‘What Could Be Better?”


Nasturtiums are the yardstick of frost. When their thick tendrils go limp and soggy and the flowers droop, we know that frost has arrived. On an overcast morning of this unseasonably oppressively warm day, I wandered out in the garden to take the measure of them.

Nasturtium 1Nasturtium 2Nasturtium 3Nasturtium 4Nasturtium 5Nasturtium 6

The flowers may look a little careworn, but they are bearing up well.

I then spent far too long fine-tuning my complaints letter to a partner of the O’Neill Patient legal firm before finally posting it by recorded delivery and e-mailing copies to our mortgage broker and to Becky. A much more pleasant task was the final bit of paperwork as an executor of my late friend Wolf’s estate.

This involved Jackie driving me to the Post Office in New Milton. We continued on to Tanner’s Lane in time for a pre-sunset look at

the shore,

where a weak sun gleamed on the water.


the hues deepened.

While watching this, I became aware of distant exuberant voices, until one small boy rushed past me, came to a standstill,

and waited for another to join him. Perhaps you can’t run so fast in Wellies.

Off they both continued, still testing their lung capacity,

until a somewhat larger lad divided them.

Bringing up the rear was a young woman I took to be the mother of at least one of the runners. She said she often brought them down here, where they loved to run about or throw stones. They would rather do that than anything else. “What could be better?” she exclaimed.

As I returned to the car I admired the cloudscape over the Isle of Wight and The Needles.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s succulent steak and mushroom pie, creamy mashed potatoes, crisp cabbage and crunchy carrots. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden and I drank Reserve des Tuguets madiran 2014.


  1. Young boys running as fast as their wellies will allow, yelling as loud as their lungs will allow and throwing stones as far and as hard as their little arms will allow – what indeed could be better fun for young boys? πŸ˜€

  2. The culinary queen, how cool and totally appropriate. I’ve never heard of crunchy cabbage, sounds delicious with the steak. Beautiful final flowers derrick. And how could I not totally love those beach scenes. Have a good evening guys.

  3. Nasturtiums are Nature’s frostometers. Sadly, no equipment would ever be able to gauze the frost of human soul fully. It is a joy to watch the young frolicking without a care on earth. The haze of life is yet to lay seize on the spring in their steps.

  4. Love these flowers Derrick and grow them each year, and very peppery and tasty too in salads. And I have one plant curled around the birdbath with seems to have thrived and is still in bloom.
    Lovely images Derrick Thank you

  5. Glad to see so many people are eating masturtiums – one of my favourites. Also, nice to see kids getting out and being kids, though they are always less irritating in pictures than in real life. πŸ™‚

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