Oven Pride deep cleaner carton captions claim: ‘Cleans first time’, ‘Unbeatable results’, and ‘No scrubbing required’. Now, this is probably true if you care to clean regularly. If you give the appliance a real bashing over Christmas and New Year, and don’t pay it any attention until it starts smoking, I can assure you that it would be unfair to hold the suppliers to account charged with misrepresentation.
Today, we continued the cleansing process Jackie had begun yesterday. She had applied the soaking solution which we now scrubbed with Brillo pads. Given the corrosive nature of this preparation, the Maintenance Department forced me to wear thick rubber gloves. Declining the pinny, I rolled up my sleeves.
Here, Jackie cleans the front surface before allowing me to photograph it.
This unshielded oven provides a good example of the impracticality of the kitchen we originally purchased. In fact, because it had never before been used it was most unusual, in that it was clean, with its paperwork inside. Designed to stand under the hobs it was in fact seated above the storage cupboards, all low on the floor. There is no storage at a higher level, except for the pull-out larder on the right. There was no case for the oven, which was not even attached to the electricity supply. When trying to obtain one we learned that these Moben kitchens were no longer available. The oven, of course, greatly reduces the limited working surface, more of which is taken up by the microwave on stilts, and the fan required by the creating Culinary Queen. Readers will not be surprised to spot an empty Hoegaarden bottle waiting to be put out for recycling.
The fitted pull-out is only 50% accessible because of the wine rack to its right. The blue-grey tiling matches neither the brickwork of the former fireplace on the right of the picture nor other, different, tiling around the sink, itself far away from the cooking area.
This evening, in this kitchen, Jackie produced flavoursome cottage pie with savoury gravy, and firm carrots. Brussels sprouts, and manges touts with which I drank more of the Malbec.
Hoegaarden makes kitchen chores more enjoyable. And most anything else.
Thanks a lot, Oglach. Not actually my tipple – as you know
Wow lots of work! Yummy food
Many thanks, Lynn
most welcome
I can’t quite figure out your present kitchen, even with the photos and descriptions. (That little box is the oven?) I’m sure Jackie is going to love having a new kitchen.
It took us a while to figure it out. There will be more ‘before’ posts, Merril. Many thanks
What a different sort of kitchen. I’ve never seen one quite like it. I’ll bet your kitchen needs LOTS of cleaning with all the work Jackie gives it!!!
🙂 It’s all a bit of a hotchpotch, Luanne. Many thanks
Jackie is going to LOVE her new kitchen.
you are such a treasure
Wow! Many thanks, Geoff
Isn’t, he, though? He and Jackie both are a team to treasure. Not quite the EAGLES – but very good. : )
Thanks, Jodie
All I can say is, “wowsah!”
Many thanks, Laurie
It took me the longest time to make sense of that oven. I thought I was just being slow and was relieved to discover other readers had a similar problem.
By the looks of that wine rack, I’d say you’re ready for some bloggers to come for a visit. 🙂 Jackie deserves that new kitchen!
Any time, Jill. She does, indeed. Many thanks
Are you telling me that that is where the Culinary Queen produces her masterpieces?
If so then you should hang your head in shame; and grovel at her feet until such time as I tell you to arise, and under the circumstances I cannot see that happening any time in the near future! 👿
Guilty as charged, Melud. So kaind
Not a very practical situation Derrick, Jackie does so well to prepare such delicious meals.
Many thanks, Ivor
Producing such magnificence in that kitchen? … Jackie, you rock!!! 😀
Quite so, Widders. Many thanks
Actually scared of new kitchen, it will be SO different and high tech!
Oh Jackie! I am sure it won’t take you long to get used to the new one. I hate anything new and will usually put up with all sorts of rubbish – but, a new kitchen!! – it’s going to be wonderful!
“That’s nice”, says a smiling Jackie
Think of it as a new toy. 😀
I am sure next time you’ll have a lovely and well-arranged kitchen Derrick. Jackie would surely be thrilled to cook more yummy dishes for you.
Thanks very much, Arlene
When I get used to it I will hopefully be able to resume a normal service re ‘yummy dishes’ but I will spend a long time studying a lot of instruction booklets I think!
