Casting Practice


I am happy to say a couple of reasonably quick telephone calls appear to have resolved yesterday’s banking problems. First I phoned NatWest and established that my urgent transfer of 4th will be sent off today to the correct BIC and IBAN numbers in France. Then I called Barclays, France, and received confirmation that I would not be charged for the overdraft that resulted from their negligence. Obviously the proof will be in the pudding.

This afternoon, Jackie drove us to New Hall Hospital at Bodenham, just south of Salisbury. This was in order to test out the journey time for my Monday morning appointment with the knee surgeon. If one has to contemplate treatment, I can think of worse venues than this Georgian listed building with its attractive lodge house, mature trees and shrubberies, pink cherry blossom and banks of primroses.

Once again a murky ermine cape had been thrown over the shoulders of the forest, rendering smoky hues to the landscape. This was most apparent when, on our homeward journey we diverted to look at the mill race on the approach to Woodgreen.

It was on the bridge over the River Avon that I engaged in a friendly conversation with Richard, who had parked beside us. This engaging young man had much local knowledge and a keen interest in wildlife. He showed me where he had seen an otter with three cubs near the top right hand corner of the penultimate picture above. Knowing full well that there were no salmon at this location, he had nevertheless chosen the spot to practice his casting. First, he needed to confront the fast flowing waters and, since the river was at least a foot deeper than usual, test the depth. He was satisfied. I took a few photographs. We waved our goodbyes. Well, I waved. Richard had his hands full.

On this Friday early evening Lyndhurst was likely to be bottlenecked. We therefore opted to take the route though Minstead and Emery Down, only to encounter a motley herd of heifers exercising their right to occupy the road.

We are now driving to dine at Dynasty in Brockenhurst with Elizabeth, Danni, and Andy. I may report on that tomorrow.


  1. ‘A murky ermine cape’: I like that. It’s raining here at the moment, but I’m happy because we haven’t had rain for a month!

  2. Even with the thought of a visit to the surgeon on your mind, you describe the magnificent countryside and have a wonderful day. Good for you, what a great attitude!

  3. I with the others–the murky ermine cape. . .is great.
    The hospital and its setting are quite lovely.
    Those cows look very determined!
    (BTW, I think in my dream last night, someone was reading “Schindler’s Ark.”) 🙂

  4. That lodge house is wonderful. As for the fisher, my father used to wade into rivers like that. I’ve always been for going about knee deep or staying on the bank. But casting. It isn’t like riding a bicycle–especially with a fly rod. I’d probably have to learn again, as it’s been some time since I fished. I’m glad you’ve got the times down for the trip. It makes things less stressful. Hope dinner is good.

  5. Best wishes for that appointment, Derrick!–I hope the course chosen provides excellent relief.
    I enjoyed the part with Richard. I am not a fisher woman but appreciate eating good fish! (We have wonderful fresh salmon in the NW here.) I suspect you have made more friends of strangers than most people!

  6. I bet those bovine lasses were glad to get out of the knee-deep mud for a while. 🙂
    I’m with you on doing the ‘trial run’ for important engagements, and this one’s a biggie.

  7. I’m glad your bank issues are resolving and hope the appointment goes well. I believe your love and appreciation for the natural world around you helps distract from the pain, but it is time to get help for those knees.

  8. I always think it a very sensible thing to do to test the route and the time it takes to get anywhere and to have a look at a place I’m due to visit. I’m so pleased you managed to sort out your banking problem.

  9. I’m so glad they may have resolved the bank issue! Loved these photos and wish you well with your knee. I had to have a knee replacement in 2015 and the new one has been working splendidly since then. Hugs and blessings, N 🙂 <3

  10. ‘A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office’… or, something like that. And what a pretty face on that cow. I’m always amazed to see the loose. FREEDOM!

    1. Many thanks, Steve. The angler, a teacher, was probably still enjoying Easter holidays. The freedom of the animals is wonderful if you are not in a hurry, which we seldom are.

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