Ronan and Mark of Tom Sutton Heating arrived promptly this morning and began work on installing our new central heating system.
This being Mum’s birthday, Elizabeth drove off to collect her from her home in West End. Jackie and I met them for lunch at the Fleur de Lys at Pilley where we enjoyed the usual superb cuisine. Mum’s choice of main course was chicken and ham pie, mashed potato and greens; mine was halibut, crab, vegetables and French fries; Jackie’s, ham and cheese toastie with salad and posh chips; Elizabeth’s a fish platter. My sister’s meal like the desserts were all on the slate, by which I don’t mean we didn’t have to pay for them today. Mum waived a sweet; Jackie chose an ice cream selection; I favoured treacle tart and ice cream with an ice floe perched on top; Elizabeth’s pick was creme brûlée, ice cream and chocolate brownies. I drank merlot; Elizabeth, Amstel; Mum apple juice; and Jackie, coffee.
We then drove past Elizabeth’s new house in order for Mum to take a peek at it.
The next stop was at Pyrford Gardens, Lymington to view a prospective new home for Mum. This is a bungalow in a quiet development in a cul-de-sac built in the grounds of a rather grander house. By the time we arrived there our mother was very tired and found it difficult to engage with the exercise. The rest of us were impressed, but more thought must be given to what is in fact Mum’s idea. The house is leasehold. There is a reasonable service charge which covers well kept communal gardens and limited on call support from a manager who lives within the complex. Her independent living could be maintained as long as necessary.
Elizabeth returned Mum to West End and rejoined us later.
A slice of pizza with a little salad sufficed for our evening meal.
What a lovely celebration of your mom’s birthday Derrick. Wishing her again HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Very many thanks, Arlene
I was getting worried about you, Derrick. Aw…happy birthday to your sweet mother! What a great celebration.
I was too Jill! Thank goodness it was just a hearty meal and a celebration that kept him quiet!
LOL! I’m a worry-wart, Pauline. 🙂
Thanks to you both. All is well
I was concerned about your coffee, Pauline when I woke up at 11.30 and realised I had not pressed publish. Back downstairs I went too rectify my error 🙂
Oh, bless! 🙂 We were back from our walk and and able to enjoy your mum’s birthday at leisure over second coffee 🙂
Many thanks, Jill. I forgot to press Publish after I’d written the post much earlier. 🙁
Wow 96 and still living independently! We can all hope for such a way to live out our lives! And how avant garde to be eating from slates – very posh!! I would have been tired after that meal, so I’m not at all surprised your mum wasn’t up for more! Is it really weird that I’m excited for Elizabeth’s move into her new house?
Many thanks, Pauline. Not weird – although we’ll probably never meet, we are great friends, and you often come up in conversation.
Isn’t that lovely <3 Of course, we have your photos, Danella and I, and often discuss your garden in a very knowing kind of manner or admire the latest blog photos when she comes round…….
Happy, happy birthday to your mother!!!! And what a sweet house!
Many thanks, Laurie. Unfortunately Mum didn’t like it
Oh, no!
She wasn’t at her best, and is now taking antibiotics for a chest infection
That explains it!
Congratulations to your mother on reaching this milestone. It would be wonderful to maintain her independence as long as possible, particularly with such caring and attentive family on hand. My mum was in full-time care for 32 years (not a mis-print). She was well looked after, but it was a far from ideal situation. Given that she had already lived her very young years in an orphanage, she was quickly institutionalised. All very sad,
I’m not surprised your mother didn’t have any sweets, that main was a mountain of food for her. Sometimes, for the elderly, when such a quantity is served, they lose their appetite immediately. Your mum seems to be happily tucking in.
Thanks very much, Gwen. Life was sad for your Mum – and for you. Of course our mother didn’t eat it all – but when I thought to help myself to pickings, she had scoffed all the pie filling. 🙂
The pastry might have been a bit heavy for her to digest. But you could have helped her with all those greens 🙂
Actually, I ate them all 🙂
Happy Birthday to your beautiful Mum!!! 96 birthday hugs for her!!! 🙂
What a wonderful time you all had in celebration! And the food sounds (and looks) delicious! 🙂
Elizabeth’s house is so beautiful! May she have many many many happy years there! 🙂
I hope your mum can maintain her independent living as long as possible.
