Today began dark, wet, and windy. Thinking we would be unable to do much more in the garden we transported the results of yesterday’s crab apple pruning to Efford Recycling Centre.
As is the Head Gardener’s wont, she bought two more fibreglass faux terra cotta plant pots from the sales area.
The sun did put in brief appearance this afternoon, so I was able to present a snapshot of the first official day of Spring.
Jackie has also started buying plants, like these violas,
and these snake’s head fritillaries just plonked in an urn for the moment.
Both are visible in this shot of the kitchen bed.
These camellias shed their confetti-like petals on the Dead End Path.
Others are visible on either side of the decking in this view beyond Margery’s Bed;
more in the Palm Bed;
and beside the Head Gardener’s walk which also displays cyclamens.

These two were buried in darkness when we arrived three years ago. Now they are able to flower,
being visible from across the Dragon Bed.
Figures lining the walk include dragons and a cherub.

There are, of course, hellebores and daffodils everywhere;
and pulmonaria, such as these clambering over a brick boundary.
A small mahonia planted last year is thriving along the back drive,
where a periwinkle has been stencilled on our neighbours’ wall.
A little bit of luck is essential to a successful photoshoot. As I was focussing on the garden it was appropriate that mine today should be blooming.
I was unhappy with my first shot at the epimediums, so I went back out to make some more efforts.

Then came my first ‘little bit o’ bloomin’ luck’. A bee had decided it was now warm and dry enough to flit from bloom to bloom.

As I clicked away at this insect, I received a second stroke. More clicking above my head alerted me to the fact that a pair of long-tailed tits were using the weeping birch branches as trapezes.
This warranted a tribute to Stanley Holloway:
This evening we dined on our second helpings of yesterday’s Chinese takeaway with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank Callia magna Malbec 2014.
I sang the whole way through the post because I am a musical theatre nut. The garden is lovely, and the plants are so “frilly” in comparison with the tough sort we have here (the beating sun, you know).
Many thanks, Luanne. So pleased it inspired singing 🙂
🙂 Good thing you could hear it haha!
I’m just stopping for a spot of lunch and what a grande walk through your garden I’ve had. I love that you’ve named area’s of the garden and paths too. It’s like a story book. The Camellia’s are simply ‘knot-my-socks-off’ gorgeous. Man, I wish we could grow that here. All gorgeous, yet my favourite is your little bumble bee visit! I love to see them in the garden, I’m adding new things to keep them coming. Such a dainty little flower to hold on too, even if I were a bee. It would be kind of fun to eat upside down, but I won’t be trying that any time soon. Cheers to you x Boomdee
Thanks for the lovely comments, Boomdee.
Loving all the colour in your garden Derrick and those are two great terracotta pots 🙂 Its done nothing but rain today.. And looks like we may well get a little snow tomorrow.. Spring is not knowing what to do.. 🙂
Thanks very much, Sue. I hope you don’t get the snow
None so far this morning, Sunny skies … xxx
A hive … or a jungle … of activity!
The garden seems quite extensive.
Thanks a lot, Leslie. A third of an acre
That is pretty substantial compared with most we saw in that area!
Yes. And it was completely overgrown when we arrived 3 years ago. Couldn’t have contemplated it today, but got it into shape before the knees went.
A major undertaking. Probably that contributed to the knee failure!
Maybe 🙂
It’s like someone said, open and wow did they ever listen. Looking wonderful as the signs of Spring are making great noise in your garden. Here’s to you and the head gardner!!
Very many thanks, Mary
We’re having our first decent day of sun since, I can’t remember when, today too. 🙂
Thanks a lot. Widders
The kitchen bed is looking all ready for planting up – it’s amazing what you (well Jackie really) has done in three years and how keen everything is to get going. I love the bee shot!
Thanks a lot, Pauline. Are you managing the enlargements now?
Yes, thank you Derrick – I wasn’t scrolling down at all of course. The things you don’t know!! 🙂
Happy owling 🙂
Bloomin’ lov-er-ly!
🙂 Many thanks, Donna
Spring makes such a difference! Love the blue chairs with violas–really, want those chairs of my balcony… And thanks for the musical moments!
Many thanks, Cynthia
A feast for the eyes, happy Spring-
Many thanks, Pleasant
I enjoyed listening to the music as a scrolled through the photos. Everything is looking beautiful. With all of those chairs, it looks like you’re ready for all of your blogging buddies to come for a visit. 🙂
All welcome, Jill. Many thanks
I’m with Luanne–as soon as I saw the title of your post, I thought of the song from My Fair Lady. 🙂
You got some perfect shots for the first day of spring, Derrick. Such patience! The photos with the bees and the one with the birds–wonderful!
Many thanks, Merril
Ahhh you have all the lucky – at the tip, with the flowers and even the birds!
I should say birds and bees 🙂
Thanks very much, Mary.
Happy Spring! A riot of color that really blows my blues away! Terrific captures, Derrick!
Many thanks, Sofia
amazing what a song can do – I’m still singing. Happy Spring to you – can’t believe you have BEES already!
Surprising for us, too, Jodie. Thanks a lot.
: )
I’m very partial to epimediums – this one is a lovely colour combination.
Thanks, Susan. I hadn’t known it before, but love it. When we first arrived 3 years ago it didn’t flower. Jackie divided it and spread it about. It obviously liked that.
The first time I came across them was when I found a patch of leaves in dry shade under a shrub. I dug them out as part of bigger job and left them on a stone (by mistake). Weeks later I noticed despite the neglect, they had produced tiny, insect-like flowers. I’ve been hooked ever since.
Oh beauteous spring springing!
Yep. Thanks, Osyth.
So pretty! Love the picture of the plants and the blue chairs!
Many thanks, Lynn
most welcome
Sorry to disappoint you Mr Holloway, or should that be Mr Do little, which is perhaps more apt, but the sun is still south of the equator, the equinox is running a trifle late this year; tomorrow the 22nd here in Australia we will have the sun for 12 hours and 7 seconds, so I think perhaps the night of 22nd/23rd will be it!
Thank you kindly, meLud. It’s a good thing I understand Cockney humour, innit?
Someone should put that garden, along with its inhabitants, Gardener-in-Chief and the Chronicler, in a story. I wonder if Mr Neil Gaiman is reading this?
Here is a short story woven about March that folks liked a lot:
Many thanks, Uma. I liked the story, and commented on that blog.
Thanks, Derrick! I thought you would like that one. 🙂
The hellebores are lovely.
Many thanks, Maria
I always enjoy looking at your garden 🙂
Many thanks msw
Your head gardener deserves a round of applause. As do you for your ability to capture her work.
Many thanks, Leslie. I’ll pass it on
Nice garden, nice pics.
Thanks, Mike
Happy spring, Derrick! 🌺💚🌹
I’m sure you were ecstatic to see a pair of tits in your tree. 😀
🙂 Thanks very much, Rose
I have shared the link of this post in my Facebook page:
Thank you very much, Miranda
Love that old song. Thanks for the memories. Someone said luck only works if you are in the game to get it.
Many thanks, Sherry. I thought you might be familiar with the song.
Lovely Epimedium and bee.
I have a new orange one that has not bloomed yet. My yellow is blooming now. The white will bloom later. They are my favorite subtle flowers.
Many thanks, Flower
Long Tailed Tits are hard to photograph, being such quick and flitty creatures so that’s a really shot to get. Garden is looking good.
I always liked Stanley Holloway in My Fair Lady, so this was a bonus. 🙂
Very many thanks, Quercus
Kudos to both the head gardener as well as the photographer. A job well done!
Many thanks, Irwin