The stone, sand, and cement for the greenhouse base was delivered today. Shrubs on the Back Drive beyond the five-barred gate have so encroached upon the path that, with the added problem of branches from a neighbour’s fir tree, the delivery man was unable to bring in the materials. He called his base to order a smaller truck, and I cut back the shrubbery, the clippings of which filled an orange bag. Although the smaller vehicle was able to make the delivery, I sought permission from the son of Bev and John at number 5 Downton Lane for us to remove a couple of branches. There was no problem with that.
Afterwards, making use of ‘The Dragon’s Tears’, ‘Prescience’, and ‘The Abdication’, I drafted more of ‘A Knight’s Tale’.
My photograph is taken from the third of these posts,
and is supplemented by King George VI from The Daily Mail,
and Queen Elizabeth II from BBC News.
I fancied simple fare for dinner this evening. Scrambled eggs on toast followed by a Sicilian lemon tart fitted the bill.
You’re holding up just as good as I expected – Jackie trained you well !!
🙂 Many thanks, GP
Well, I had a god wander through the archives Derrick and found the source for this posts title – which I was of course intrigued by. Those of us who are old enough – or raised poor enough – to remember when we didn’t have a television can probably remember the first event of the thing into our lives. I remember my aunt putting her hat on to visit on a Friday evening and watch ‘The Virginians’. She always brought cream buns – another first for me and the bit I liked the most 🙂 I too am intrigued by the sales advertising choices – was it because they were considered a dapper couple do you suppose?
Thanks very much, Pauline. Did you see the walking on the moon, and John Kennedy’s assassination. If so, where were you? 🙂 I think you are right about the advertising choice.
I didn’t see JFK’s assassination but remember clearly reading about it in the paper and hearing bits on the radio…… I recall exactly where I was when I read the first news report. The first moon walk happened during the day here and I also recall clearly where I was and what I was doing. It coincided with another pivotal event in my life so I usually tell the two stories in one breath 🙂 Also the ‘god wander’ in the first comment should of course be ‘good wander’. I need a new keyboard!!
I think my first TV memory was seeing JFK’s funeral on the black & white TV, and I remember my mother crying. I was quite young and trying to figure out what it all meant.
the first TV programme I remember was a gardening programme; what a total disappointment to a four year old….
Oh dear….
Did you have enough for dinner, Derrick? It’s not your typical feast for a King!
Four eggs, four slices of toast. Always was my staple when alone. Although I don’t need to now, I only ever liked cooking for others. Thanks, Jill
That is indeed an interesting choice. Perhaps the Duke had his shirts made somewhere and they wanted to reference whatever it was…Glad the greenhouse is proceeding apace, even if it needs some pruning to fit in.
Many thanks, Lisa
Thanks for those links, Derrick. They kept me occupied for a while in the morning. (Certain matters of office have goaded me to take a leave today). Now why I was wondering if you may choose scrambled eggs for your next dinner? There might be some prescience involved, but that is usually the first line of defence in the circumstances in my case too!
Something else we have in common, Uma 🙂 Sorry about your workplace. Thanks very much.
We’ve always had a TV, at least as far as I can remember.
Scrambled eggs with toast used to always be my default dinner, too.
Thanks, Merril. Great minds.
Scrambled eggs on toast followed by a lemon tart sounds like the perfect end of day meal.
Thanks, Irwin
Love scrambled eggs. Add herbs and cheese and you have a pretty good meal.
Why didn’t I think of herbs? I’ll remember next time, Laurie. Thank you.
With our herb garden growing so extravagantly, we use herbs whenever we can, and they are especially delicious in scrambled eggs.
My Mom went to Europe with a trip to England 💂 (saved her money from working at day camps and department stores in summertime) after college and adored Queen Elizabeth. 👑 She is sitting next to me, as we watch “Gnomio and Juliet.”
Rosalie says, “Hello” to you and Jackie!
Very many thanks to you and to Rosalie, Robin
PS. My grandparents got the first TV in our family. I have a cherished photo of the 3 of us watching from the sofa. I was living in Sandusky, Ohio when the assassination occurred and we had No School for a couple of days. When we saw John John salute his Daddy’s casket, all three of us sobbed, plus parents.
Sadly, due to our Dad’s working at NASA, who brought home lots of 8mm films of Saturn, moon, other space and rocket “stuff” we took the Moon Walk as less than exciting.
Just to let you know, John Glenn practiced his preparation for weightlessness in Sandusky, Ohio at my Dad’s Plum Brook nuclear Reactor. We all met him over three times in our lives. It is nice “bragging rights” to say Senator Glenn supported women’s rights and when out State Aauw convention was held in Columbus, as president of our local chapter, I attended and he and his wife were there. I mentioned Bob Oldrieve and he said a gracious comment about gratitude for those who served the government in their NASA lunar travel inventions. We talked about the Mars rover, too. 🙂
That is some set of memories, Robin. Thanks very much
A life without memories is not a life. Memories to cherish you have in abundance.
Many thanks, Brian
Scrambled eggs with chopped fresh Basil in with the eggs whilst cooking, and just a touch of Tabasco.
Sounds good to me! 🙂
I’ll try it next time. Thanks, Brian
Be sure to roll the Basil leaves up tightly and cut through finely and just 2 or 3 drops of Tabasco, Don’t forget the freshly ground black pepper to taste, scrambled eggs; without? Unpalatable!
My first TV memories were of gathering with the neighbor kids at five in the afternoon to watch Howdy Doody at Linda and Dale’s house. They were the first ones on the street to get a TV.
Today’s kids, having grown up with their technology won’t have that magic to enjoy. Thanks, Nicki
Love it! Great post. I talk about TV Shows on my blog too if you wanna check it out! I just made a post about HBO’s John Adams!
Thank you, tvbtch