sounds like an interesting concept. I envy your life in the countryside, seems like bliss 🙂
Many thanks, Geetha. It is rather.
Most welcome Derrick 🙂
Love the Signs new position Derrick, and so many beautiful flowers and love the ponies and that they have hay to eat extra too 🙂
Many thanks, Sue
Love all of the signs and decorative pieces Jackie adds to the garden. She has great taste! I must say…I like the sign she made the bestest! 🙂
The flowers are beautiful and their bright colors bring smiles! 🙂
Oh, I do hope the ponies can get enough to eat. I am thankful for those who put out food for them. Their hay meal reminds me of eating shredded wheat cereal…I love that cereal! 🙂 The original is my favourite! 🙂
PATS and PETS for the ponies… 🐴 🐴 🐴
HUGS for Jackie and Derrick… 🙂 🙂
HUGS for Aaron, who is a wonderful helper! 🙂
Thanks very much, Carolyn 🙂 X