A Pannage Extension

CLICK ON IMAGES TO ENLARGE. REPEAT IF REQUIRED This morning we visited Lyndhurst in order to buy a couple of presents. Shirley Holms 3

In order to benefit from the gorgeous autumn light, we took a diversion

Shirley Holms 1

down Shirley Holms.

House in landscape

Across fields to our left we admired the situation of a house nestling on the hill

Horse and autumn leaves

and a chestnut horse blending into surrounding trees.

Cyclists and autumn leaves

A pair of cyclists rounding a bend,

Cyclist in Shirley Holms

soon to be followed by a solo rider, laboured up the undulating tarmac. Note the speed limit.

Forest floor

Long shadows were cast across the

Autumn leaves 2

forest floor

Trees in autumn 1

fast receiving

Autumn leaves 1

autumn leaves,

Autumn leaves 6

some of which clung to shady banks,

Autumn leaf

and stood proud at intervals.

Autumn leaves 4  

Ornamental trees animated a

Autumn leaves 5

splendid garden.

Having made successful purchases in Lyndhurst, we lunched there on Bertie’s excellent fish, chips, and mushy peas. We both drank tea which, rather unfortunately, resembled a dishcloth that needed boiling.

The Private Ear Clinic, this afternoon was based at Lymington Hospital. Our next visit was to this establishment where my left ear was relieved of the remains of its stubborn wax.

Trees in autumn 2

We then returned to the forest where, just outside Bramshaw,

Pigs 1

we came across a sounder of swine slobbering

Pig 3

among ditches

Pig 2


Pig 4

and mud.

Pigs on road 1

Occasionally with a loud snort they would trot across the road

Pigs on road 2

to investigate the pickings on the other side. The pigs are revelling in a month’s extension of the pannage, possibly because of our stretch of mild weather.

Pony on road 1

This particular spot was doubly hazardous for drivers, because ponies

Ponies on road

played the same leisurely game.

Pony on road 2

The speed limit in the forest is generally 40 m.p.h., but you would be well advised to reduce this on the serpentine roads. You never know what is around the next bend.

This evening we dined at Bartlett’s in the Church Hall at Bransgore. Jackie’s main meal was chicken tikka masala; mine was lamb madras. We take our own drinks. Jackie’s was Hoegaarden. I finished the madiran (WordPress, how many times must I tell you this is one word?).


  1. Mad Iran? 🙂 WordPress is also convinced we are all Americans or is on a crusade to take American English global……. I am still unsure what a pannage is Derrick and how the mild weather extends it….. ??

    1. Many thanks, Pauline. During the acorn-dropping season, the pigs are turned loose to feed on them. I imagine the animals would be warmer, and the ground is not yet really soggy – but then I’m a townie really. The collective term for these and similar nuts is mast. Mad iran (lacking capital).

      1. The pigs can eat the acorns without harm, ponies tend to eat them but it is not good for them to do so, solution is to get the pigs to eat them before the ponies do. Wise old country folk!

  2. Beautiful, beautiful! My husband has a question. What are mushy peas? My question: Do many animals get hit by cars? You have never mentioned it, and I am hoping it’s because they don’t.

    1. Many thanks, Laurie. For Clif: Mushy peas are dried marrowfat peas which are first soaked overnight in water with bicarbonate soda/baking soda, then rinsed in fresh water and simmered with a little sugar and salt until they form a thick green lumpy mash. Wikipedia https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=mushy+peas&oq=mushy&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.5038j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
      Actually I have mentioned animal deaths once or twice. I think you missed this one: https://derrickjknight.com/2017/09/19/what-would-you-have-seen/

      1. I did miss that post. It was during our birthday palooza. 😉 Thanks for telling me what mushy peas are! We really don’t have them over here. At least not as far as I know.

  3. Beautiful images. I love your blog for it helps me realize not every place in the world is a miserable as it can be here. It was in the mid 80’s again today and we had to turn the air-conditioning on. So it’s nice to know it’s autumn somewhere and there still are such lovely pastoral scenes. 🙂 <3

  4. Derrick, this post is a treasure chest. The more I see your images, the more ardent an admirer of your art I become. I especially love the images when you shoot into the light. I zoomed into the solitary cyclist’s image to check the speed limit which did not appear to be any danger of being violated by the pedalist, or the pigs or ponies not visible in the frame. Car drivers are a different matter though. For a moment I thought ‘pannage extension’ is some exotic photographic equipment.

  5. … a sounder of swine slobbering… and feasting on the pannage. Love the imagery of the words as much as the imagery in the photos. And I’ve learned about pannage. Thanks, Derrick!

    (We were out and about in autumnal forests too, yesterday. And I agree – the light was simply stunning!)

  6. My oh my – Derrick what a lively corner of the land you were in! Beautiful autumnal landscapes, leaves and trees, why you had it all in your journey. Glad I am in touch again, I have been a bit slack in my wordpress blog readings, but back on track. Have a nice weekend.

  7. Lovely photos, as always. I’m so pleased I don’t have to be on the look-out for large animals wandering about in the road here – it’s bad enough coping with ducks and pheasants and moorhens!

  8. Love the beautiful canopies and tunnels. What a pleasant place for an unhurried drive. The pigs are so cute, I have never seen pigs walking on their own.

  9. Nothing like a drive on back roads on a warm, sunny autumn day!

    That one piggy sports many rings in his or her nose. I bet they are enjoying the extended season. 🙂

  10. I just love your photos of the English country and the animals, When I saw the photo that graces the title to this post my immediate thought was this little piggy goes to market, and knew I was in for a treat, and you didn’t disappoint. Thank you

    ” a sounder of swine slobbering”.

    I keep repeating “a sounder of slobbering swine”,I don’t know if this is correct but it certainly is alliterative and we all love alliteration; don’t we?

    Had to check sounder you teaser you 😈
    A herd of wild swine.
    ‘he spied a sounder of pigs trotting through the garden’
    Late Middle English: from Old French sundre, sonre, of Germanic origin

    thanks for the lesson I’m always delighted to learn new words, and you certainly have plenty tucked away and up your sleeve 😀

    1. So many thanks, Brian. I once set a cryptic crossword based on collective nouns 🙂 Sounder, of course, isn’t strictly correct for tame pigs, but I thought I’d allow myself that one.

  11. Great post Derrick, enjoyed the discussion re A Sounder of Swine Slobbering. You mentioned Mushy Peas, I recall a family I had once married into from Newcastle on Tyne, Geordies, they always raved on about Pork Pies and Mushy Peas.

  12. Fabulous photos of Autumn colours Derrick and a question? lol Do any Farm animals get fenced in where you travel? lol Horses I expect, sheep, yes, but Pigs? lol.. Big smiles ..
    Take care and have a great week xxx

    1. Some are kept in. Farm horses, for example; pigs are only free during pannage. Sheep are often wandering on the roads. Some people keep alpacas – fenced in, of course. Thanks a lot, Sue

  13. Lovely colours, Derrick. I must say, I couldn’t drive down that road. I’d be panicking! If I were to hit one of those beautiful animals, I wouldn’t be able to cope.

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