It’s really okay to have a lovely kitchen, you will be more inspired to cook.
Wow, Jackie rocks to be producing such meals in that, shall we say impractical, kitchen? There is indeed a lovely wine rack in the background, which I’m sure enhances everything. And such shiny maroon cupboards!!! I bet Jackie has some plans. And who knows what she’ll do when there’s actual flow in that place!!!
Many thanks, Lisa. We will see
Truth is, I am a bit overawed by the prospect of a ‘state of the art’ new kitchen, I will have to learn how to use it!
I kept saying “These things come with manuals, right?” And they did, but I had to download them…
Thanks, but truth be known I’m a bit worried by all the high tech stuff that is coming into my life, it will be a learning curve!
Just make sure you get the manuals!!!! There are some things I still can’t do on my stove, but I don’t need them particularly, like setting a timer for the oven. I’ve got a timer…
I can see why change is required. At the same time, Lady J. has cooked some amazing meals, inconvenient kitchen and all. Brava to her.
Many thanks, Cynthia
Isn’t, he, though? He and Jackie both are a team to treasure. Not quite the EAGLES – but very good. : )
oops – I pushed the button twice. sorry!
Derrick – i must have missed a post – what is that header photo of a young you looking like Jesus (hair, beard, loving eyes) putting a shoe on a sprite? I love it.
One of the earlier posts, Jodie: Many thanks.
Holy cow – You said you look like Jesus too! I was afraid to say that, but now I am glad I did. : )
🙂 Many thanks, Jodie
Happy New Year, Derrick!
A new kitchen, how exciting (despite the work).
Are you all doing the work or will you have help?
Many thanks, Laurie. All to be done by professionals.
The kitchen presents quite a contrast to your garden. I am glad you and Jackie decided to have a new kitchen.
Too true, Uma. Many thanks
Jackie seems to have made the most of the kitchen space offered to her. Is that all in the kitchen or is there another side? If not, then Jackie sure is the culinary chef to make good meals in the reduced equipment.
Many thanks, Geetha. More to come.
Most welcome Derrick and I look forward to reading your culinary adventures
My giddy aunt. My admiration for your chief cook has gone up about 20 notches. A new kitchen will be much appreciated, and well used.
Very many thanks, Yvonne. Wait until you see the rest of what she’s been struggling with.
ooof – hat’s off to Jackie! We are also having a new kitchen very soon. It’s been sitting in boxes for the past 2 months. I know it will be worth the inevitable disruption to come. Our existing kitchen is a dream compared to what you have shown us!
Many thanks, Sandra
I see why a new kitchen is required! Well done to Jackie for coping so well with the old one! I know about house improvement projects; they have to be done when the time is right and there are always other things that suddenly have to be bought and the kitchen or new furniture or whatever has to go further down the list. I hope the fitting all goes smoothly.
Many thanks, Clare. Appreciated by Jackie, too
Great job! Cleaning the oven is the domestic job I hate the most (before it was the fridge, but now I have a modern fridge )
Thanks very much, Sylvie
Jackie is nothing short of incredible to have been coping with that kitchen and producing the marvelous food that she does. Roll on the new dawn, I rather think ….
Yep, and yep. Thanks a lot, Osyth
Jackie will just love her new kitchen. I got to say, she produces some amazing food – I only wish (or I should say my husband only wishes!!).
🙂 Many thanks, Mary
I like that now we have a good idea of what needs to improve (the “before”) and will be pleasantly surprised when the “after” photos are posted in awhile, Derrick.
Many thanks, Robin
Always am wary of any oven or oven product claiming to be self cleaning. Never had much luck in all my life. Best wishes with yours.
Thanks a lot, Ian
Kudos to Jackie! Wow – producing such food – going to be a new world when the updates done!!
It is, indeed, Rob. Thanks very much
Oven cleaning? I tried it a couple of times but I think it’s over-rated and one of those jobs (like ironing handkerchiefs) that can be dispensed with. I’ve had two cookers (one for 20 years and the current one for 10) and neither of them have needed cleaning. 🙂
I can assure you that ours did. The noxious fumes would have killed us. I iron handkerchiefs, but don’t clean the oven much. Many thanks, Quercus.