This afternoon we attended the third family event in three days. This was Shelly’s birthday party.
Here, Jackie’s sister Helen sits with Shelly’s mother-in-law Daphne.
Father-in-law Ray smiles beside Shelly and Malcolm, probably checking the cricket score on his mobile.
Ron, here taking a break and joining in the conversation,
tended the barbecue, providing flavoursome sausages,
tandoori chicken, and, later, minted lamb kebabs.
His son Anthony distributed hot dogs with onions, while Helen was on hand with mustard and ketchup.
Jane, being Anthony’s sister, is Jackie’s niece.
Reflected in the window behind Helen, is the father of
whose lithe grandmother, Jackie, is Ron’s sister.
David, son of Helen and Bill, holding the can and Neil, brother of Anthony and Jane, are cousins.
Here, probably wielding the same can, David stands with his wife, Jenny.
Friends Peter and Tess share a reflective moment.
Jackie sports two pairs of glasses and a pearl necklace.
Shelly and Ron’s sons converse with Neil’s partner, Donna;
Jane shares a tale with Immy’s mother, Katie;
Jackie and Jane catch up with each other as Bill makes his way back to his chair;
David and Jenny share a table with his parents, Helen and Bill.
As the sun lowered its way to the horizon the last few guests enjoyed coffee together. Anthony and Neil are always sure to produce a cricket bat and ball on these occasions. They had earlier enjoyed a few overs on the grass behind them.
Chris, with the longer beard, is Jane’s partner. Shelly stands between Tess and Bill.
In addition to the plentiful barbecued meats, various ladies had produced excellent salads, trifles, meringues, and cakes. My choice of beverage was Marston’s Amber Ale. We toasted the birthday girl with champagne.
As can be seen this was an enjoyable close family event.
Family gatherings are always wonderful social events, and yours was definitely a beautiful fun day, had by all.
Thanks very much, Ivor
I feel as if I were there. ❤️
Thanks very much, Leslie
I loved seeing all of the happy faces, Derrick!
Thanks very much, Jill
What a wonderful record for the entire family you are keeping Derrick, it’s so nice to share.
Very many thanks, Pauline
How wonderful. 🙂
Thanks very much, Widders
Looks so nice! I got lost with all of the family haha
Many thanks, Lynn. Perhaps clarification was impossible 🙂
No haha I loved it!! It was so much fun!
You have captured the essence of the gathering. You must be super popular, Derrick!
Many thanks, Uma.
Looked like an American backyard picnic, except for the cricket of course. Got really confused in who’s who, but the sausage looked fantastic. What, no Buffalo wings?😉
Thanks very much, Steve, I expect that the confusion was inevitable. I didn’t know buffaloes could fly 🙂
Wonderful to meet everyone. Glad you had such nice weather for your get together.
Thanks a lot, Jerry
WEre the burnt bangers pork or beef? Anthony’s looks positively obscene.
What no Kingfisher?
My local W & S merchant stocks Kingfisher, i was skeptical about buying a six pack. It was cheaper than some of our local brews, and half the price of the German wheat beer I buy.
Pork bangers. Kingfisher is for curry. Jackie would approve of the wheat beer. Thanks a lot, Brian
and why wouldn’t she? Obviously a woman of discerning taste; up to a point! 😈
Wonderful photos and family!
Many thanks, Ann
It looks like a lovely family event, Derrick. Everyone looks so happy and comfortable. You’ve had great weather recently for these family gatherings.
Thanks a lot, Merril. These hot, sunny, days have been quite contrary to weather forecasts
A nice surprise then!
So busy you and Jackie are in these family gatherings! I just hope you’re keeping up with your garden. 😉🌷
Returned to it today. But it’s so darned hot. Many thanks, Rose
Keep hydrated, Derrick. Your admirers want to make sure you keep up with your tasks. 💧💦
Thank you for sharing this fun gathering with us! 🙂 Wonderful captures, Derrick.
Many thanks, Amy
Lovely, lovely! Made me smile to read this post.
Many thanks, Laurie
You caught people in such great poses, as if your photographs were catching the essence of who they are.
Thanks so much, Ellen. That is just what I try to do.
What a lovely record of our family day .Thank you so much Derrick.
PS Ron says the bangers were not burnt but cooked to perfection!!☺
They were. Lord Beari does like a wind up. My great pleasure, Shelly. Thank you. Prints for anyone who wants them.
Looks like a grand time 😎
It was. Thanks very much, Val
Jackie was looking very stylish. Glad to see white beards are still in vogue, as I’d like to think I will still be in fashion in a few years time. 🙂
Thanks a lot, Quercus
I can do with one of those sausages and an amber ale right now 🙂 Ron did a fine job with them.
Thanks very much, Mary. Ron is great at barbecues
Tu gente se ve plácida y feliz. Las fotos están fabulosas. Tal vez solamente faltó una “selfie” 🙂
Thank you Walter. There is another party next week. I’ll add a photo of me then. 🙂
These are beautiful family gatherings, Derrick. Thank you for sharing them with your readers. 🙂
Very many thanks, Lavinia
Great event! It is always nice to meet family. Unfortunately, nowadays many families separated because of absolutely different style of modern life and globalization.
It is funny, but I have the same short-sleeves shirt as Bill has. It looks like we make shopping in the same store. Ha-ha!
Thanks very much, Alexander. A global store perhaps 🙂
Lovely photos, Derrick. What a wonderful family gathering.
Thanks very much, Persia
There were some happy conversations and connections displayed in these festive photos, Derrick. I thoroughly enjoyed your notes throughout, while didn’t try to remember names. Immy was so sweet, as were the smiles on everyone’s pleasant faces. 😊
Many thanks, Robin