A Bottle Of Rum


Today I scanned another batch of negatives from the long walk of July 2003. I have managed to become slightly out of sequence, but who cares? I never had much idea of where I was, anyway.

The first few were images from the early stages of the row, as Sam, with James’s guidance, left Henley and enjoyed the width of the River Thames, as he approached Sandford Lock.

James rowing

Once through, James took the oars,

Girl in punt

and we soon passed a young lady in a punt considering modelling for Ophelia.

Cattle and horses, with their foal, drank from the river,

while a red-legged partridge took her chicks for an airing. Can you spot two in the second picture?

Sam and James in Pacific Pete 7.03

Fast forward to Napton where, with far less oar-space, the lads were making their way through the moored narrowboats.

Don, Sam and friends

It was quite likely The King’s Head where we enjoyed a meal and a drink with friends we had found. I was not to know it at the time, but, Don in the front of the image, had given Sam a bottle of rum with instructions not to open it until he had won the Atlantic race. Fortunately he was victorious, and, as a thank you for my support, was to start on it with me.

Just beyond that location is the 250 metres long Newbold Tunnel. As we didn’t have a horse, a couple with a narrowboat offered to tow Pacific Pete through it. Here are the preparations taking place.

Bridge underside 7.03

This underside of a bridge may or may not be part of the tunnel, but it would be similar.

Goodness knows how I reached the other side, but the standard of towpath was all downhill from here. However, I did, and was able to photograph grasses, burdock, and convolvulus clogging up the potholed paths.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s splendid turkey fillets jalfrezi, perfectly aromatic and colourful pilau rice, and small vegetable samosas. The culinary Queen drank more of the Coquimbo and I finished the Shiraz.



  1. Ho, ho, ho and a bottle of rum! and a partridge not in a pear tree (only saw one partridge-ling, though – is the other behind her?) and of all people, Ophelia! Did you try to cheer her up?

  2. I wonder if you are quite glad to only have to sort the shots into order now rather than do the perilous sounding keeping up trot of yesteryear! And I suppose it’s an amazing record for Sam to have now he is a more settled husband and father …..

  3. Yep, spotted both the chicks. Sweet little things. Its hard to imagine rowing across the Atlantic ocean in a boat that small. Lordy me. Terrifying.

  4. I’m enjoying this series with all the boats and canal scenes,keep it up šŸ˜€

    I’m not very fond of rum, my dear ol’ dad considered it the only cure for a common cold and I recall he’d make me a concoction of rum, lemon juice, sugar and very hot water and make me drink it all down, I wasn’t even a teenager. Vilest concoction ever had,

    My dad was very fond of lemons and would eat them like sweet oranges, much to the regret of the Salvation Army Band that would appear some Sundays and start playing in the street, for some reason his sucking a lemon put them off their music and they’d move on promptly. Can’t imagine why.

    Much to the delight of my d.o.d!

  5. That was certainly a very refreshing adventure. I am glad the bottle of Rum met its designated mission. You have closed the post with an interesting shot!

  6. A long time since Iā€™ve been to Henley, though we did manage Streatley-on-Thames a couple of years ago. It must great for you to take these trips down memory lane.

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