September Approaches


Ash on marigolds

Although, like this on these marigolds, a certain amount of ash remains from the North Breeze bonfire,

Brick Path, smoke, and mechanical digger

the prevailing wind has changed and the fire much less prevalent. The mechanical digger glimpsed over the fence is levelling the now plantless next door garden.

This afternoon we both took up deadheading again. When I became bored with snipping, I wandered around with the camera for a while.

Garden view across Margery's Bed

This is a view from Margery’s Bed looking towards the Rose Garden

Rose Gaujard

where Rosa Gaujard is among the flourishing roses

Clematis Duchess of Albany

and Clematis Duchess of Albany festoons the arbour.

Gazebo Path

Alongside the Brick Path

Palm Bed

lies the Palm Bed with its resplendent rudbeckia and Japanese anemones.

Garden view from Shady Path towards house

From the Shady Path we are led towards the house.


Just visible among the wisteria leaves these rich red dahlias stand proud,

Dahlias 2

while a striated variety remains out of range to the left of the picture.

Shady Path

This similar view from further along the path


contains the hanging basket featuring bell-like begonias.


Delicate pink Crinum Powellii swamp lilies float over

Cryptomeria Bed

the Cryptomeria Bed.

Hanging basket

All the hanging baskets demonstrate their gratitude that their thirst has been regularly slaked.

Clematis Star of India

Clematises like Star of India continue to shine,

New Guinea impatiens

and New Guinea impatiens brightens several beds.


I didn’t get around to deadheading these cosmoses, because

Jackie brought me the telephone which emitted the voice of our mortgage advisor. I needed to return inside, turn on the computer, download some documents, and endeavour, with his assistance to understand  their contents. This took some time, and I wasn’t up to returning to the gardening afterwards. Instead, I drafted this description of the condition of our garden as September approaches.

This evening we dined at Lymington’s Lal Quilla where, despite the fact that they were very busy, we received our usual warm welcome and friendly service with excellent food. My choice was lamb naga. We shared special fried rice, a plain naan and an onion bhaji; and both drank Kingfisher.





  1. I hope your mortgage advisor doesn’t need to be hung, drawn and striated.
    Does the resident rabbit live next door? Some people will ravage and plunder to get rid of pests.

  2. It just struck me that once upon a time the house next door contained people who tended their garden with as much passion and care as you two. It must have been as prolific to have become so overgrown. Perhaps the photographic evidence is lying mouldering in a family album, while its ashes lie smouldering under the diggers jaws.

    1. Spot on, Gwen. I don’t know if you can Google addresses like we can, but the evidence is on there – North Breeze, Christchurch Road SO41 0LA. The new owner has plans to recover it.

      1. I could find the location and heaps of property info e.g. it hasn’t been sold since 1995, but I failed to find an actual photo. BTW, yours is the Old Post House isn’t it? I stumbled across your purchase while I was at it 🙂

  3. Your beautiful garden looks so alive and full of colour, absolutely gorgeous. When my orchids bloom, I shall post a few photos for you.

      1. So sorry Derrick, I forgot to leave you that link for you, from Aug 20th article. Ladybug, anyhow here it is.

  4. Derrick, if you don’t mind my asking, where do you live. You don’t have to be too specific, but I’d love to know what country you live it. What a paradise you have there. Things you have blooming now perished in my Texas garden long ago, and now that the intense heat has set in, my beauties have dwindled down to the very hardiest few. Thank you for sharing your amazing garden with us. 🙂 <3

    1. Very many thanks, Natalie. We are in England’s New Forest (actually a good thousand years old), in the County of Hampshire. Situated between New Milton and Milford on Sea.

  5. It seems that bonfire was intentional and if that be the case, it was an insensible act. I wish you the best with the fine prints of the mortgage, another utterly unsavoury dish. It seems you are having Indian dinners as frequently as we!

  6. Dead-heading must seem a never ending task at yours and I know it would encourage more blooms therefore more dead-heading! I like your weeping begonia; I have a red one in a basket too and it is also flowering its head off but it looks ordinary compared to yours.

  7. You are certainly making up for next door’s plantless garden. I wonder how many plants you have got or how many flowers you have. Is it 1000s or tens of 1000s? I suppose it’s impossible to work it out but you certainly have a lot!

  8. It all looks, and sounds, idyllic, Derrick. What a stunning garden. I can’t help feeling that the North Breeze Bonfire deserves to be a book of some sort…

  9. What an idyllic, dreamy garden, Derrick…I can sense its peace and tranquility – the array of colours and flowers is beguiling. Yours and Jackie’s love and dedication are visible all around. Thank you so much for sharing your garden with us, this is a post of joy and light! 😀❤️

  10. The purple and orange grabbed me and the hanging basket was lush and attractive–but every garden photo is a treat. The house is lovely; I do love the blue if I hadn’t mentioned it before. Such a good life enjoyed by you both and shared with the rest of us–thanks.

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