On a dank and dismal day, Jackie cleaned out the Wisteria Arbour. This involved swabbing down the furniture, clearing dead plants and sweeping a multitude of leaves.
As I came out to report on a FaceTime conversation with Malachi in Western Australia’s Fremantle I could smell the apple mint in the pot at the bottom right of the picture. The tulip is one brought back from Amsterdam by Danni and Andy a couple of years ago.
Malachi, occasionally punctuated by his sister Orlaith and his parents, read me an excellent story he had written and illustrated, and took me on a virtual tour of their new house.
Such an unspringlike day gave me the opportunity to remind ourselves of the season by following our friend, Barrie Haynes’s, prompt and featuring:
I spent the afternoon scanning the next batch of our 1992 Cumbrian holiday spent at Towcett with Ali, Steve, and James.

On 18th August we climbed the fells from Haweswater where we made the acquaintance of mountain sheep who looked rather more comfortable than I felt.

The youngsters, Louisa, naturally taking the lead, ascended with the help of mountain bikes and the rest of us hiked.
As we know, Louisa is game for anything, but it looks as if she found this banana split, consumed at Tudor Restaurant, Penrith, rather daunting.
We stayed at Teal Cottage, one of the holiday homes in the grounds of Towcett House, the home of Jessica’s cousin Angie, and her then husband Viscount Hugh Lowther. There, Sam manufactured a bow and arrow and an archery contest soon got under way.

Louisa was first at the butts;

Sam followed;

and James brought up the rear.
I am grateful to Mary Tang for explaining how to remove the date stamp from these photographs.
Mr Pink’s fish and chips in Milford on Sea re-opened a few days ago, nine months after a fat fryer fire requiring thorough refurbishment. We were pleased to welcome them back and take cod and chips home to eat with gherkins and pickled onions. I drank more of the Bordeaux with mine.
all of your grandchildren look to be enjoying themselves.. They would feel right at home in my part of the world.. Robin Hood Country LOL.. and that Banana Split looked Yummy.. 🙂
Actually, Sue, Sam and Louisa are my children, and James a friend. My two grew up in Newark. Thanks very much.
Do you know Derrick, yes, I could have kicked myself after I posted as I then realised you were archiving them as I have seen many in the past of them.. I guess I got caught up with the bow and arrows.. LOL..
And yes, I remember you saying about Newark, right on my doorstep haha…. so no wonder the bow and arrows.. 🙂 haha… It had been a long evening on catch ups.. 🙂
Apologies again.. <3
I’m just pleased you read and commented Sue. No apology necessary.
😀 <3
P.S. You might find this useful, Sue
Derrick – You should put this family tree link out there whenever you can – I always look at it and realize something new. Isn’t life a complex and amazing thing?
Thanks, Jodie. I will bear this in mind. At the moment I put it out when someone’s comments prompt me to do so. In writing this, it occurs to me that I should provide a link in my about page, which I have just done.
P.P.S. I’ll give the attachment this time 🙂
Many thanks again Derrick.. I really appreciate that you shared this page of your family tree with me.. A wonderful record.. And a treasure for sure.. <3
Thanks a lot, Sue
Oh, I love that first picture of Jackie – she’s so cute – Her smile says, “Oh, it’s spring and I have a whole SEASON of work ahead in the gardens to look forward to – goody goody goody!”
You read my mind!!!
So Cute! It’s mostly 45 degrees fh and dreary here. But I anticipate soon having such a smile.
Your interpretation of the smile is spot on, Jodie. Thanks very much.
: )
Glad to hear Mr. Pink’s is back in action. Love the photos of the kids –
Thanks very much, Jodie
it looks like a lot of fun!!! I didn’t recognize that Seven Brides clip. Is that from the 1954 film?
It is from the film, Luanne. I saw it at the cinema – before we had a TV. Thanks very much.
Not at all a part I remember, oddly. Or did I not see the whole movie? Now I am wondering if I should watch it again.
That YouTube clip seems to show its age. I tend to get it confused in my mind with Oklahoma
I know Oklahoma a lot better. I’ve seen 7 Brides once on stage and the move full through once. But Oklahoma a lot more, and it seems like a show that will last longer to me.
Me too
Well done with the date stamps; I wouldn’t have noticed if you hadn’t mentioned it. Well done Jackie for spring cleaning; she looks so pleased that we have to be pleased for her 🙂 Love the Cumbrian country and archery photos.
Very many thanks, Mary.
You can tell how much time they all had shooting with bow and arrow. Great shots. I love Jackie’s smile!
Many thanks, Bridget
What a captivating title. I was wondering if you were multi-tasking and doing all three at the same time. This was a delightful read, an insight into a pleasant day. Wishing you and Jackie many more. Harlon
Very many thanks, Harlon
Hi Derrick. I’ve nominated you for the Mystery Blogger Award. Here’s the link-
Thanks very much, Shamim. I am honoured, but, unfortunately I have my work cut out to write a daily post, respond to comments, and read all those I follow. I can’t therefore manage the requirements of acceptance.
Jackie looks pleased to see you in that lovely photo. And the action shots of Louisa with the bow and arrow made by the ever resourceful Sam are wonderful – you captured the whole story!
Very many thanks, Pauline. There’s a whole lot more of that holiday to come. Jackie does look so pleased.
I’m a bit shocked – cod and chips with gherkins and pickled onions instead of mushy peas?
🙂 We do like to ring the changes, Susan. Thanks a lot.
The arbor is now looking fabulous and Jackie looks very pleased. I must say the Cumbrian countryside is beautiful and I, too, liked the archery shots. So happy for Mr. Pink’s, mostly because I like the name so much. I was sorry they were out of business for a while–no doubt fretting whether their customers would come back…
Thanks very much, Lisa. Jackie is pleased; especially that Mr Pink’s is back, albeit with enforced changes of staff.
Aw…I love the photo of Jackie…she looks right at home. It’s great seeing the children again…what fun!
Jackie was pretty chuffed; and those holidays were fun. Thanks very much, Jill
Gherkins! I love gherkins! And now I hunger for cod and chips.
Thanks very much, Susanne. I hope you can get some
Now I am transported back to when we made bows and had brother on brother wars until mum found out.
Pleased to know that, John. Thanks a lot.
I agree with Sue above about the photo of Jackie. She looks both delighted with the garden and eager to get to work. Springtime!
Every time I think of Seven Brides for Summer Brothers, I remember discussing it with my daughters’ former Latin teacher, now friend, on a bus in Italy. Great dance scenes in that movie.
That family vacation looks like was wonderful. I’m sure the photo bring back very fond memories.
Very many thanks, Merril
Facetime, Viscounts and Chips – it’s all going on in this post isn’t it? Great memories captured by the photographs.
Very many thanks, Quercus
I love these pictures!
That’s good. Thanks very much, Lynn
Always something interesting Derrick
I love the family photos!
Many thanks, Lynn
It never eases to amaze me, the lack of trees, in photographs I see of places like Cumbria. Why is this? Have you any idea? I’d have thought with the climate in England just about anything would grow.
Beautiful set of photos. What a fun day!
Many thanks, Amy
The hike through the hill looks like it was wonderful. I do love mountains. Is Sam a lefty? Look at his gorgeous head of hair! All those golden curls.
Sam is a lefty, Crystal, but he bats right handed. Thanks a lot.
Riders who love KTM just have a look