At age 90, although she was in great health, my mum decided to sell her home and move into a senior adult center where she could be in her own apartment, but also have access to help if needed. She could, also, enjoy the music programs, game rooms, outings, gardens, etc., available to all of the seniors who lived there. She lived to be 97. I am the youngest of her 8 kids. 🙂
HUGS!!! 🙂
Many thanks, Carolyn. That food is wonderful. That is the kind of set-up we are looking for, but Mum didn’t like that one!! X
Happy birthday to Mum! Lovely
Thanks a lot, Lynn
We moved my MIL into such supported living earlier this year. In years spent she’s younger but probably not in attitude so it works well for her. Indeed she’s been something of a revelation. Hope it works for your mum Derrick.
Thanks a lot, Geoff. She didn’t like that one!
Happy birthday to your 96-years young mother, Derrick, and many more!
Thanks very much, Dolly
Very welcome
I look forward to reading about the 100th and beyond. I suppose a new house for your mum is going to keep you folks busy.
That’s the general idea. Now Elizabeth has moved over here, Mum wants to do the same. Thanks very much, Uma
Happy birthday for your mother!!!!
She clearly shows to everyone what it means to live a good life.
Many thanks, Efi
Wow…What a great meal you all had and a productive day. Best wishes to your wonderful Mom on her birthday. How many years young is your mother now?
The answer is in the title, Gary 🙂 Thanks very much
O0PS missed that. Our mother are about the same age, but your Mom has about 6 months on mine.
Please wish your Mom a very Happy Birthday from me to her “across the pond”!!
Many thanks, GP. Will do
A very happy birthday to your mother! I remember you mentioning it was coming up when I wrote about my mom’s 96th. It looks like she–and all of you–had a wonderful lunch. I see above that she didn’t like the place you were looking at. Too bad. The setting looks quite nice. My mom is in an independent-living apartment in Philadelphia. Unfortunately, there is mostly concrete around it.
Many thanks, Merril. Mum actually wasn’t well, so that was bit of a shame.
I hope she’s feeling better now.
Not so bad
Happy birthday to your mum!
Many thanks, Sylvie
Happy Birthday for yesterday to your lovely mother. She’s doing very well. It isn’t easy to move home at any age and must be so much harder to contemplate when you’re feeling a bit more tired than usual after a 96th year birthday bash. She has some great inducements to make a change. My fingers are crossed that somewhere will tick all the right boxes before too long.
Very many thanks, Susan
We wish your mother many more happy birthdays. Thank you for sharing your photos.
Many thanks, Lakshmi
We’re going through the same, exact thing right now. What seems like a grand idea to us, may not sound as grand to our aging parents. Exercising discretion and respecting of their wishes is paramount. Best of luck, and happy birthday to Mum!
You, too; and thanks very much
Happy Birthday to your sweet mum. Lovely photos. The slates are very much in fashion these days.
Many thanks, Rupali. Slates and wooden platters. In the Middle Ages bread was used the eaten afterwards
I hope you find a suitable new home for your mum.
Thanks very much, Helen.
Happy Birthday to your mother, Derrick!
Many thanks, Lavinia
Happy Birth Day, Derrick’s Mum! 🙂 Love that photo of Jackie … it looks like she’s thinking, ‘now what can we plant here?’ 😀
Thanks very much, Widders. Quite likely
Congratulations to your Mum on amazing 96! So sorry she didn’t like Elizabeth’s new house…
That creme brûlée looks very delicious.
Thanks very much, Inese. Actually it was her own prospective new house that she didn’t like 🙂 . She did like Elizabeth’s
Oh, that’s bad. Hope she will change her mind.
In fact she wasn’t well, and I now in hospital. I doubt that she will move now.
Oh Derrick, I am so sorry. Hope for the speedy recovery.
Thanks again, Inese
A very late happy birthday to your Mum, Derrick. I’m sorry she didn’t the like the bungalow. She was probably too tired and the infection was possibly affecting her too. If she is anything like my mother, she will resist any kind of change until there is absolutely no help for it. I completely understand this and will probably do the same if I live that long.
Thanks very much, Clare. You are right about the tiredness and infection. Actually the idea for the move was Mum’s, but I have my doubts about whether she will make it. She is currently in hospital with frailty, which I understand is now a condition.
Derrick; I am so sorry. I hope she is feeling more comfortable now. Poor lady!
Thanks again. Going to see her this afternoon