It Couldn’t Wait For My Return

On this bright and sunny afternoon, Jackie leapfrogged Mum’s perching stool down the garden, giving me three observation posts for a brief sojourn listening to the birds and pointing my lens.

Brick Path

I was able to look along the Brick Path

Clematis Doctor Ruppel

past the prolific clematis Doctor Ruppel

Rose Penny Lane

and the slightly scented rose Penny Lane, both intended to climb the Gothic Arch,


to clusters of ferns in the West Bed.


My favourite rhododendron could not wait until my return to burst into bloom in the Cryptomeria Bed,

Geranium palmatums

which has its share of geranium palmatums


opposite heucheras in Margery’s Bed.

Day lilies

Across the Grass Patch can be seen a clump of Day Lilies

Gazebo Path

also on view along the Gazebo Path, the foreground of which is illuminated by the Chilean Lantern tree.


Foxgloves, like this one in the Palm Bed stand proud throughout the garden.


The rich orange marigolds are rampant in the Dragon Bed.

Roses and poppy heads

The slender poppy heads shown alongside these roses are those of the yellow and orange species that crop up everywhere. Ii is normally my job to cut them down to encourage new growth. It may be some time before I am fit to return to duties.

My choice of Tesco’s prepared meals this evening was chicken jalfrezi; Jackie’s was a pasta bake.



  1. I suppose I might have tried to imitate an English country garden in my own small border, since I have most of the perennials you highlight. I don’t believe I have heucheras, either. I love all of the views you are lucky enough to have, although the Gazebo Path, with it’s crushed gravel is my favorite!

  2. Thank you Jackie for giving Derrick and hence us, more views of your beautiful garden.

    1. Tesco does deliver, but Jackie has shopped for her stock and loaded the freezer until I’ve got my appetite back and she has less to do care-wise. Thanks a lot Pleasant

  3. How many years have you two been developing this garden now Derrick? It seems that every year it becomes more abundant and colourful. It’s such a joy!! Thank heavens for your mum’s perch!

  4. Hope you heal and feel better soon, Derrick.
    I’m so excited about your elegant, colorful garden, Jackie. You have the finest, best taste in complimentary colors paired together!

  5. I hope you feel as good as those wonderful pictures made me feel as I scrolled through them. Simply blissful

  6. The garden is spectacular! I agree with others about the rhododendron (though I wouldn’t have know what it was). I really like the paths through the garden, too.
    I love the thought of Jackie leapfrogging with the stool. 😉

    1. Hardly ‘leap frogging’ ! Just shifting it forward and following it up the path Bit by bit, a, rather like using a Zimmer frame really!

  7. I loved the tour of Eden’s progress tonight. It was stunningly beautiful. But then I knew it would!!!
    I absolutely adore foxgloves but they just won’t make it through out hot hot summers. So I find some in a pot at the nursery early on and set them on my patio. I like the idea that all of your beds have names. I think perhaps I shall have to come up with names for mine too. Hope you are well and feeling better and stronger every day. Hugs and blessings, Natalie 🙂 <3

  8. All my life I have hated waiting. It is changing as I get older, but not because I’ve become patient. It is more that I time has become an uncertain quantity that shrinks or swells depending on the dominant mood of the day. I’d say you are back with a (metallic) bang!

  9. Your wounded and repaired spots have impacted your eye–pretty flower scenes, as usual!
    Funnily, I have sneezed sic times since reading this. Alas, though, it is allergy time for me over here with our similar flowering plants. I still get out among them regardless. Glad you are, as well.

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