Oh Yes – We Did Have An Easter Egg Hunt


This morning Aaron began weeding the Brick Path.

Bee on tellima

Bees were feasting on the tiny blooms of tellimas which grow quite profusely.

Noticing Becky wandering around the garden gathering up Scooby’s poo bag contributions, Aaron quipped that she had missed Easter, so there was no Egg Hunt today.

This afternoon Jackie drove Becky and me to Elizabeth’s home at West End, where we enjoyed a roast lamb meal cooked by Adam, in honour of Danni, Thea, and Andy’s 10k run in aid of Cancer Research.

These are before and after photographs e-mailed to me by Danni.

Running medal and trainers

As soon as I opened the front door it was apparent that such an event had taken place. a medal on the stairs and discarded trainers provided the evidence.

My great nephew Jasper earnestly concentrated on his father’s train set

details of which he explained to Becky and to Danni.

Roast lamb meal

The constituents of Adam’s excellent meal, namely roast lamb, potatoes, parsnips and carrots; cauliflower cheese and red cabbage were laid out on the kitchen table from which we helped ourselves and repaired to the dining room. Of the drinks on offer, I chose red wine.


During the meal, Mum was prompted to relate a story of a particular Easter when I had gone to bed after eating too much chocolate and emerged later with the liquidised version all over me.

Jasper 4

Afterwards, an Easter Egg Hunt was laid on for Elizabeth’s grandson. He was a little frustrated at first when he could not find any of the treasure,

but soon got into the swing of things.

The highlight of his afternoon was the final large package containing a train that had to be embarked upon immediately.

Donkey on road

At this time of the year, it is best to avoid Lyndhurst on this journey, because you are likely to be held up by traffic jams. That is what we did. The donkeys at Beaulieu were determined to demonstrate that they were perfectly capable of providing a similar delay.

While the others grazed a bit, I needed no further sustenance this evening.


  1. Personally I was quite captivated by the super-hero costume – not sure who it is – but it has abs and everything. And the three year old gesture of frustration is a winner! 🙂

  2. Such good things to read about and view… Loved the child’as expressions and the fun he must have had and then that chocolate train– so very worth nibbling! (But I do worry about the creatures that hang out in the roads all over–does any one of the four legged animals or human ones get hit or otherwise hurt?)

  3. What a lovely age spread, from your great nephew to your mother. And a chocolate train? Bring it on! Toot, toot!

  4. What a lovely post of family, garden, food, and local sights, Derrick. I love the superhero outfit. It reminds me of how my niece used to wear her Wonder Woman “underoos” all the time when she was about that age. Your mother looks great–I wish I could have heard her tell the story. 🙂
    The chocolate train is amazing!
    And congratulations to the runners!

  5. The story your mum told had me chuckling – sorry! And Jasper in his Captain America costume is just adorable! That was a big chocolate train too!

  6. Jasper’s Easter Egg hunt frustration was understandable. I was jealous of his large chocolate train. 🙂 Yummy!
    I liked the feast and could understand why you were full the first round, Derrick. I missed this post!
    I liked the warmth I felt from Danni. She is such a beautiful young woman with a sweet smile. This looked like such a happy Easter! 🐇🌸

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