If You Weren’t The Head Gardener


Jackie has spent quite a bit of time in the last three days clearing up after the storm. This has involved sweeping up leaves and broken plants; tying up some of the taller flowers; ย generally clearing the paths; and continuing to water the baskets and other containers. Before the rain she carried out most of the required dead-heading. The roses in particular have benefited from the generous precipitation from the heavily laden clouds, so a little more pruning was required. I continued with that this afternoon.

These general path views demonstrate that much has been recovered.

Madame Alfred Carriere has swooned over the bright red petunias in the nearby urn. She will need to wait for Aaron’s attention on Sunday. The full size gallery version of the first picture above contains a bee wallowing in Summer Wine.

Dahlias have largely survived, supported by the Head Gardener’s ties. Those mingling with gladioli Priscilla hold a great attraction for bees.

Tall, slender, verbenas bonarensis, were a particular worry for Jackie as they bent double in the high winds. They have, however, largely perked up, and remain strong enough to bear bees swaying in the gentle breeze.

Many more blooms are appearing in the Rose Garden. Here we have For Your Eyes Only, Absolutely Fabulous, and Just Joey.

Rudbeckia is in its golden prime.

The patio borders are mostly unscathed, as are

the hanging baskets, such as those along the kitchen wall, and large pots like the one at the South end of the garden.

All in all, if you weren’t the head gardener, you might think there had been no storm.

I am happy to report that, of the Two Historic Houses, Elizabeth made the choice that would have been ours, put in an offer, and had it accepted – on the Swedish house. She returned home here this evening and the three of us dined on Jackie’s splendid, hot, chilli con carne and wild rice. Elizabeth and I finished the Cabernet Sauvignon. Jackie had consumed her Hoegaarden on the patio beforehand.


  1. Hurrah for Elizabeth and her choice! Wonderful news. I was very taken with that house too. The kitchen window surrounded by flowers takes my breath away – I let out a little “Oooooh!” breath on seeing it and biggified to examine it. Both inside and outside that window is my favourite places in your garden I think – just glorious. Jackie is a wizard!! <3

  2. I experimented this year and gave the Verbena bonariensis a Chelsea chop. It worked! They are a little shorter but far more sturdy and (so far) havenโ€™t flopped..

  3. Congrats to Elizabeth! And her choice! She will make that house into a wonderful home! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Tell Jackie a heartfelt Thank You for being such a loving, caring, hard-working gardener to all of the plants and flowers and trees! And Thank You, Derrick, for sharing the garden with us via photos! ๐Ÿ™‚

    HUGS for all three of you!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. You are a magician with both your words and blooms. All those Generation X or Y or Next or Whatever Jetsetters need to learn the art of riveting presentation from you. As for the Force behind the show, her hands have got go to be full with maintaining the equlibrium of the glowing garden.

  5. The recognition that the positive things you do for other people often reverberate back to create positivity in your own life. In effect, doing little things to make other people happy can greatly improve your happiness.

    Congratulations to all of you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good morning my friend!!!!!

  6. Congratulations to Elizabeth. That would have been my choice, as well.
    I’m definitely not a gardener, head or otherwise, because the garden looks glorious to me. I love all those flower names, and the way you string them into a sentence. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. All through the post, I kept thinking “What storm?” and then you said, Jackie does such a good job, you’d never know there was a storm. Another Blue Ribbon for the Head Gardener!

  8. Wonderful that Elizabeth found a home. And I am very, very glad that the head gardener was able to get the garrden in order after that terrible wind, that foe of trees, flowers, and yards.

  9. Good choice! Congratulations to Elizabeth!
    This summer was ( and continues to be) very challenging for gardening. Yay to the Head Gardener!

  10. So glad that you guys got the rain you needed, sorry about the storm damage though. Sounds like you are back and enjoying the wonderful chores of gardening – the Head Gardner has done a fantastic job of brilliant color and variety. Happy to see your beautiful place again ~

  11. Oh, your garden is really spectacular this year, and it just gets more glorious as the weeks pass. I am SO excited for Elizabeth! I LOVED that Swedish house. May she have an easy transition and enjoy many happy years in her new home.

  12. You cannot see that there has been a storm. Lovely garden! I have lost my garden now as I moved into a smaller place but it is such a solace seeing your beautiful garden ๐Ÿ™‚

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