Another pleasantly sunny morning gave way to a more overcast afternoon. Much of my day was spent in boring administrative tasks involving banking, form-filling, posting letters, sorting out a computer problem, paying a fixed penalty speeding fine, and finalising and paying for our funeral plans, and exchanging for sterling euros I had kept in a pot for four years. I therefore welcomed a drive out, taking in Brockenhurst, Beaulieu and Lepe.
Several of the forest pools are now foaming with water buttercups.
A virtually deserted Lepe beach was the scene of what I took to be sea defence works of some kind. Apart from a digger on the shingle, much of the equipment seemed to be on larger moored craft with smaller boats engaged in some kind of exploratory activity. Ferry boats and yachts crossed the scene as usual; a daredevil wind surfer delighted in taking to the air; a more upright water skier took advantage of the brisk breeze, and a black dog played fetch with a ball; all against the backdrop of the Isle of Wight.
As we left the car park we were careful not to disturb a beast with two backs.
We stopped off at Milford on Sea to purchase some Mr Pink’s fish and chips to accompany our pickled onions for our dinner at home.
Ah, the barb of the Bard.
It seems like much of the stuff of life was contained in your morning activities Derrick – I’m sure the fresh air would have revived you though – and of course fish’n’chips is always a winner after a long hard slog at the admin!!
Many thanks, Pauline. It was rather
I didn’t know water buttercups was a thing–beautiful photos!
I’m glad you didn’t disturb those two.
Thanks very much, Merril
I’m happy you got out to enjoy the afternoon, Derrick. Thanks for sharing it with us. Ah…fish and chips…my mouth is watering!
Thanks a lot, Jill
The buttercups drifting on the water was gorgeous!
I’d never seen them before. Had to guess and Google for identity. Thanks very much, Lynn
Very nice
What a delightfully, descriptive, phrase that is.
I always enjoy wind surfer activity and wish I could do that, too!
Why doesn’t that surprise me, Cynthia. Thanks a lot
: ) welcome
Parasailing…wow! I love those dainty water buttercups!
Thanks very much, Arlene, especially for naming the activity
Beautiful set of photos!
Many thanks, Amy
I hope you kept your speed down on the drive out!
Why, I wonder is it always us who get caught? Many thanks Andrew
Because we drive too fast Derrick!
I have had a number of speeding fines but I have been clear now since my last sneaky capture in Aberystwyth in Wales in 2011. I remain convinced that I was targeted because of an English registration plate but maybe I am just paranoid.
What really annoys me is that Kim drives like a crazy person and has never once been trapped. Life is such a lottery!
Jackie does the driving. She has been caught on camera 3 times in the last 5 years ( never more than 4/5 miles over)
It is just a revenue earning scam. Always need to be careful!
Ugh – your morning sounds like my very least favorite kind of day… Glad you rewarded yourself afterwards – you had TOTALLY earned it. I bet it felt great to get all that paper work done!
Thanks for understanding, Anna – it did my head in, especially when two different bodies wanted J’s driving licence.
I bet…
We have managed to complicate the blandest and most mundane affairs of the society we are a part of. No wonder the urge to abdicate the matrix is so strong in some of us. The ‘beast with two backs’ is a serendipitous capture.
Many thanks, Uma. Complication, indeed. Serendipitous, indeed
Missed it first time around, Derrick, but I have now found the reason for your Othello title. I thought at first it related to that fascinating photograph of the dog (is that a yellow ball in its mouth?), fronted by the ‘dragon-backed’ creature (the spines of the weathered beach groyne).
That makes it even more pleasing, Roland. Yes, a ball. Many thanks
I have never seen water buttercups. They are very pretty. Thank you.
Nor me before, Paol. Thanks a lot
You caught that sea gull landing. That was a good shot.
Many thanks, Andrew
I’ve never seen water buttercups either. The first part of your day sounded a bit tedious, but the second part made up for it. In my books, fish and chips are always a winner, and who can resist a beat with two backs?
Who, indeed?
Many thanks, Laurie
Lovely photos of the water buttercups – also know as water crowfoot; plural, foots!
Thanks for that addition, Clare. I’ve never seen them before
My pleasure, Derrick.
Love the picture of the swimming dog!
Thanks a lot, Helen
The dog seems to be enjoying his swim. But probably hates baths.
Probably quite right LL/PS. Thanks very much
That poor dog swimming in that nasty looking sea to get his ball back, the owner should have been thrown in after him.
Must admit that the dog seems to be enjoying himself though.
Thanks a lot, Brian. Dog seemed happy enough