In The May Garden (2)


Brick Path

Among his other tasks this morning, Aaron finished weeding the original section of the Brick Path,

Iris 1
Irises 1

and sprayed herbicide along the gravel of the Back Drive where an old gold iris has bloomed.


Many plants, like this pansy-like mimulus, have happily self-seeded from last year,


others like two mulleins threatening to dwarf the roses among which they have taken root, may themselves be quite content, but their neighbours are not so.


We may have left it too late to move these two giants to the rear of the Back Drive border.

Rose Gloriana

Rose Gloriana is far more prolific in this, its third year in the Rose Garden,

rose Madame Alfred Carriere 1
rose Madame Alfred Carriere 2
rose Madame Alfred Carriere 3

the faded blue entrance arch to which bears creamy Madame Alfred Carriere.

rose Altissimo

Altissimo stands sentinel at the corner of The Rose Garden and Elizabeth’s Bed,


where this sturdy fuchsia suspends its delicate pink flowers.


Cheerful erigeron cascades from the wall of the New Bed that contains


this pink-striped clematis,

Clematis 2

as healthy as this, one of Jackie’s rescued spindly little twigs, mounting the front fence.

This evening we dined on pork medallions in barbecue sauce, with crunchy carrots, broccoli, and new potatoes. I drank Parra Alta Malbec 2016. Jackie had already imbibed her Hoegaarden on the patio beforehand.


  1. Such blossomy beautiful sightings for tired eyes! I am wondering if many or most of the flowers and shrubbery were there before you moved, as I don’t know how long you two have lived there. But it would appear a lifetime of gardening has brought this one into its glory!

    1. We’ve been here 3 years. When we arrived it was a jungle overgrown with brambles and shrubs turned to trees. We created the Rose Garden from a concrete and brick-filled patch, but otherwise the layout was there. We have planted lots of perennials, and the hanging baskets are all Jackie’s. Thanks a lot, Cynthia. (The Before And After posts of a couple of years back give the story)

  2. The roses, creamy colored and bright red, are simply gorgeous, Derrick. The pansy-like Mimulus is pretty.
    Jackie’s green thumb really has saved lovely flowering plants. The purple flowers are so pretty. 🙂

  3. As always, your garden is beautiful, Derrick. So beautiful. And I know it would not be so beautiful if you would not put all your love and soul in it.
    xo <3

  4. I am quite fond of the tiny erigeron and your cascade is looking particularly wonderful! The first photo of the brick path is inviting. Who wouldn’t like to go for a wander into that dappled shade and see what wonders are waiting there.

  5. Jackie is very self-disciplined at allowing herself only one Hoegaarden. I’m a nascent lush, I fear. One glass always leads to another and before I know it I’ve got a beer breath and my husband is sleeping in the spare room. I also find it a lovely coincidence that her beer of choice makes use of the word hoe and garden. Kismet.

  6. I always enjoy visiting your garden, Derrick.
    I liked Susanne’s observation about the “hoe” and “garden” beer that Jackie enjoys. I’m not a beer drinker myself, but then I’m also not a gardener. I definitely appreciate all the work you both do to make your garden so beautiful, and I’d enjoy sitting there and drinking a glass of wine. 🙂

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