Today I took several strolls around the garden, marvelling at what we still have in bloom. Some of the flowers should be long gone. This is simply a selection. Identification can be found from the gallery captions. As can be seen from the orange poppy, geranium Rosanne, and hot lips shots, hover flies and bees still prowl for pollen. Can it really be October?
This evening Jackie produced a splendid roast chicken meal complete with sage and onion stuffing; roast potatoes, some of which were sweet; crunchy carrots, and cauliflower; tender runner beans and Brussels sprouts. She had drunk her Hoegaarden whilst cooking. Elizabeth drank Hop House lager and I drank Mendoza Morador 2016.
Afterwards, having been pointed in the right direction by my blogging friend Paol Soren, I attempted to comply with the popular request for photographs of the fairyland produced by our solar lights, some of which may be seen festooning the earlier daylight pictures. Unfortunately I don’t have a tripod, so there is a little more movement than would normally be seen. Now I have a better idea of what I am doing, I will have a go with Elizabeth’s tripod.
Jackie has the right idea about drinking while cooking. It doesn’t seem like a chore that way! 🙂
It certainly has been a warm autumn, Derrick, I have to agree, but then again, we normally have one. The past couple of years we were lucky to have a mini-cool front arrive at the end of October, but then it warms right back up!!
Thanks very much, GP. We are so fortunate that Jackie actually loves cooking 🙂
Lucky man!!
What a beautiful garden! You truly live in paradise during the day and a fairyland by night.
Thanks very much, Dolly
My pleasure
Still fabulous Derrick! Alot of hard work by you two, but i can echo you entusiasm with gardening. Terry and I loved to do it with our GB orner house in Dallas.
Thanks very much, Gary. I can imagine that.
Mmm – a tripod and maybe a little bit earlier, so the garden/house still gets a peep in? Clearly a photography exercise that’s not as straightforward as I thought 🙂 Still, I appreciate the effort to appease the many requests <3
Good advice, Pauline. Especially the earlier bit. Thanks very much
It’s going to be so beautiful 🙂
Amazing colour palette for October.
It’s weird. Thanks very much, Inese, especially for the catch-up
Since hurricane Florence blew the leaves off so many trees, some are blooming as if it’s spring in October. I wonder if your big storm influenced some booms. The eucomis is very interesting. And I always love a fairy land.
Thanks very much, JoAnna
Wow! The flowers look amazing, Derrick. Thanks for trying to photographs the lights for us.
Thanks very much, Jill. I think my next effort will be when it is not so dark
And over here consistently warm weather refuses to arrive. We are still wearing our winter woollies. But at least there is some rain, not enough, and every little bit very welcome.
What a switch! Thanks a lot, Gwen
Oh, The garden is still such a delight! LOVE the fairy lights – they are so fun!
Thanks very much, Jodie
That is a consuming panorama! I seem to have set my eyes upon the elegance of Lamium the very first time. For my own very personal reasons, I too seem to be wondering could it really be October?
Thanks very much, Uma
Beautiful flowers, lovely garden, excellent photography – as ever.
Very many thanks, Roland
Wonderful Derrick !!!!!! Have a nice week!!!!!
Thanks very much, Efi. You, too
Yes. But the fairy lights still look good. But your flowers look spectacular.
Thanks very much, Paol
Oop north, the weather is more autumnal with the last Speckled Wood butterfly on September 30th and no bees either since then. The blue tits and their congeners are now in a flock. always a sign that summer has gone.
I remember oop north, John. Thanks very much
It has been a good year for gardens that’s for sure. Winter maintenance has started now with the preparation of the vegetable patch!
🙂 Thanks a lot, Andrew
OH! I love seeing the fairy lights that watch over the flowers at night! Beautiful! 🙂
And the lovely flower faces bring me joy! Thank you, Jackie and Derrick! 🙂
Even on the cold day we had here, I lifted my face to the sun and thought of your flowers! 🙂
HUGS to both of you! 🙂
Very many thanks, Carolyn x
Beautiful images Derrick.
Thanks very much, Rupali
I love the lights!! So fairyland like for sure
Thanks very much, Lynn
You are welcome
And in Melbourne our Hot Lips is just starting to bloom.
Wow! Thanks a lot, Lindsey
Just beautiful pictures! Gardens are the gift that keep on giving
Many thanks, MB
It’s unbelievable to see such beautiful blooms in October! We had snow in Wyoming.
The weather has gone haywire. Thanks very much, Byung
Not bad for a first go. 🙂
Thanks a lot, Widders. Hoping to get more sunny days this week for another attempt
Thats great. Welcome autumn.
Many thanks, Soo
My pleasure. How is going?
Thanks again. The knee is slowly improving
Okay. wish get well soon.
Thanks very much, Julie