That’s The Way To Do It


I spent much of the day trying not to hamper Richard while he continued to work on cupboards.

In the corner to the left of the old fireplace hung a non-functioning extractor fan. Planning to install a functioning fan in a different position, and having fitted cables for the cooking appliances, Richard set about preparing the wall for a cupboard.

The next step was to prepare a back for the cupboard. First, with the aid of his scribing block, this panel was to be made snugly to fit the slightly wavy line of the wall. In the last of these photographs, Richard explains the purpose of this little square of wood enabling him to pencil the exact route following the wall onto the pliable template panel.

I then learned how this little block could be used to transfer the precise line onto the final panel.

Clamps had been applied to prevent excessive movement at the early stages of the process. Note that plumbing has been attached to the underside of the sink.

The sheet was then cut with equal precision with an angled saw. The craftsman wore his mask to prevent his breathing in the flying dust. The purpose of the angled cut is to allow Richard to plane the edge from the rear so that it is not visible from the front.

Why, I wondered, were narrow battens attached to this panel, once in situ?

The answer lay in the grooves in the shelves that were then cut exactly to size,

and fitted in place on the wall. Note the small piece of wood employed to protect the shelves from direct contact with the hammer.

Interspersed with this activity, another batten was going up on the adjacent wall. This was one of a pair of gravity battens matched to those previously attached to

the cupboards that were to hang firmly fixed there.Β Richard was pleased that the Kitchen Makers logo is visible on his T-shirt.

Before putting anything else on that wall more dodgy wiring needed tackling.

As Mr Punch would say: “That’s the way to do it”.

Every time we have passed The Hobler Inn on Southampton Road over the last two or three years, we have said we should try it sometime. This evening we did, and were not disappointed. Our superb starters were respectively whitebait with fresh salad and crusty bread, and chicken satay with equally excellent salad and pitta bread. My main course was fresh fish, chips, and mushy peas; Jackie’s was perfect penne pasta. I drank Ringwood’s forty-niner and Jackie drank Amstell.




  1. Ah the finesse shown by the craftsman – there have been many a shelf I put up that showed the indentations left by my hearty hammering………… I think Mr Chatty Man must be missing you very much by now.

  2. You renovation work seems so intricate. I am amazed at the time and the perfection in workmanship this carpenter is putting into this project. Soon you will have the best looking kitchen in all of England!

  3. Using that saw upside down is a stroke of genius! πŸ˜€ … I’m going to try it on my next project if Spring ever decides to show her face around here. πŸ™‚

  4. I once assembled the dining table – most successfully I might add. I did it outside to give myself a bit of space. It was such a shame when it wouldn’t fit through the door. So I am mild awe at the ex-boatbuilder.

  5. I like fish and chips but I do wish restaurants wouldn’t serve it with the fish on top of the chips, it means the first job is to rearrange the food on the plate before you can add salt and vinegar!

  6. Love watching the “Master” at work. What a great series of photos to look back on – Thanks.

  7. Doesn’t look like you hampered Richard too much Derrick, but you could certainly make a step by step tutorial of his workmanship, the Man is an artist with a blank easel.

  8. I am absolutely loving watching your kitchen unfold. The care and craftsmanship are tangible from your photos let alone the accompanying script. That supper looks fantastic. I had fish and chips in Wimbledon on my recent trip back to England. I was reminded that some things are absolutely unbeatable on our small island.

      1. I had noted that …. this was a lovely place next to the common where they welcome dogs (we had three) and were sweet to my doddery mother. My daughter and son in law live in Tooting and walk the dogs there every morning πŸ™‚

          1. This daughter was born in 1987 … she and her husband live in Khartoum Road – the cost of their little Maisonnette made my eyes water compared to the flat in Clapham we brought her home to from Tommies ….

  9. That’s the way to do it, indeed! Dinner looks delicious, but I must add that mushy peas are not something we have across the pond. You probably already know this.

  10. I am enjoying this without having to put up with the mess. Mr. Flower and I built our own house(24 months) and added on 1600 square feet (22months) We walked a long, high plank to get into the front door for almost a year. Your posts are bringing back memories.

  11. I think I would like a new kitchen if Kitchen Makers would come and do it. I don’t think such tradesmen exist here. One time I had a wardrobe ‘built’ and a small bathroom renovation (new shower screen and mirror)and the whole thing was done with a tube of glue. I kid you not. I refused to pay; they never came back.

  12. All these places you eat at don’t really go for presentation do they? Just sort of serve up the grub and hope for the best.
    Still I suppose it’s all in the taste when you think about it,
    I’m starting to worry about whether or not I’m going to be around to see pictures of a finished kitchen, seems to be taking forever πŸ™

  13. I’m so happy your carpenter knows how to “batten the hatches!” Silly me?! πŸ˜‹
    Anyway, couldn’t resist my comment and was salivating while looking at the delicious fresh fish and chicken satay on each of your plates. Mmmm! Hope you both are getting plenty of rest as I think having someone in your home daily can be wearing. . . πŸ“£ Noisy, too! πŸ”Š

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