Maybe Next Year


It was very crowded this afternoon in Milford Church Hall. Flowers and Produce were on display at the annual show. For £1 each we were admitted to the seething throng surrounding the tables where the fruits of people’s labours were laid out in serried rows.

For a while I persisted in emulating a punter trying to get a drink in a crowded bar. It was difficult to find the space to function with a camera without sticking my elbows into other visitors, or backing into the rear of some inspecting the contents of the table behind me. In fact I wasn’t totally successful in this latter avoidance. The ladies were very good about it. I managed to photograph a few flowers; and vegetables; some modelled in clay or something like it; and examples of the seamstresses craft.

All this was, of course, quite heavy on the knees. I was therefore most relieved when I found a chair to collapse into and focussed more on the people around me.

As we left the hall we speculated that maybe next year Jackie might be in the running for a prize or two.

Back home, after a lengthy application of frozen peas to my operated knee I watered all the plant containers around the patio and along the kitchen wall. Jackie, of course, had done a lot more this morning, and was by now metamorphosing from Head Gardener into Culinary Queen.

What Mrs Knight produced this evening was her classic sausage casserole in a rich gravy, crunchy orange carrots, dark green curly kale, creamy mashed potato, and crisp white cauliflower. She drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Fleurie. Elizabeth was out with friends.





  1. I’m surprised that the Head Gardener/Culinary Queen has not entered before. She would definitely be in the running.
    It looks like a fun event.

  2. I thought the modelled veges were a bit odd – especially when the real thing is there. Is it perhaps a new fad I’m not aware of? I’m sure Jackie would run off with all the prizes should she enter!

  3. Personally I think that Jackie could sweep the board in the right categories (perhaps not ‘Dog Jacket’ do we think?) 😊

  4. I hope your knee soon recovers from all the standing and walking Derrick.. But a lovely village hall show.. The model veggies caught my eye. So did those Hydrangeas 🙂 <3 Enjoy your Sunday

  5. I recall decades ago when my father entered a cabbage, I believe it was, in the local garden show, and although it was the only one entered, it received 2nd place. That struck us as the funniest thing.

    1. That certainly was odd. Our collie/labrador cross of years ago once came first in ‘Best other breed of small dog’. She, too, was the only entrant. Thanks very much, Donnalee

      1. Perhaps your dog contest was rigged to get that result–or the cabbage one was. We never got a good explanation, and it certainly wasn’t based on points or anything detailed like that. Maybe there was a person there who was a better cabbagehead who claimed first place!

  6. Gosh so MANY people. The organisers must be pleased. Jackie would have a hard time deciding which of her delights to enter, but it would be very rewarding. I have a friend whose needlework is often a winner, and her husband has done well with his dahlias.

  7. What a day and what a great event and photos! Sorry your knee required frozen peas, but glad you got back up on it later. As for Jackie, I can’t imagine she wouldn’t win in some entry.

    1. Thanks very much, Lisa. Several applications of peas are still required each day. It is still swollen, though much less. I stopped pain relief a couple of weeks ago, so it still hurts somewhat

  8. The description of your endeavour at shooting the produce on display made me smile deeply, prompting the guy in the neighbouring seat to peek into the screen of my phone. The train rushes ahead swaying in a jig jag pattern, juddering and shaking and nodding up and down. The internet is sketchy but I have managed to download the serried images. Carry on, dear friends!

  9. Such events are always fun! It’s fun to see the creativity, the entries…and to people watch! 🙂
    I bet Jackie could win a prize for any, and everything, she entered! 🙂
    Frozen veggies are good for more than just cookin’ and eatin’! 🙂 I sometimes put a package on my forehead after coming inside from a hot-temp day.
    HUGS!!! 🙂

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