
We have been invited to a special meal in celebration of the 30th anniversary of

our favourite local Indian restaurant. Unfortunately this is tomorrow – less than a month since my knee replacement surgery. We therefore cannot manage it. This morning, featuring the above photograph, we made a card for Raja and his staff and placed in the post on our way to my physiotherapy appointment with Claire at New Hall hospital.

Progress is very encouraging. Both walking and flexibility are a great improvement on the first operation last May. I just wouldn’t have been able to sit comfortably at the restaurant tables.

The day, as evidenced in my photographs, was dismally damp and misty.

Even mistletoe was unable to brighten the lane through Bodeham,

Dripping snowdrops were more successful.

Mallards and a moorhen didn’t mind the weather over this stretch of the River Avon,

where an egret (I think) wandered and a cormorant (I think) watched from a treetop.

A circling kite was occasionally glimpsed above the naked trees.

Woodgreen Common was rather obscure.

As we headed towards Godshill we witnessed exciting catching practice. A gentleman playing frisbee with a circular ring skimmed it through the air where his triumphant dog leapt to catch and return it.

Someone had left a cap on a bench overlooking what would have been a splendid view in better light. The Godshill road itself was so shrouded in mist that a recently fallen tree was barely visible.

Fog lights were essential on the high risk (of animal deaths) Roger Penny Way, where some impatient drivers continued to follow the 40 m.p.h. speed limit.

This evening we dined on an excellent takeaway meal from New Forest Tandoori. My choice was king prawn madras with special fried rice; Jackie’s was prawn curry with pilau rice. We shared a paratha. I drank sparkling water and Jackie didn’t.


  1. I remember those fogs when there was no hope of travelling at a pace faster than a snails if you wanted to get where you were going. They scared the pants off me and I’ve still never experienced anything else to compare. Your photos capture them perfectly. Well done on the progress of the knee!

  2. Nice touch on placing a card at the door for the restaurant owner. I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.
    I sympathize with your limitations right now after your second surgery from one who’s been there twice for this kind of surgery. In good time all will we well Derrick.

  3. It does look very โ€˜misty moistyโ€™ there, Derrick. Sad that you had to miss the celebration, but your dinner sounds delicious even though I have no idea what a paratha is. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  4. I love, in particular, your photo of the bench, so prominent and clearly delineated in the foreground against the misty obscured background. Extremely effective, Derrick.

    1. Very many thanks, Roland. As I still can’t get out of the car on these occasions, Jackie had to effect great manoeuvres to get this one clear enough of the foreground tree.

  5. That’s too bad that you have to miss the celebration, but I’m glad you’re healing. I hope you’ll be able to visit that restaurant soon. Beautiful photos–I particularly like the one with the bridge and also the foggy road.

      1. Just read your comment regarding my own knee – thank you – itโ€™s going to be hard to switch gears but I think itโ€™s time. I comment on the other post as well. Enchantรฉe et ร  bientรดt – Suz

  6. The photo of that bench looking into the fog and filigree of branches is priceless. Maybe Mr Heathcliff in his reincarnation has left a signal for his beloved. Godshill road below looks eerie as if it were a Transylvanian vista waiting for the chariot of someone awoken from centuries old slumber.

  7. Happy 30th Anniversary to your fav local Indian restaurant! 30 years is great for a restaurant! And so nice of you to share that wonderful photo with them! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Good to hear that your knee is healing and progressing nicely!
    Everything in your photos looks like it enjoyed the mist and rain…I’m sure the birds, plants, grass, trees, flowers, etc, did!
    I love the playing pup photos and the bench photo! And the trees reaching out their arms to each other to shelter the road beneath! Beautiful!
    I love walking in fog, looking at fog…but not driving in fog. One time in Northern California it was so thick we couldn’t see our own car hood/bonnet! That was scary! ๐Ÿ™
    HUGS!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Despite what you called a dismally damp and misty day, you got some good pictures. I’m sorry you missed the celebration at your favorite Indian restaurant. But the food from New Forest Tandoori sounds good.

  9. The photos convey the atmosphere, very nice Derrick. 30th anniversary of Lal Quilla, it is wonderful. Have the owners changed or are they still the ones who started it ? Did you eat aloo paratha?

    1. Thanks very much, Lakshmi. I rather think that Raja has been there since the start. I’ve not tried aloo paratha, but my mother’s potato cakes must have been similar.

  10. I don’t think it’s a Kite…. i can’t see the string! I think it might be a bird! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚

    Love the misty pics, but the poor snow drops look bedraggled.

    Glad to hear the knee is improving, but missing out on Lal Quilla’s special dinner must be a blow? ๐Ÿ™ The take-away sounded delicious though! Hope you are soon back on your feet!

  11. I’m wandering through these misty and atmospheric images – I enjoy the quietness that days like this bring. Glad to read that you are continue to heal – hopefully you’ll be at full mobility in a couple of months.

  12. This is very nice of your restaurant to invite you and very nice o you to send a card. I am glad your recovery is going well.
    I love the black and white photos in the fog.

  13. A shame about missing the anniversary feast … I think cats invented frisbees to keep those pesky dogs occupied! ๐Ÿ˜€ … a very atmospheric selection of vistas, who knows what is on the other side of all that misty stuff. ๐Ÿ˜€

  14. Quite the outing, as ever, and atmospheric scenes to boot. The interesting houses and dog at play were good to look at…and such trees in the mist! I am glad you are healing but hope it speeds up for more adventuring.

  15. Your marvelous foggy and misty photos, Derrick, remind me once again that the reason I’ve never been “across the pond” is that my vacation never coincides with weather I can handle – bright and sunny.
    I am glad to hear you are recovering nicely!

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