Forgotten And Neglected



Aaron worked as hard as ever in the garden this morning. Lest it be imagined that he never takes a break, here is photographic evidence that we do allow him the statutory minimum.

It was not that long ago that I last photographed the garden from our bathroom window. This Wisteria was not then in bloom.

Our ubiquitous heucheras have now all sent up their flower stems.

Some of those are in the Rose Garden where the bushes are burgeoning, Roseraie de L’Hay bearing the first buds to open.

Numerous aquilegias are also standing proud;

one clump stands beside the shady path, still bestrewn with fallen camellia flowers.

The Viburnum Plicatum in the West Bed has also sprung to life in the last few days.

Sparrow on roof

Our resident sparrow still guards his family from the rooftop.

In order to prevent the risk of infection when, this coming Friday, my left knee joint is to be replaced by a man made model, I will have to wear new slippers. In search of a pair, we drove to Sainsbury’s at Christchurch this afternoon. Their sizes stop at 10, so we will need to try again when more shops are open tomorrow. We didn’t waste our trip out. Jackie set us off to the North of the Forest.

Leaving the A338 at Mockbeggar Lane, Ibsley, we were intrigued by a notice suggesting that what Jackie discovered to have been St Martin’s Church was having a Closing Down Sale. In fact, as Wikipedia tells us, the church itself has been deconsecrated. Following the listing the church became the art gallery which is having the sale. Jackie entered the shop and pronounced it a purveyor of artificial flowers, anything of good quality being over-priced.

I, therefore, contented myself with a study of the surrounding graveyard. It seemed to me that the preponderance of dandelion clocks calling time on the neglected tombs of forgotten eighteenth and nineteenth century residents of the parish, was somewhat appropriate. give us this information concerning its Grade 2 listing: ‘Parish church. 1832 by John Peniston surveyor, on site of old church. Brick with
some blue headers, east wall partly reused dressed stone, plain tile roof. Plan
of single cell chancel and nave with north and south porches and small west tower.
To east end Y-tracery window in chamfered opening; corner buttresses. To each side
of 6 bays, pointed lancet in chamfered opening,except to west,buttresses between
bays and at each end except between west of centre bays which have gabled porch
with pointed, chamfered opening. West end has small cross-section tower in centre
with similar window, and offset belfry stage with west and east bell opening and
gabled roof. Inside brass of 1599 on floor by altar, tablet to Mary Ann Gray 1757
in brick paviour central aisle. On south wall monument 1627 to John Constable of
2 large kneeling figures between 2 columns to wide open pediment, both hold vine
with busts of their children. C18 Perpendicular style font. On north wall tablet
1757 to Cray. At east end prayer boards, above west door Royal arms board.
Gallery at west end of timber with later screen under to form vestry.’

Jackie informs me that all the mentioned features are still there inside, covered by the gallery’s wares. What now, I wonder?

A small herd of deer grazed in their usual field at Ogdens. When I poked my lens in their direction, one doe pricked up her ears and gave me a stare, decided I was harmless, and returned to her dinner.

On our way home down Roger Penny Way we noticed an interesting vehicle pulling into the car park of The Green Dragon. This was a Morris Cowley bullnose, first produce in 1915. Before entering the pub the driver placed a chock beneath the near side front wheel. I surmised that the vehicle was possibly not fitted with a handbrake.

Cadnam Lane was littered with sheep and the occasional punk pig. One of the pigs masqueraded as an outsize sheep; others, occasionally raising a sleepy snout, snoozed by the wayside.

This evening we dined on roast pork with superb crackling, new potatoes, carrots, and broccoli, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Concha y Toro Malbec






  1. Your garden is such a place of peace and beauty. It will be a lovely place to sit while you recuperate. Make sure Jackie lets us all know how everything goes on Friday!

