Pollie’s Day Lilies


Grass edge 1Grass edge 2

This morning, while Jackie continued planting, I shaved a curved line on the edge of the grass patch,


where Jackie had placed a group of petunias. Then, removing grass roots and us much moss as possible, I broke up the sods and mixed them with the Head Gardener’s fresh soil.

Clematis 2

Of all the clematises in the garden it is perhaps pertinent to mention two today. This one is making its way across the arch spanning the Phantom Path on the other side of Margery’s Bed against which the above petunias have been placed.


The other, being the same white hue as the now faded Marie Boisselot now commands the attention that she had in her youth on the Kitchen Bed obelisk.


The same bed contains miniature kniphofias;

Cosmoses and geraniums

the stone urn standing beside them contains cosmoses and geraniums;


and almost fluorescent mesembryanthemums overlook the Waterboy’s fountain.

Flies on scented lily

Gloriously scented lilies in the New Bed attract a myriad of flies.

Day lilies 1Day lilies 2Day lily 1Day lily 2

Day lilies abound throughout the beds, but they are of just three varieties.

When Jackie discovered that a splendid collection of the plants is nurtured in Sway, just two or three miles up the road, it became imperative that we should pay a visit. Accordingly we took a trip to Pollies Daylilies signin Mount Pleasant Lane,

Along a winding gravelled drive we entered a lovely garden with a huge array of plants of all kinds. I rang a doorbell and Pollie Maasz, the friendly and pleasant proprietor, emerged to show us around her amazing collection, about more of which can be read on Day lilies .

Day lilies 5Day lilies 6Day lilies 3Daylilies 4Day lilies 8Day lilies 9Day lily 4Day lilies 7Day lily 7Day lily 6Day lily 5Day lily 8Day lilies 13Day lilies 12Day lily 9Day lilies 11Day lily 3Day lilies 10Day lilies 14Day lilies 5

A gate in the domestic garden led us to a splendid display of unusual hemerocallis flowers.

Horse and flies 1Horse and flies 2

As Pollie searched among rows of potted samples for sale, through a wire fence, she chatted to her neighbour’s horse, tormented by marauding flies. The good-natured mare tossed her head in vain attempts to rid herself of the plague.

Day lilies 15

We bought two plants. All we have to do is create spaces for them.

This evening we dined at Lal Quilla. I enjoyed chicken jaljala; Jackie chose chicken shashlik; and we shared mushroom rice and a plain paratha. We both drank Kingfisher.



    1. Only two plants THIS TIME, we were informed that the later flowering ones will be showing their true colours in a fortnight and we have promised to return! You know us too well 🙂

    1. I hadn’t finished typing when the comment sent itself. Was going to say they all went west with all the house movings. It’s certainly glorious at Pollies. However I’d personally go for your purple clematis!

  1. I had a giggle at the line …”All we have to do is create spaces for them.”

    The day lilies are just setting up buds here in Northern Ontario.

  2. I’m not a big fan of day lilies Derrick – I once had a stream on my property that they bordered – masses of them and they were all orange and always seemed to have more shrivelling dead or dying flowers than bloomers …….. I have not heard of mesembryanthemums before – are they succulents? Very bright and eye catching! And of course the lawn edging looks most professional – could be a new career opening before you 🙂

    1. Very many thanks, Pauline. Jackie wouldn’t have day lilies in her London garden for that very reason. In a big garden you don’t notice it. We think the mesembryanthemums are succulents – but hardy.

  3. Wow, you’re lawn edging is…pretty immaculate. I’m impressed. The day lilies are such a pleasure–I love how they come on this time of year, and you have captured some delicately colored ones that would be nice to have. I look forward to seeing yours in their new places.

  4. I loved the clematises and mesembryanthemums. Hope the daylilies find a spot in your populous arbour. ‘Jaljala’ stands for earthquake in Urdu, or perhaps Arabic. That must have been quite a dish!

  5. Would you like to come over here and edge a few perennial beds for me? You certainly have the touch! I have never heard the plural of cosmos as “cosmoses.” Sounds like a disease, but it rhymes with osmosis–could be a poem there.

  6. The flowers in your garden are so lovely–and your photographs are wonderful. I’m sure you will be back to purchase more plants from Pollie’s. 🙂
    That poor horse though. I wanted to reach into the photo to bat those flies away from her eyes.

  7. I love your gardens and always am amazed at the “brand new” (to me) photos you display.
    Fabulous trip to check out Pollie’s own daylilies! Yours equal and may surpass hers, though. Just expressing my own opinion! 🙂
    The flies bothering the horse especially around his soulful eyes made me wonder if they spray to rid themselves of them? I wish there were a natural way of doing this. . . Mom used spray bottles of water mixed with bleach on her paving stones to rid of weeds and vinegar water to deter other irritating pests, not flies, I don’t think. Well, maybe one day I’ll look this up!
    We sometimes call those first set of flies on the white lilies: “sweat bees,” even though not related to real bees. 🙂

    1. Many thanks, Robin. The photos are always new each day 🙂 Some of the domesticated horses have a kind of visored mask over their faces, but the wild ones have no such protection. Sweat bees is a good term.

          1. Oh sure, Rita is the author of the text written on the topic “About”, but I’m not her rs. My name is Aline, nice to meet you.

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