Don’t Fence Me In

On a bright afternoon of sunshine and showers Jackie and I took a spin in the forest.

Various flocks of birds in different locations skimmed the clouds in the changing skies, taking rests atop the naked trees.

Cattle in a field alongside Bockhampton Road stood in a muddy, waterlogged field. As I watched

one, with the backing of another three, began a gentle crooning rendering of

Reflecting on the fact that there is no speed limit on Harpway Lane and other similar roads, Jackie pointed out that on a speed awareness course she had learned that this was because they had never had an accident. That was a little comforting to hear.

Beyond the hedge it was apparent that a farmer was branching out into a new kind of livestock.

Someone must have been talking about sheep in London Lane, Ripley, for their ears were burning.

This bank at Moyles Court School was just one example of a drift of snowdrops.

Ponies, as usual, occupied the green at South Gorley.

When these two made for my open window I decided to wind it up.

We continued on to Gorley Lynch where donkeys

and ponies kept the shrubberies in check;

and, until they heard the click of my shutter, there were a number of vantage points for observing distant deer.

The stream visible in the last of the deer shots flowed across one drive and reflected its bordering trees.

There is often limited passing space on the forest lanes. On the way up from the ford at Frogham we just sat and waited for this woman and her dog.

Back at home we dined on more of our Hordle Chinese Take Away meal from trays on our laps while we watched the recorded Six Nations rugby match between England and France.


  1. hi Derrick – this post was nature delight for me. I used to go to visit my son at this camp every year (every June) and he is no longer there so I did not go last year – but when I did go – the drive was packed with what you posted – trees – birds – cattle – fences – etc
    And you caught some great angles – I like the ears perked – and the strong lines in the gate fence – and the don’t fence me in face – and I did listen to part of the Bing song – nice vocals and reminds me of an era I did not know

  2. No speed limit? Erm surely National Speed limit.
    My brother has a house near Romney. All the surrounding roads are 30mph, but opposite him is a road with the UK NSL sign (60 mph).
    The road is 200 foot long and then it reaches the sea.

  3. Oh, so much to like–the black and white cow and that top high sheep with pricked ears (how often are sheep so alert looking?). I do like the Roy Rogers version of Don’t Fence Me In better–Bing slowed it down a bit too much, but it was still fun to hear! When I worked in an archaeology lab, we made up a song to the tune of don’t fence me in about bi-valves (I want to ride with the tide to the edge of the [tectonic] plate, sit by the precipice and meditate/no more fish, no need for defenses/I’ll chew on plankton ’til I lose my senses) that was…umm..probably factually and musically deficient. I remembered it tonight.

    1. What a fun memory to have provoked, Lisa. Loved it – can just hear you all. I didn’t know about the Roy Rogers version – wish I had, I’d have used it. Sheep always pay attention when approached – they are as inquisitive as cattle. Thanks very much

  4. So many wonderful photos here, Derrick. What a delight! The birds in flight photos are wonderful, but so are the rest. The swans in the field posing–waiting for Tchaikovsky’s music?
    The drift of snowdrops are so beautiful.

  5. coucou ,i do love your blog and it is a moment i await all dats ; my english is so far (studdied fifty years ago )and never practice , it is difficult for me but so enjoy !dreaming with your life you and Jackie ,to day Bing crosby ! thank you both

  6. I’ve never seen a real snowdrop, so photos of them always delight me. As for speed limits, when I was growing up in Iowa, our highways were marked by signs that said, “Speed Limit: Reasonable and Proper.” In those days, it worked.

  7. Having concluded the Reader is not conducive to reading image laden blogs, I moved to a browser and am pleasantly surprised by the flexible grids of images positioned as if in a showcase. Has the new editor made that styling possible or that’s a feature of the theme you’ve chosen? Great images, as ever!

  8. What a relaxing world you have mate, speed limits that reflect the lifestyle of the country and a great diversity of livestock, a veritable Lord of The Manor world.

  9. Those clouds in the 2nd pic look pretty ominous, I much prefer to cow/bull to Bing Crosby; never did like him much, yet I could sing and do a Crosby, that he would have thought was himself; but that was many moons ago. A Sinatra fan me!

      1. I used to annoy people with my walking around singing, all the time, couldn’t help myself, I couldn’t whistle very well, my brother had a beautiful whistle so I sang. I come from a weird family Derrick, My mother once sang on stage with Dame Nellie Melba; she was quite young at the time. My mother , not Nellie 😛

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