  2. Oh, Spring! And, yes, we will all be waiting to hear how things go on Friday.

  3. Oh, that curving path – lined with flowers and so inviting! I love it!

    I’ll be thinking of you this week, sir, and hoping you find slippers large enough for your feet.

  4. For a moment I thought Florence had sprouted an upstanding collar of harakeke and had to take a closer look…….. That neglected grave yard is quite beautiful really, it is as if everything is being given back to the earth. I was up at 5 this morning and already out walking before your post arrived, so you accompany second coffee today 🙂 It is one of those first frost mornings, cold but refreshing and very beautiful.

  5. Good luck for Friday. Everything is looking superb. I would have enjoyed a wander in the graveyard too. And that car looks right at home with the pub. Taken in with the pigs and sheep, the phrase bucolic English countryside springs to mind. Sounds an odd adjective for something so charming, doesn’t it.

  6. Catching up was impossible this time, so I am diving in again, Derrick. Tell Jackie the gardens look beautiful! It is also good to see Aaron taking a well-deserved break. 🙂

    I love the sleeping pigs! 🙂

  7. Again, I enjoyed seeing the photos of your charming garden. It’s a beautiful day here on the other side of the world after a very cool morning-almost a frost.

      1. I wondered if I’d be the only reader to spot that. “Tired”, or “tired and hungry”?? 🙂

  8. Aaron is as much an extension of your garden as that doughty sparrow. Now, that is a weird thing to have happened to a church. I hope it is of no consequence to the denizens of the parish in their final sleep. The Morris has been brilliantly preserved.

  9. I have some fascinating dark purple almost black aquilegias in my new garden. Everything is a surprise this year but it won’t happen again. A herd of deer wandered across the field opposite this morning, Muntjac I think! I really like the gravestone pictures.

  10. Spoilt for choice today: the car is special; I love the garden (of course) and forgotten churchyards are replete with evocative tales amidst the dandelion clocks. But it’s those punk pigs that have my vote this morning: they also look replete – and are drowsing in the sun. Lovely! 🙂

  11. Nice detailed post Derrick. Your gardens continue to come along, nice day with many events as you get ready for your upcoming surgery. I wish you the best of luck and hope for a speedy recovery.

  12. Goodness! What a strange thing to happen in a church. One would expect them to be selling off pews and hymn books.
    The pigs are certainly living up to their reputations of being ‘lazy pigs’. Wonder which one went to the market?

    1. Those people beneath the soil were mostly interred before that incarnation of the church was built. Probably all went to market, eventually, LL/PS – Many thanks

  13. I’m amazed at how mature your garden looks, compared to ours! Granted, we have had unusually cool and wet weather, which didn’t do much for the roses. But then, between Jackie and Aaron, and their expertise, I shouldn’t be surprised!

  14. Dear sir:

    I want you to know how much you are appreciated by me. I am in Surrey British Columbia Canada 🇨🇦

    14May1944 was my 74th birthday and I am discovering that with age comes wisdom. At least not to flatter myself 🌷

    My English classes in school in Toronto Ontario were scattered vivid memories of more than thirty primary schools, one secondary school and through the Children’s Aid Society as a foster child I completed a term and a Stenographic Diploma in Jun1961. I have amused myself by Antique Secretary in my senior years!

    I’ve recently taken an AncestryDNA test and to my surprise I have Roots in Aberdeen Scotland and in Wicklow County Ireland.

    I am also looking forward to upcoming Royal Wedding 👰 🎩 on the 19th.

    The UK 🇬🇧 is +9 Hours from where I sit in the VANCOUVER Area not far from YVR ✈️

    I will reply if you do.

    All the best just wanted to acknowledge you in that I receive your email right here on my iPhone which I take with me wherever I go.

    Regards Heather Hopkins

    Sent from my iPhone by Heather 🌷🐈🐈🐈


  15. I’ll be thinking of you on Friday and wishing you a speedy recovery. Those heucheras are positively glowing – you’ve captured the light beautifully.

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